Scene Seven: The Hippie Scene
Scene: Italian Restaurant
Characters: Dubya (D), Hitler (H), Osama Hippie Squirrel (OHS), Saddam Hippie Squirrel (SHS), Hippie Francis (HF), Hippie Rayina (HR), and The waiter (W)

*Saddam and Osama were drinking and eating vegetarian food when all of a sudden two smelly hippies walk in*

D: *Sniffs* Ew what smells *Sniffs the air more and makes a gross face*

HF: Oh that would be us!

D: Ew, go take a shower or something to de-stink you�

HR: NO! We are hippies you FOOL! We have to smell it�s the way it has been since the beginning of time *Moves his hand mystically*, and hippie-ism.

M: *Eating and talking to his spaghetti* Aw man are you tasty and good I could just eat you all day! Oh yes I could, oh yes I could! It�s so mmm mmm good! *Cambels soupish*

D: Like soup!?

M: *Excitedly* Exactly, I�ve been trying to tell people this but they don�t understand. They shun me�THEY SHUN ME! *Turns away and cries*

D: I believe I know of the soupy Spaghetti�I wouldn�t shun you *Hugs Mussolini in comfort*

H: It�s just better to let those two have their moment of comfort and soup.

M: Darn right it is!

*All nod their head in agreement and move on to the hippies*

H: What are you doing here�you�you hippies?

HR: Oh you know wandering being all hippie like. Oh and call us Francis *Points to the other hippie* and Royina *Points to himself* Yeah that�s us�we wander around all Hippie like.

HF: It�s true! We do�hey that rhymed�I am so amazing, you know what Royina?

HR: What Francis?

HF: Being a hippie is some grand fun, never let the 60�s die!

*All except the hippies huddle together and discuss stuff in whispers*

D: Is anyone going to tell them it�s the 40�s?

H: I say we tell them right before they leave so the don�t sulk near us that would be disturbing�seeing hippies cry *Cringes*

M: I agree, we don�t want to be burdened with their�hippie ness they might follow us with their bad smell and what not.

OHS: I also agree�I�m going to hold this mirror up so we can all look at it!

SHS: *Looks in the mirror and lets our a cry* AHH I am a squirrel! *Runs out of the restaurant and Osama chases after him*

OHS: Wait, the mirror lied! You�re a human! A HUMAN! *Runs after*

M: Uh�okay�lets stop the huddling the hippies are watching us�*All turn and look at them and then get up and act normal*

D: So what�s with the freaky names?

HR: Because we can!

D: *Confused* Yeah�well what�s with the names?

HF: I like ham�*Drools and thinks of ham* Mmmm Ham�

*Royina and Francis start to dance all hippie-ish*

D: Yeah� *Still confused and then turns to everyone else* These people are weird! I dislike them, I say we tell them to leave soon.

M: In time my friend *Waves his hand slowly in front on Dubya�s face* In time�

D: Riiight�moving on�*Osama and Saddam enter and Dubya whispers to Saddam* Hey Saddam these hippies are weird!

SHS: Yeah they are�I�m scared now! HOLD ME DUBYA HOLD ME! But be gentile *Smiles*

D: *Smacks him back to reality with viciousness* No! Calm yourself they are only people�not evil zombies or something.

SHS: Ow *Rubs his cheek* Thanks for that smack back to reality!

D: Any time ole chap.

W: *Approaches* Hey more people *Plugs his nose* More people, but they are smelly people�

HF: Your darn tootin we are! Were hippies!

W: Well okay! What will you two be having tonight?

HF: Well I�ll be having vegetarian food�and Royina will�

HR: *Interrupts*  I�ll have some�*Brings down the waiter and whispers* I�ll have some DRUGS *Winks* if you have any�I hope you do *Shakes fist* for your own sake�

W: Oh we do *Winks back* I�ll go get your casa�I mean food *Leaves for the food getting and brings it back*

*Everyone eats*

FH: Well that was some good grub�*Chuckles*

*Waiter approaches with something big in his pocket*

W: Well here *Rips a paper of his pad* is your check�enjoy your night�*Walks on over to  Royina and gives him the drugs discreetly* Here they are�good bye.

HR: *Waves. Shouts* Thank you kind waiter!  Have a nice life of drugs and stuff�

W: *Turns in horror* SHH! Fool�*Runs away suspiciously*

HF: Well this was fun and all but we are going home to make brownies�

HR: Special brownies�with Mexicans!


HF: YES! *Laughs at them not having the brownies*

HR: WITH MEXICANS! *Laughs at them not having Mexicans*

D: Well I don�t like Mexicans!

HR: *Is shocked* How could you not?

D: Easily!

HR: *Turns away and walks out* Come on Francis!


H: Dang! I want brownies I wish I knew some one with some�*Sighs*

*The Hippies leave all dancey and smelly but before they go Dubya yells for them*

D: *Yells* WAIT! I have important news! *They stop* Your in the 40�s and the 60�s end in the 70�s HA HA on you!

HRandHF: *Are shocked and go into melt downs* NOOO!!!

*Everyone turns away and doesn�t care for their melt downs and stuff*

OHS: WAIT! I have brownies�*Pulls them out of his handbag* SEE look at them!

H: YAY! Now I can eat them and say YUM!

D: And no Mexicans were involved�YAY!

H: This is why I loved you. Always to prepared and thoughtful. Knowing just what to do�*Looks at Osama with that look*


*Hitler is saddened. The hippies interrupt with their NOO ing*


W: *Enters. Shouts at the hippies* Hey you two better get or I�ma beat you with my broom! Ya hear?

*They run away scared*

H: Uh�I�m sorry Osama�

OHS: You should be. I don�t love you, I�m a dude�

H: But that�s why I love you!


H: *Pouts* FINE! *Walks over to a chair and sits pouting more*


D: Mussolini�that�s enough of that.

M: But it�s so good!

D: *Sternly* I said stop, now stop!

M: *Is sad* I�m sorry! I will stop now�*Sighs*

*Scene ends with them eating and stuff*

And Scene
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