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Our Diary

19th March 2006

Hiya!! Just checking in for our update!! Mubby and Binky are still the best of friends! and Binky really loves Mubby to bits!! she is forever by his side and follows him everywhere!! Sometimes I think Mubby just wants a bit of peace!! but he puts up with her!! typical girly!! always after love and cuddles!!

The forum raised �100 in the mini fundraise!! with Scoot at Ebony Eyes picking the winning square in the sweep!! and Granny Carrot and Anne winning a small bunny prize too! Ju also Scooped �10 in another competition!!  Thanks to you all for taking part!! and making it work :)

We bought a new cat loo for the bunnies yesterday!! One with a cat flap that they actually go inside! Binky loves it and goes in and digs like mad!! at least the litter doesnt go everywhere like before!! Mubby is a Scaredy cat and wont go in it!! I think he thinks its the pet carrier!! and that spells V E T !!! 


28th Feb 2006

Its Feb already and we have hardly had any time to update!! Things here are great and Mubby and Binky are as cheeky as ever!!

The forum has started a mini fundraise!! so get yourself in there tio win �50 on our sweepstake!! you have to be in it to win it!! there are also other competitions and prizes to be won!!

There has been some troublemakers on the forum this month too!! the same old idiots as before!! *yawn* jealousy is a terrible thing!! but we can handle it :) anyways aside from this the forum is doing great!! who would have thought we woudl be going so well a year plus on!! so thanks to everyone for being part of Wabbiting on! 


19th Jan 2006

Hello and Welcome back to mubby and Binkys world!

Things over the festive period have been great and I can now confirm that Mubby and Biny are most definately in love!!  Its soooo cute!! Mubby wants to eat Binky follows , Mubby plays and Binky plays too , Mubby wants cuddles and yep Binky does too!! its sooo sweeet!! she loves him!! and he loves her back! awwwwwwwwwww!!

although I havent updated the site with pics I have taken loads!! so these are now all uploaded for you to see!!

I have also added a shout box to the main page! we would appriciate your comments on the site! and tell us what you would like to see!!

Thanks again for visiting! we will try and update as much as we can in 2006!! and will definately add lots of pics!!

see you soon! x


7th Janruary 2006

We would like to wish all our site visitors and Forum users a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Thank you for keeping up with mubby.co.uk we hope to see you in 2006!!


27th December 05

Merry Christmas Everyone!! have a good one!

Love Nicola, Mubby and Binks x



11th December 05 


Hi its Binky here!

Things are great in bunnyland and we are really looking forward to christmas together :) Mubbys getting really podgey! ( i think mums fattening him up for xmoose dinner! eeek!)  all the good food and love of a good women i think!!

we are best friends now :) and Mubby really looks after me and makes sure im all nice and clean :) he loves licking my head but yuckkk it makes me all wet!! *rolls eyes* i love him really!!


Mum hasnt updated properly in a while as she lost everything on her pc!! and it took a while to get sorted again! She was also very busy with the forum fundraising and is happy to say at last all money is in and sent off to C.A.R.R.O.T :)

Thankyou to everyone and everybun who helped raise money for the fundraiser!! your all stars! :) seriously well done!! for a small close knit forum we done really really well!! hip hip hoorayyyyyyyy!! �542.50 raised!!

we hope www.bunnyhugger.co.uk bunnies get something nice with the money raised :) 


10th November 05

We are now into November and things are going great! :) Mubby and Binky are officially bonded and getting on great :)

This week mum and dad have been on holiday from work , so as an early christmas pressie Dad has been hard at work making us a all new joint playpen! Mum tried to help but to be honest she was better at cleaning up than doing the power tool thing!!

Our new luxury pad hopefully will be the love nest! We love it!!! :)


16th October 05

Well we are now a few weeks into things!! and have been really busy doing the christmas fundraiser for C.A.R.R.O.T that we have hardly had time to update!! but I have added loads fo piccies and updates today!! :)

Binky is a little terror!! she has taken to chewing her bed and just about anything left in her reach!! she is just a baby though! so hopefully she will grow out of it!...soon!

