
nicolae coande
Poet, eseist, nascut la 23 septembrie 1962, la Osica de Sus (Olt).
Facultatea de Istorie-Filozofie-Geografie, Craiova, specializarea Filozofie-Sociologie.
Editor al revistei Teatrului National 'Marin Sorescu',  SpectActor.
Volume publicate:


'In margine' (Ed. Ramuri, 1995);
'Fincler', (Ed. Ramuri, 1997);
'fundatura homer' (Ed. Dacia, 2002);
'Folfa', (Ed. Vinea, 2003)
'Vint, tutun si alcool', (Ed. Brumar, 2008).


'Fereastra din acoperis. Un anotimp in Westfalia', (Ed. Fundatia Scrisul Romanesc), 2005;
'Celalalt capat' - interviuri (Ed. Curtea Veche, 2006).

Premiul pentru poezie al revistei 'Ramuri' (1988) (2006)
Premiul de debut al Uniunii Scriitorilor (1995) pentru volumul 'In margine';
Premiul Asociatiei Scriitorilor Craiova (1997) pentru volumul 'Fincler';
Premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romania (2002) pentru volumul de poezie 'fundatura homer'.
Premiul 'Petre Pandrea' al revistei 'Mozaicul' (2004)

Bursier al Fundatiei 'Heinrich Boell' (Koeln), noiembrie 2003-martie 2004;
Bursier al Fundatiei 'Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen', iulie-august 2008.

Prezent in antologiile
'Gefaehrliche Serpentinen - Rumaenische Lyrik der Gegenwart', Druckhaus Verlag, Berlin 1998, coordonata de Dieter Schlesak;
'Jahrezeiten, Tagesanbrueche - Literatur und Kunst in Heinrich Boell-Haus Langenbroich', Koeln, (2007).
'O panorama critica a poeziei romanesti din secolul al XX-lea', Ed. Pontica, 2007 - Marin Mincu
'Scriitori pe Calea Regala. Fotograme&jurnal', 2008, Ed. Brumar
He was born on September 23rd, 1962 in Osica de Sus, Romania.
He has a degree on Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Craiova.
Between 2000 and 2006 he was a publicist on the newspaper 'Cuvantul Libertatii', and made possible the Sunday cultural edition of the same journakl.
He is member of the Writers Union from Romania since 1996.
In this moment he is the literary referent at the National Theatre 'Marins Sorescu' from Craiova and editor in chief of the magazine 'SpectActor'.
Published books:


'In margine' (Ramuri Publishing House, 1995);
'Fincler', (Ramuri, 1997);
'fundatura homer' (Dacia Publishing House, 2002);
'Folfa', (Vinea Publishing House, 2003)
'Vint, tutun si alcool', (Brumar Publishing House, 2008).


'Fereastra din acoperis. Un anotimp in Westfalia', (Fundatia Scrisul Romanesc Publishing House), 2005;
'Celalalt capat' - interviews (Curtea Veche Publishing House, 2006).


'Ramuri' magazine award for poetry (1988) (2006)
Writers Union from Romania poetry award for debut (1995) for the book 'In margine';
The Writers Association from Craiova award for poetry (1997) for the book 'Fincler';
Writers Union from Romania poetry award (2002) for the book 'fundatura homer'.
Poetry award 'Petre Pandrea' given by the literary magazine 'Mozaicul' (2004)

In 2003 he received a four months grant from 'Heinrich Boell Foundation' (Koeln)
In 2008 he received a two months grant from 'Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen Foundation'.

He is present with poems in the antologies:

'Gefaehrliche Serpentinen - Rumaenische Lyrik der Gegenwart', Druckhaus Verlag, Berlin 1998, coordinated by Dieter Schlesak;
'Jahrezeiten, Tagesanbrueche - Literatur und Kunst in Heinrich Boell-Haus Langenbroich', Koeln (2007).
'O panorama critica a poeziei romanesti din secolul al XX-lea', Pontica Publishing House, 2007 - Marin Mincu
'Scriitori pe Calea Regala. Fotograme&jurnal', 2008, Brumar Publishing House
Nicolae Coande (geb.1962) ist einer der bedeutendsten rumaenischen Schrifsteller der Gegenwart.
Besuch der Fakultaet fuer Philosophie und Soziologie.
Heruasgeber mehrerer literarischer Publikationen (LAMA, SpectActor usw).
Zur Zeit ist er literarischer Referent beim Nationaltheater 'Marin Sorescu', Craiova.

Er hat dreimal den Preis des rumaenischen Schriftstellerverbandes bekommen (1995, 1997, 2002);
viele andere literarische Preise (Preis der Zeitschriften Mozaicul, Ramuri).

Stipendiat der 'Heinrich Boell'-Stiftung (November 2003-Maerz 2004) und
der 'Stiftung Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen' (Juli-September 2008).

Seine Gedichte wurden auch in der Anthologie
'Gefaehrliche Serpentinen - Rumaenische Lyrik der Gegenwart' (Hrg. Dieter Schlesak), Druckhaus Verlag, Berlin 1998 veroeffentlicht.
'Jahrezeiten, Tagesanbrueche - Literatur und Kunst in Heinrich Boell-Haus Langenbroich', Koeln (2007).
'O panorama critica a poeziei romanesti din secolul al XX-lea', Pontica Druckhaus Verlag, 2007 - Marin Mincu
'Scriitori pe Calea Regala. Fotograme&jurnal', 2008, Brumar Druckhaus Verlag



In margine (Am Rande), Ramuri Verlag, 1995;
Fincler, Ramuri Verlag, 1997;
fundatura homer (Homer Sackgasse), Dacia Verlag, 2002;
Folfa, Vinea Verlag, 2003;
Vint, tutun si alcool (Wind, Tabak und Alkohol), Brumar Verlag, 2008

Essays und Interviews:

'Fereastra din acoperis' (Das Fenster im Dach), Fundatia Scrisul Romanesc Verlag, 2005
'Celalalt capat' (Das andere Ende) - Interviews, Curtea Veche Verlag, 2006
Ne en 1962 a Osica de Sus, a soixante kilometres nord-est de Craiova.
Il reside a Craiova.
Licencie en philosophie.
Poete et journaliste.
Editeur et fondateur de la revue SpectActor (The�tre National de Craiova).
Il a publie cinq recueils de poemes et trois recueils de journalistique.
Deux prix de l�Union des Ecrivains de Roumanie (1995, 2002).
Boursier de la Fondation 'Heinrich Boell' (Cologne, Allemagne) et de la Fondation 'Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen'.
Dernier livre paru : Vent, tabac et alcool (2008).
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