Scene One: The Typing Fiasco

Scene: A White House
Characters: Barbara (B) and Dubya (D)

*Scene opens with Babs noticing there is a curtain in the corner hiding something big she doesn�t know about yet, but she hitches it up to the �TAB� key and Barbara then puts decorations around it*

*Flashes to George sitting and is then typing poorly. He gets up and does a big musical number �Bad Grammar Song� and then sits some more and calls for Babs*

D: *In Agony* BARBARA! HELP! *Cries*

   *Babs rushes over quickly and concernedly*

B: What George? What is it?


B: I�m right here no need for yelling.

D: Oh well *Sadly* I can�t type! *Cries. Shakes fist in the air angrily and brings it down and slams on the table bitterly* This world CURSED me with bad typing skills! Why cruel world�WHY?

B: Here now, George, hear this: *Sings �You Type Like This� does a jig of sorts�*

D: Okay, Babs, I think I�ve got it! *Overcomingly* I CAN TYPE!

B: Are you sure because I don�t want to have to do that again.

D: Yes I understand. But why Babs? I trusted you! *Tears up* The trust. *Moves on* Okay back to what we were talking about.

B: *Sigh* I was saying�are you sure you know how to type? Cause I�m not going to do that jig and song again.

D: Oh yes. See look at me type. *Types crazily while his head is turned to Babs*

B: *Contradictingly* GEORGE!

D: Yes! I said I could do this! Why doesn�t any one believe me? Do I smell or something?

B: Fine! Don�t hit the tab key though, it�

D: *Interrupts* Why not? Huh? Huh? Come out with it!

B: Because I said not to! *Walks out mumbling* Oh that George he gets me so mad sometimes. With is stupidity�*Mumbles on*

D: *Mumbles* Stupid Barbara thinking she�s so great. But is she really? No she isn�t. With her big hair and her�her�big shoes!

B: I HEARD THAT! Don�t think I won�t come in there and hurt you!

D: *Is ashamed and scared then a sigh of relief* Phew she is gone. Now I can type in peace!

*Fidgets with keyboard. Hits �TAB� key. Everything goes dark and Dubya screams girlishly*

B: *Babs Enters* GEORGE! Did you hit that �TAB� key?

D: *Nervous laughs* It wasn�t me! *Time passes* Hey what did you do to it!

B: I�m not sure. There was just this cord out in the open so I hooked it up to the �TAB� key. Is that so wrong?

D: Yes. That�s why we have a maid. So when she does wrong, we can yell at her!

B: What are we going to do with you!?

D: Who knows�

B: It was rhetorical stupid!

D: *Is saddened* You�re a PUNK!


D: Double arg!

B: Well you�re a maid killer!

D: *Gasps in horror* I told you! She fell down that elevator shaft!

B: You had her purse in your hand�you were mugging her.

D: I told you she was falling and I grabbed her purse to try and bring her up but the door shut and I had to let go. *Is upset* Thanks for reminding me of the pain and horror!

B: I�m sorry George. I was just upset�

D: *Nods* I know you were. I know�

*Scene ends with Bab�s and Dubya working things out*

And Scene
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