Mubbys stopped being quite so naughty! I think he is is getting used to having his wee sister about the place! still no real playing ro even talking to each other , but at the same time no fighting!! which is good!

taken loads of pics so dont forget to have a look!

Binky by name and by nature!! she does the biggest binkies ever!! mubby tries to copy but he cant get as high as she can!! hes an big boy now!!

The fundraiser is going well , thankyou to you all for buying raffle tickets and the ebay auctions have gone really really well and boost the subtotal right up!! thanks alot for all your support!  I know Lynda and Jim appriciate it!! I hope we can raise a great total that will go to a fabulous cause!!

See you next week!  and yes the site is going through a little face lift at the moment so likely to change a bit!! 


3rd October 05

One week on and Binky is starting to come out of her shell a bit! So i decided to start the bonding session! At first Mubby chased Binky around but when he caught her he just stopped and didnt really know what to do! they seem to be just spending alot of time at opposite ends of the room! not really bothered with each other but not really getting close up either!!

I am happy that they are not fighting and hope they cuddle up soon!!


25th September 05

Our little girl has a black and white scruffy nose and she jumps about like a maddy!! she is so cute!! I have went through a few names muddles, speckles, sprinkles !! but have settles on Binky Boo !! she is such a cutie and I think it really suits her!

Today I washed her bum and feet and made her all nice and clean! 

I put Binky in her cage and Mubby was very interested!! he hed his nose pressed up against the plastic! lol

(see the photo section!)


24th September 05

Today is very exciting!! After such a long time we have been thinking about getting Mubby a girlfriend , Today is the day that a new girl comes to stay , We just couldnt resist this little girl , with her wee stained feet and scruffy little fluffy nose I fell in love and so our new baby was chosen , now I had to get the place ready!!  


 3rd September 05

Today over a week on and im still not back to my old self , we had to go and get some pain killer injection on Tuesday as my balls weer very swollen :( but im playing and eating and poo'ing and wee'ing is alot easier now :) just my scar is all flakey ive had a nibble!! oops but the vet says its ok :)

I just fear mummys gonna take me back to that scarey place ..the V E T aggghh!! no please!! so im a bit jumpy when she puts her coat on!! it will take me a little time to trust her again!

Ive also addded Buggsy and Cookie to my friends! they were on there but somehow fell off!! sorry buddies!! x  


28th August 05

Feeling a bit more like myself today , and started playing around and being naughty! well ive spent far too long laying down!! so today im being naughtier than ever!! she cant possible tell me off!! she has wanted me to be myself so here i am!! lol


 27th August 05

Today is a bit  better and its not quite so sore today , and so ive decided to eat a bit , even just to keep the old dear off my back!! but oh no!! i had to wee!! agggghhhh it stung and so i just had a little one !! but mummy was soooo proud of me!! im still feeling grumpy though :(  


26th August 05

Im feeling a bit sorry for myself today , it really hurts :( and Mummy picked me up for a look and gasped when she saw how pink and sore it looked , still its sympathy all round for me :) and treats ahoy but i really dont feel like eating and besides I know if i eat I need to poo and wee!! eeek! im not looking forward to that!!  


25th August 05

Today is a big day!! Im going  to the vets for my operation , mums been fussing and hugging me all morning and sh said she is really nervous!! she said i had to be nice to the vets and try not to stamp at them like usual! lol

Im a bit scared but my friend Totti sais there is nothing to worry about and its for the best , and he wouldnt tell his buddy fibs ;)


After the op...

Well mum finally came to get me , it seems like ive been here hours , that nurse women said I was grumpy!! i mean wouldnt you be if someone cut your knackers off!! Mummy told them im just misunderstood!! lol

I feel a bit sleepy and it hurts a bit , so I asked mummy if I could go sleep quietly in my bed , and I tried to get comfortable... not really in mood for being a nice rabbit today...a bit grumpy! understandable!



 23rd August 05

Mums just phoned the vet and booked an appointment for me , she explained that I need to have a castration and that I may be grumpy afterwards but she will still love me and hope I forgive her soon!


