Final Frontier - The Inner Self ----------------------------- Relax, let your mind wander, and creativity will be inspired. Thoughts will drift and sway peacefully through your inner self; what is better known as the subconscious. Occasionally, a few will surface to your consciousness, and when they do you must be sure to nurture and seize upon them, for they are the precious silver and gold of the treasures that your mind can offer. It is the inner self which has created our history's greatest thinkers, scholars, scientists, and others. Those with powerful control over their inner self can work intellectual miracles that seem magical to the ordinary individual. How can you train and expand your grasp over this asset? Memory is one possibility. Exercise your memory's potential, and you will have increased the myriad of ways in which your inner self can direct itself. There is a great more to know about the inner self, but it is not my place to discuss the topic at length here.