Interesting facts about the Incas found on th Internet
Did you know that approximately 60% of all vegetables we eat today, all around the world, were originally domesticated in the Andean region, including tomatoes, potatoes and corn.  Can you imagine a world without chocolate?  Without the Incas , the world might not have known about cholocate.
Internet Sites:
Did you know that the Spanish conquered the Incas with an army of 168 soldiers?  With that small army, they killed 500 Incan guards and captured 95,000 Incan warriers.  One reason that this happened was because the Incas had no steel, only bronze battle axes, which is not as resistant.  Also the Incas never used animals to carry them so the warriers were helpless when they were attacked by men on horses.
Do you know why the Inca called themselves "children of god"?  It is because of an Incan myth that says tht the sun god created the first Incan, Manco Capac,and his sister.  The god told them to go and teach other Indians.  They established a city that became the capital of teh Incan empire.  This city was Cuzco.
People who live today near teh city of Cusco, still try to keep the rich Incan culture.The ancient Inca Quechua language remains in use in the remote villages of the Andes.  Despite the fact that the Inca civilization was destroyed in the 16th century, many of the mountain people appear to be "pure Inca".  At market, many people still sell hand-painted plates with traditional Inca designs to tourists.  
A souvenir that is very popular among tourists is a special chess set that is hand made.  What is special about this game is that the pieces in the game are not black and white but Incas and Spaniards.  The Spaniards are wearing armor and their king has a Christian cross on the back of his robe while the Inca king has a sun on his robe.  The horses on the Inca side are replaced by  the llama.
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