30th July 05

Today mum went to visit my new cousin Fudge! he is lovely! and we will get to play together jsut as soon as ive had the snip! lol :)

Fudge isnt used to being handled , but mum said she sat with him for ages and had lovely nose rubs!! cheeky baby stealing my nose rubs! :)

we also added a new friend to the friends section , lovely Flora :) I like her alot ;)

and Amelias new website is all finished :) www.mubby.co.uk/amelia 


10th July 05

Im moulting like mad!! and mums carpet is almost white where i lay down! I wish it would all drop off and keep me kool in this nice weather! Mums set up the fan in my room so its lovely and kool for me to hide out in and cool off!

Ive been adorable as ever and mum says im really good at putting myself to bed :)  well Im a big boy now so I have to do such things! lol

My latest toy is a teat ball , I just cant figure t out!! when Mum moves it some treats fall out  , which is my favorite Burgess mix , but I just cant seem to get it to work!! its fun trying though!   


Sunday 19th June 05

The weather is really hot this weekend! phewwwwwwww! ive been shedding my coat lost but its still very hot!! mum put down a tray with iced water on it and i just had to lay in it! lol when i was all wet through i just sprawled myself out and relaxed!


Sunday 12th June 05

This week mums been on holiday so ive spent all my days lounging around in true mubby style!  

Ive reminded Mum to update the photos section! so watch that space!


Saturday 4th June 05

Today is a very special day , its my first birthday :) Mubby bunny is one year old today!! yay!

Mummys been spoiling me lots! and bought me lots of birthday goodies! photos will be updated of my happy day and also a home movie of me aged 1 ! :)

Mum says she is very proud of me the way ive turned out! lol   


Week Commencing 8th May 05

This week mums off work so i get lots of freedom! spent the week lounging about and generally being the best bunny in town :)

Mum hardly put me in my cage at night , and i had a lovely chomp on her slipper one night when she was fast asleep! lol  :) luckily she just laughed !


Week Commencing 1st May 05

Ive been   a super happy bunny this week!! binkying has been my favorite past time!

Sitting on the window sill in the sun is sooo nice too!! I like being a lazy bun! :)


 Week Commencing 24th April 05

Well all week ive been spoiled!  my sore lip has gotten m a few new toys and lots of yummy food!! wasnt that bad afterall!! lol

We have a new harness and lead this week , i hate it just as much as the last! but mum says she has to keep me safe! so i guess its not that bad ;)


Week Commencing 17th April 05

We went to the vets this week!  the nice vet lady said that im very good health and even although mummy calls me " fatty bum bum" the vet said im perfect weight :)

while we were there i was a bit naughty :( and I jumped off of the table and hit the floor hard! my teeth went right through my bottom lip and it hurt! :( mum got a scare when she saw the blood :( but the vet said I will be fine and it will heal quickly ;)

Ill just make mummy feel sorry for me for a few days!!  so she can spoil me even more than usual :)


Week Commencing 10th April 05

This week mum bought a harness and lead for me!! has she gone mad!! does she think im a D O G ?! I really dont like putting that thing over my head!! :( but once its on its ok , mum says we are going to go for a run around grannys garden! yippeeee!!

that sounds like fun!! we will take pics!!  


Week Commencing 3rd April  05

 We decided that we would clear out my room this week! mum said if we had a clear out I could have the whole room to myself! wow!

we rearrabged my playpen giving me lots more room to jump up and down my boxes!!  


Week Commencing 27th  March 05

This weekend I didnt go to my cage at all at night! mum decided to let me stay out all weekend to see how good I was! the first night I was very good! when mum went to bed i jumped on her bed for a while , but as soon as it got dark I went to my favorite spot in the living room and slept all night :) in the morning Mum  was fast asleep but soon woke up when i jumped on her head ;)

the next night I was too sleepy to follow mum to bed! so  I just stayed all snuggled in the livingroom on my blanket :) in the morning  I decided to go visit mum who was fast asleep! so i had an explore , next to her bed there were some exciting things on the cabinet so I thought id explore!! eeeek! my furry feet slid all over the place!! luckily mum woke up and saved me !! ;)  


Week Commencing 2oth  March 05

Well first of all I will apologise for the lack of diary in the last few weeks! mums been a bit busy but promises to catch up and keep up to date !!

