Scene Three: The Time Travel Mishap

Scene: A White House
Characters: Dubya (D), Babs (B), A Voice from Above (VFA), Saddam Hussein  (SH), and Osama Bin Laden (OBL)

*Dubya has watch young Hitler and young Mussolini push young Stalin off the monkey bar�s*

D: *To himself* How tragic! That poor kid. *In a saddened voice* The scrapes, the hatred, the embarrassment, and those *Happy voice* Tacos. Yay tacos! He must be so happy about his tacos. I know I would be�cause well tacos ROCK! Not as much as pop-in-corn�but it�s good none the less!

B: It sure was tragic Honey Doodle. But those tacos, boy they made it better.

D: Mhm they sure did� *Realizes* Wait did you just call me Honey Doodle?

B: Yes. Don�t you like it?!

D: Umm sure� Ok let me type some more. Cause you know I like to type and if I didn�t type I would probably go insane.

B: Like at Craig�s Christmas party?

D: *Laughs* Yes, very much like that. Well here I go typing!

B: Ok. Get us back to our house and/or time. Or what ever it is you do�Cause I LOVE you!

D: Ok�here I go. *Starts to type* Look at me go. I�m doing things *Types like a maniac and looks at Babs while he�s typing*

*Hit TAB� key again and is transported to a white house� NOT THE white house � But A white house!*

B: Ah *Relief sigh* we are home. I�m going shopping. And then to the mall. Maybe I�ll get something for you. Do you want anything for the mall and or store?

D: Get me some Bacon, Grapes, and Popcorn! Cause I want a BPG.

B: *Hesitant* A BPG? What is that honey doodle?

D: A Bacon, Popcorn, Grape party mix. Duh! I love it so�get lots of popcorn, less of the bacon and even lesser of the grapes!
B: Okay I think I can do that Honey Doodle. *Shouts in glee* I hope I meet a hobo! *Leaves*

*Dubya continues to try and type and after some time Dubya hears*

VFA: *Loud and powerfully* You are in a grand, grand area�

D: But I am just in my crappy ole house�

VFA: *Snaps back* NO! Your in a grand, grand area!

D: But-But why? *Is saddened* And-And who are you?

VFA: *Louder and powerfullyer* I am your GOD! I am almighty and powerful!

D: *Looks confused and strokes chin profoundly as if pondering this statement* How can that be? For I don�t believe in one God, but many�

VFA: You have saddened me deeply�

D: I am sorry Mr. �uh�Mr. Man?

VFA: *Nonchalantly* Oh, just call me Sadd-Err�I mean�*Sounds defeated* Oh, I give up!

D: Saddam? Saddam Hussein?

VFA: Yes, yes tis� I�Saddam.

D: *Is ashamed of Saddam. Shakes head in disapproval* Shame on you�

*Saddam comes down the spiral staircase located some where closed off and comes out a secret door and then sings �I am Saddam� upon his entrance and then walks to Dubya*

SH: Please Mr. Bush, forgive me�

D: *In a lightened mood* Oh please call me Dubya.

SH: Alright! Please Dubya, forgive me�

D: *Turns away bitterly* I�I don�t think I�ll ever be able too�just cause you sing me a beautiful song doesn�t mean you�ll win over my heart!

SH: *Looks sad. Places hand on Dubya�s shoulder* But you must! If you don�t, then how will I go on? You�re my�my role model. Ever since you found me in that hole during that whole war thing�I�ve�I�ve looked up to you�

OBL: *Walks in and does his big musical number �Osama�s theme� and then says all cheerfully* Hello All! *Senses tension* Why are we all so negative? Mello out you�re sending bad vibes�*Demonstrates bad vibes with hand motion*

D: There�s nothing going on here! *Turns away bitterly*

SH: Yeah, nothing to talk about�

OBL: *Reaches into his handbag* Well, I�ve got Brownies!

SH and D: *In unison* Brownies!?

OBL: Yes indeedy! But you don�t get to hear or eat anything unless you two make up!

SH: Ok, but I�m not going to like it.

D: Neither am I!

*Both hug and say sorry. Osama sings �Brownie Song� in joy and then hands over some good brownies*

SH: *Happy and Campbell�s soupy-ish* Mmm Mmm Good!

D: Yeah they are! I�m actually sorry now Saddam, these Brownies have opened my eyes to how foolish I had been.

SH: Yes I concur! We are foolish, foolish people!

*Dubya and Saddam crowd around for some more brownies. Dubya slips on a walnut and hit�s the �TAB� key on his keyboard. All three are warped back in time*

D: *Yelling. Unseen* Not Again!

*All Screaming except Osama because he�s passing out more brownies but then Saddam stops his screaming*

SH: You know these time warps aren�t that bad. They are kind of relaxing. *Munches on his previous brownie. Now Dubya stops his screaming*

D: They sure are�

*Every one starts to eat the brownies. Again they make eating noises and what not*
D: Mmm Mmm Good! *Campbell�s soupy-ish* You�ve out done your self!

OBL: *Blushes* I try� *Winks* You know I did put in some nutmeg�

D: Oh we can tell. They�re so yummy!

SH: Well you try really well!

D: *Mouthful* Oh yes you do! *Cough Cough, Swallows* Yeah your great. Lets be friends forever!

OBL: Friends forever and ever and ever!

SH: Lets make it a club! We can call it F.F.E.A.E.A.E.�So what do you guys think?

D: Needs work� Lots of work!

SH: Oh how about SOD? Saddam Osama and Dubya?

OBL: *Considers* Possibly�

D: Oh I got it DOS� Like the Spanish word for two.

SH: But there are three of us. *Scratches his head* That some how doesn�t add up!

OBL: Well DOLBISH It has some extended initials�and an I!

D: YAY! It�s hard to pronounce and remember!

SH: Utoh, what if we forget what it is?

OBL: We could never. We�re a smart bunch!

*Suddenly the house comes down with a bang and Osama, Dubya, and Saddam hit their heads*

OBL: Ow *Rubs his head*�I lost memory of what ever we were just talking about�

D: Me too�aww and I bet it was really great. Cause we rock!

SH: We do! Group hug! *Hug all group like*

*Scene ends with them talking about what happened before they hit their heads*

And Scene
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