Not much happening really! been busy playing on the forum , and updating the site , with lots of other stuff as well as me!! so make sure you have a look!

I will talk soon and update you on whats been going on with me! I promise a big diary entry next week!! see you then! Mub x



Week Commencing 21st Feb 05

Welcome to our new website! a valentine pressie for mum!! my own domain name! ive been helping mum lots by posing for lots of great new photos! also its freezing outside so ive been keeping mums tootsies warm as she slogged over making this site pretty!


Week Commencing 14th Feb 05

We have our new website now and will soon be moving everything here over to it and loads more!!


Week Commencing 7th Feb 2005

Mums forum WABBITING ON has really taken off !! just over a week old we already have 120 members!! and we are getting 1500 posts per week! and over 15,000 views since we opened ! we are really happy with it and we know that others are too!

We have the moderator team sorted and we are being careful just to let the lovely people in!! we dont want our forum open to nasty people! its a happy place! :)

We have revamped the friends list too , only the bunnies from WABBITING ON are on there now ,  they are all lovely bunnies and we will keep  you updated on thier progress :) 

Week Commencing 31st Jan 2005

Mums been a bit upset and not feeling that great this week again , im being a model bunny and making her laugh lots by doing silly things like jumping on the coffee table and getting stuck on the wondow sill!

Mums been doing some more work on the website , she said it needs a facelift!

Week Commencing 24th Jan 2005

Mums Been off work sick this week , I have made sure to give her lots of cuddles and look after her by being a good boy , We have had loads of cuddles on the sofa watching movies!! I love having my mum at home!!


Week Commencing 17th Jan 2005

This week Im back to my odl self and being just as cheeky as ever!

I had some apple this week , mum has given me this before and I didnt really like it , but this time i loved it!! so everytime mum eats one Ive learned to just look at her and she bites a bit off for me!! I have mummy just where I want her!! lol


Week Commencing 10th Jan 2005

Daddys gone home so im a bit depressed , although mum gives me lots of huggles and nose rubs it waas great having double helpings!! I liked Dad being here alot , he played games and gave the best nose rubs!!

Mums back at work now too , so its back to being in my play pen while she is at work! its great new design has kept em occupied exploring and getting to know the new layout!

Ive been feeling a bit sleepy this weekend , its really cold outside so im keeping snuggled up in my blanket! mums been worried that im not my usual playful self , im just a bit sleepy thats all!


Week Commencing Mon 3rd Jan 2005!

Happy New Year Everyone! Mum, Dad and I have enjoyed lots of time together this week. We have spent time playing, cuddling and relaxing these last few days. Mum has been chasing me around picking up my surprise poos' I've been doing, as she moved my litter tray, and it takes a while to adjust. The best part about this week, for me, has been the new Run, which Mum and Dad re-designed for me, and made sure its Mubby proof!!. It has two floors, and has lots of space for me to play in,during the week, when mum isn't able to keep her eye on me. I have taken a shine to an old draught excluder, which looks like a Snake, I like to grab it and run around the room with it, when my parents are watching, it makes them laugh!. I will try and pester to get mum to post some pics of my new home, and Snakey soon!

Bye for now!  Mubby   x  (This week's Diary by Mubby's dad!) 



*** Sorry no Diary over Christmas!! Too busy!! ***


Week Commencing 6th Dec

On Wednesday I gave mum the fright of her life , I was very sleepy and I was in a deep sleep in my cage! Mum came in but I didnt hear her and she said she was calling my name and tapping the cage , but I think I was soooo sleepy I missed all the comotion!! When she opened my cage and touched me I opened my eyes fom my deep sleep.. I was all dopey and I could see mum had been crying!! I think she was scared that theer was something wrong with me!! but I was only sleeping!! haha


Week Commencing 28th November

This Week its freezing!! but mummys made sure im all snug as a bug!! this week ive had some runner beans , they taste quite yummy , but are even better for throwing about the room! mums had fun finding them everywhere!!

Mummys been busy wrapping christmas pressies! what fun it was helping her! I think she liked the way I ran off with her paper , it made her laugh but then I think she got annoyed as she threatened to sellotape me to the floor!! eeeek!!


Week Commencing 21st November

This Week its been a bit cold!! White stuff called Snow on the ground outside! Its really pretty but brrrr!! So mums made sure im all snuggly in my bed!! she put my snuggly cat bed Igloo in there!! Its yummy and furry and warm!

I also tasted some new veg this week , Mum bought me some Celery , but she said she doesnt like that much and I have to agree with her!! Yuckkkkkkkkkk!! but the mange tout was yummy!! nce and crunchy! I had to nibble Mummys toes to stop her eating it all! 

My latest trick is " lets be naughty at bedtime" I have so much fun running around all evening I hate when mum turns the computer and tv off..it means only one thing! BED TIME!! so this is my cue to run as fast as I can round the sofa and hide in all the places hard to catch me! I particularly like this game and stamping my back feet is great fun too!!

Mum says im a cheeky little boy..whatever does she mean!!


Week commencing 14th November

Today Mum recieved my christmas toys in the post!! I caught a quick peek of them and had a sniff but she whizzed them away from me and said " no!! not til cwistmas you norty bunny wabbit!" but it was fun sniffing!

Mums had a daft idea and bought me a collar with a bell on!!! and she says its me that thinks im a cat! lol well I kept it on for about an hour and hopping about wondering what the jingles were seemed to make mum laugh!

I tasted banana tonight!! Mmmmm!! I think I'll have to write those on mums shopping list from now on!


Week commencing 7th November

This week has been lots of fun! I have been getting up to all kinds of mischief in my cage while mums been at work! Ive started doing bouncey things to my teddy! mummy tells me im a " rude little boy! " so I will just have to do it when mummys not home!! its FUN!!

Mummys been buying lots of goodies for christmas time!! she thinks I dont see but ive seen her looking at some websites and getting her little plastic card out !! I tried nibbling that once and she told me off and said I wouldnt get any more treats if I ate her plastic friend!! so Id better not!

Mums been busy writing letters to all the bunny mummys and daddys asking for the little furrys to write some Dear Santa letters  , and she has been helping Tamsin ( nice girl from rabbits United and Rabbits Rehome! ) look for some presents too! They hope to raise lots of money for the rescue rabbits to make thier christmas a little more special :)


Week commencing 31st October

Enough said!! Mubby is a little devil!


Week commencing 25th October

This week Mums finished building my new play run!! its great fun!! two floors and lots of fun things in it to keep me occupied! ( pics on Photo section! ) So daytimes are much more fun now!yay!

 Its Mums Birthday this week , and I have 3 new Bunnys to play with! they are all a bit stuffed!! and well they dont play very much!  You can see the pics in My Photo section! Ive been licking them and dragging them about by the ears , but they just will not play!

uh oh !! Mums got a new toy!! and she keeps pointing it at me and following me about the room!! Said im her " little movie star" yikes!! as if she doesnt have enough pics of me she needs to make me into a DVD !!


week commencing 19th October

only 4 days in and Ive managed to jump the Tv proofing!! I heard some rather blue words from mummy when I jumped over it!!!!  Ive been a little devil this week, so mummy says!! Ive been eyeing up the window sill for weeks now , wondering how on earth id get up there... My plan came to action today when I got up!! What fun!! Lookimg out with my nose pressed agaist the cold glass!! Mumms said she has no idea how I managed that but it made her laugh anyway!!


week commencing 12th October

This week has been pretty uneventful!! just the usual lazing about! getting plenty of strokes from mum and she knows just how I like them!!

I had some brussel sprouts this week! I like playing with them but eating them is a no no!! Mum keeps putting carrots down for me , but I dont like them much!! I still prefer pak choi and curly Kale!! and I look forward o me small piece of tomatoe before bed!

Mum bubby prooced behind the tv this weekend , she got cross at me when I kept going behind!! it was fun!! But I reckon it wont be long until I manage to jump over her proofing!!

Mums been making me new box toys again , lots of fun to nibble and dig at! you can see me play in it on the Photo section!

Lots of new friends added again this week!


week commencing 5th October

well this week ive been very good!! I have been a bit cheeky sometimes!! but Mummy likes me that way!! I have a new furry pillow in my cage to cuddle up to at night and its lovely and warm!!

Ive added lots of friends to my friends section thanks to all the nice bunnys at rabbit United site!! where me and mum spend lots of spare time!!


Week commencing 28th Sept

This week Mums had a week off work  , so ive spent alot of time playing with her and ive became very " mummys boy " I have spent alot of time laying at her feet or snuggled up next to her , and she gets absolutely loads fo kisses!! Ive spent ages kissing her nose!

Ive had more play time than usual , but I spend most of it asleep anyways! She is for ever calling me " lazy Mub! " lol

We had a great week exploring all the rooms , mum was sorting out the spare room and i had great fun running around and getting under her feet!! Jumping up and squeezing behind things ! One day we were in the kitchen and Mum had just taken the washing from the machine , i thought id jump in for a look!! didnt stay in long!! and dont think ill be exploring there again!!  

Ive added a new section to my website too!! all my friends that we talk to on the Rabbits United forum!! take a look!! and plenty of space for new friends!


Week commencing 21 Sept 04

This week I have been making friends with Puppy Teddy , hes great to lick and lye on! I keep nudging him to chase me but so far he just sits there!! (see photo album!)

Mum bought me a  snuggly cat bed too!! its great for curling up in! but I like just hopping in and out of it! Lounging on the sofa is much more fun!

Ive started eating those baby carrots Mum gives me  , they are actually rather yummy! she gave me some banana this week too , but when i sniffed it it stuck to my nose !! so I didnt like that much!!

My favorite game this week has been " sit and pluck the cd's out one by one" and leave them on the floor!! great fun!! but mum says I havent to touch her Westlife ones!! and she moved those out of reach!! 


Week Commencing 14th Sept 04

This week Ive been using my litter tray every single time!! Mums very happy about that and gives me lots of praise and treats!!

Running loose in the house is just how it is now , im allowed everywhere and I follow my mum into the bedrooms and kitchen , Im a good boy now and I never eat anything I shouldnt , and besides Mum has a close eye on me at all times!!

This week ive been experimenting with my jumping!! ive discovered that I can jump up on the sofa now!! and so I spend alot of my evening hopping up and down!! its fun running along the back of the sofa!! Mum thinks this is hilarious and reminds me to " be careful Mubby youll fall!!! " but im too busy having fun to care about that!!

Mum keeps giving me carrots , she even bought these tiny little ones , but Im not into them at all!! I like pak choi and kale best , and I get a half tomatoe everyday which is yum !! I always eat that up first!


Week commencing 7th Sept 04

This week Mums been back at work , ive had the luxury of having her here all day since I got here , but now Im bigger im left alone for a few more hours during the day , I dont mind Because I just sleep anyways! Mum sorts me out in the morning making sure I have everything I need to get me through the day , and as soon as she gets home im out running around !

This week ive been trying some new yummy vegatables , ive had Kale which I yum up! and also Pak Choi , Chinese Leaf and even tasted Broccoli and cauliflower! I think Kale is My favorite!!

Im using my litter tray most of the time for wee's now  , which I know makes Mum happy! I hardly ever hear her say " ohhhh Mubby!! " anymore!! Im still leaving poo's around the outside of the litter tray, I have a huge room to run about in , but I like poo'ing just where mum sits on the computer!! lol

Dont forget to look at my photo album to see how cheeky ive been this week!

Followed on from the first 4 weeks below...

Week 4

This week Mum threw away my paddling pool!! I was spending less and less time in it anyways ! and I could jump out now that im bigger!

Ive been testing Mum to see how much I get away with this week! Ive had a few nibbles off the wallpaper! and Ive tried chewing a few things I shouldnt! On Sunday Mum was moving me along from chewing the skirting board and I gor a fright and bit her! Mummy put meback in my cage and I could tell that she was cross! When she came to see me an hour later I made sure I gave her kisses on her hand to say sorry.

Mum has also taken to squirting me with a water spray when im naughty!! I dont like it much !!

We still have our cuddles and kisses each day and I love getting my tail stroked and I especially like when mum strokes my face and under my ears ...mmmmmmmm!!!

 Ive never wee'd on the carpet before , but on Tuesday I thought that mayb I would , not once , but twice!! I dont think mum was very impressed !! 

Yesterday I went exploring around the house for the first time , Mum kept a close eye on me!! and made sure I didnt get stuck anywhere I shouldnt! I went in the bedrooms which was fun! and the bathroom and kitchen were great to explore too!! I like the living room best , I know where everything is there! and all my toys are in there! and of course I get to spend lots of time running about and playing with mum in their!

Its almost a month since ive been in my new home!!

Week 3

This week ive been very busy!! Mums been off work so Ive been spoiled with fun and cuddles!!

I got my first carrot this week! which was fun! I didnt know quite what I was supposed to do with it! But once I got the hang of it it was really Yummy!!

I havent been in my pool much , im getting bigger now and exploring is more fun!! Ive nibbled a few corners of carpet and Mums had to tell me off!! I dont like when she tells me off , but at least I know now that I shouldnt do it!!


This week ive had a fantastic week! Dads not here so its just been me and Mum , and we are really getting to know each other well!

The first day dad wasnt here was strange , I miss playing with him! but me and mum just hung about the house getting to know each other , Mum was careful not to scare me so gave me my space , but I decided it was time to go up and sniff her a bit , let her know that I wasnt afraid of her and that I knew she was my new Mummy.

Mum picks me up and we have a cuddle everyday on the sofa , I like to snuggle into her neck as its nice and warm there and Mum knows just where to stroke me as she has been reading up on my favorite tickle spots! we call this our cuddle hour and we just relax and watch some tv , and i get pamapered! Yesterday I started to lick her neck and groom here back , afterall she always does such a great job of grooming me!  

Im growing fast and Mum says im twice the size I was last week!

I love just flopping down and going for a snooze , im used to all the noise of the street outside and things now , and I know that Mum wont let anything bad happen to me.

Mums been looking into my behaviour!! she found this great website  that tells her all about the things I do!  you can read about them in my Info page!

this is the great site! http://www.muridae.com/rabbits/rabbittalk_intro.html




Day 1: My new home! 4/8/04

Today, I have moved into my new home, with strange people around!. My home is a nice indoor hutch, with plenty of water and food for me to nibble on. As it is my first day, I am being left on my own to explore my new house, and get used to it.

       The hutch is in a nice quiet area, and I am having a nice time settling in and making some adjustments to my bedding. All this change is very scary for me, so for now I am just exploring where I feel comfortable.  


Day 2 : Play Time !

I woke up this morning, and I carried on exploring my hutch for a while, then my Mum & Dad came over and spoke to me gently, to let me know they were friendly. After I got more comfortable with the idea of company, my parents cleaned up my toilet area, and gave me fresh hay, pellets and water. I nibbled on some hay for a while, then I fell asleep for a while. When I woke up, I was in a playful mood, and I was knocking the bell on my toy for fun. In the evening, when I was very playful, my parents created a run for me. As I am only little, my parents gave me a paddling pool to play in, which kept me from nibbling things I shouldn't. I had a lovely time playing around in and out of cardboard boxes and running through tubes. I was feeling very bold, and decided to climb on top of one of the cardboard boxes. I could see lots of tempting areas to explore!! and decided to jump over the side of the paddling pool!!!

 I ran around on the floor exploring everywhere, but my mummy and daddy were keeping a very close watch on me, sometimes my parents had to tell me "No" because I was nibbling things that could hurt me.

Eventually, it was bed time, and my Mummy was trying to put me to bed. I tried to run away a few times, so mummy left me to calm down. In the end, I let mummy pick me up and put me back in my hutch, ready for bed.


Day 3 : Feeling more at Home

Today, I have been relaxing again, and feel more familiar with my surroundings. I have been playing in my run again, and my parents have been stroking me to help get me more used to them. I am happy enough to clean myself and snooze in my run,with my parents about the place. 



Day 4 : Becoming Cheeky!

Today im feeling more adventurous!! Ive been peeping over the top of my play pen ( paddling pool!) , wondering whats going out out there! It looks fun!

Mummy and Daddy decided to let me out in the room for a while , But they kept a close eye on me to make sure I didnt get anywhere that I shouldnt! I seen lots of exciting things and Mummy explained that I shouldnt nibble things that Im not supposed too!! then she moved some things up high just so that I coudlnt!


Day 5 : Relaxing with Daddy!

 Mummy was at work today, so it was me and daddy all day long. Daddy put me into my playpen this morning, while he cleaned up my hutch and litter tray. The hutch is all nice and fresh now, ready for me to sleep in. I have been chewing my toys and been keeping an eye on what daddy has been up to!. Everytime he comes over to me, I run up to him and bump his hand to let him know I am here. As I am only little, I play for a while and then get tired and sleep for a while. Playing is hard work!


Day 6 : Home Alone & Sleepy!

Today is the first day ive really been left on my own , but its not too scarey. Mummy has made sure I have lots of food and water and nibble toys and things to play with so im happy. Being a baby I sleep all day anyways , Evenings are when I come alive and like to have a maddy around the house! Running rings around the sofa is my favorite, plenty of space for me to hop around and if i fall over its ok as the carpets nice and soft!

Im not sure if im dreaming...but I keep hearing Mummy and Daddy say " awwwwwww hes sooo cute!" I dont know what that means, but I think it makes them happy as they always smile down at me!

Day 7 : One week on...

Well Ive been here for one week now and Im settling in nicely , I feel a bit braver now and I dont mind my parents hands coming to pick me up to take me out of my cage! actually its quite nice to get stroked!  

I like playing with dad , he likes to lie on the floor and I run around him but hes careful to move slowly so not to scare me! Mummy likes to make sure im all nice and clean , giving me clean food and water everyday and making sure im eating well! Im too little for treats , but the food mummy gives me provides everything I need to grow strong , and its really yum!

My house is nice ,  I especially like my paddeling pool that I go to play in!! lots of fun things for me to do! When I get out in the house I love exploring! Ive found a few places Im not allowed to go , behind the Tv is a favorite !  but Mummys blocked that off now as she says its dangerous to play with the wires! but thats ok I have lots of other fun places to go!

So one week in... I think Im gonna like it here :)

6th July 06

Today is a big day for Binky Boo , she is all set to go in and have her spay! I think mummy is more nervous than she is!!  lots of treats on stand by and spoiling and cuddles galore!! so wish us luck!!   
14th May 06

Our new website is under way!!
So we are busy transferring all the old Info over!  
7th July 06

Today is a strange one at the bunny quarters, Mubby is in a strop and keeps thumping at Binky which is such a shame as she is feeling under the weather and just wants cuddles! I think he knows something is wrong but not quite sure what, and he can sense that poor Binky is under he weather, she is staying in bed and not moving or eating at all... I keep tempting her but she just a bit sleepy and so I think its best I leave her to sleep...   
10th July 06

Our Bink is back to normal , the scar looks lovely and healthy and not too worried about her now as she is munching away and happy playing as I type! some new video's coming soon in the movie section!!
19th July 06

I have been  thinking about getting another fluffy, but one with a difference!!I will be on the look out so watch this space! 
29th July 06

Today  I fell in love with a little fluff ball!! At dobies garden centre I seen a little ball of fluff that just appealed to me straight away!! the woman there is to blame!! she let me hold him, we left and went to other places but we just had to go back for him!! 

he is 7 weeks old and a litle frizz bomb, he was called Fozzy to start with for the first few days!! but then we changed his name to Teddy!! pics in the
photo album!!

1st October 06

Teddy is alot bigger now so I felt brave an let him meet Binky! I wouldnt let him meet Mubby as Mubby would probably go for him!! ( i remember how much he disliked Binky when we first got her!! ) Binky is my marshmallow she wouldnt hurt a fly!!

So I set up a playground in the hall, and they got on great!!
pics here they followed each other around a bit!! and groomed each other a little!

24th Sept 06

Happy Gottcha Day Binky Boo!! my little marshmallow came to stay 1 year ago today!! xxx

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