Scene Four: The Frolicking �Dream�

Scene: A White House and A Beautiful Field
Characters: Osama Bin Laden (OBL), Dubya (D), King Mitch (KM), Saddam Hussein (SH), and Gnomes (G)

*In the darkened white house. Suddenly Osama, Saddam and Dubya walk to the door but there is a big Gnome figure in the way and then they get sprayed with some kind of crazy spray mist. Then soon after they all pass out and little gnomes drag them out to the field*

*In the field with flowery what not AND laughing gnomes. A lemon tree in the corner of the field (lemon tree with oranges) is glowing with orangey-yellowish light and is surrounded by gnomes singing �Lemon Tree� frolicking around it happily.*

G: *Singing some gnomey song* Teehehe! Teehehe! Gnomes are we! Gnomes are we! Teehehe! Teehehe!

*Osama, Saddam and Dubya wake up and see that they are by a bridge that is over a stream. They see gnomes, the gnomes are laughing at them from under the bridge with a King Gnome, named Mitch*

OBL: Oww I feel as if I have been dragged by little gnomes.

D: Hey me too! What a coincidence�

*Out of the bridge-y shadows a large figure approaches*

KM: Welcome to the gnome land. I am King Mitch friend to all the gnomes. I welcome you to the gnome land. Feel free to frolic around. *Shaking his fist while saying* FROLIC!

   *Sings �Welcome to the Gnome Land�*

D *Frightened* Are you going to make me bow Mr. Mitch?

KM: Oh please Mr. Mitch is my father. Call me King Gnome Mitch *Dubya repeats all learning like* and yes, BOW!

D: But I don�t want to bow�*Pouts crosses his arms*

KM: Oh okay. *Time passes* WAIT THAT�S TOO BAD! Bow petty mortals and gnomes *Laughs manically* Now bow or I will KILL you all. I�ll be right back� *Walks over to the camera (all real world-ish). To himself* I really need some friends. Why is it when ever I get some people here, I make them bow? *Sighs* I need help *Holds back the tears and walks back over and everyone is still not bowing* Oh, your not still bowing, I thought you would have ran by now. But you didn�t. So good for you. NOW BOW!

    *Everyone bows in terror*

KM: AH HA HA HA I am now the ruler of all the Gnomes and Dubya, Osama Bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein *Is happy* I�m going to river dance! *River dances*

SH: HEY! Gnomes don�t river dance!

KM: *Stops dancing* Quiet! And yeah we do! *The gnomes nod* See there�s a river *Points* It only makes sense! *Starts to dance some more*

OBL: But, I have brownies! Delicious, delicious brownies!

KM: You dare interrupt my dancing!? Again?! Wait did you say�BROWNIES!?

OBL: Why yes King Gnome Mitch. Yes I did! If I give you some will you let us frolic and not bow or be your slaves? And other nonsense�

KM: *Considers his request* Why yes, yes I would!

OBL: Here you go �almighty ruler�. *Gives King Mitch Brownies*

KM: Mmm Mmm Good! Like soup, but NOT, because they�re brownies! *Remembers his brownie receiving* Hey almighty ruler you say?

OBL: *Ignores the mighty ruler comment* Yes I made them that way!

SH: *Whining* Can we go now?

KM: Of course you can. *As they walk away he yells to them* Thanks for the brownies! *To himself* Finally I wasn�t completely evil.

OBL: Your welcome almighty ruler!

KM: *Talking to himself* Hey Osama said almighty ruler. Again. That sounds nice! I am �Almighty Ruler� material�

*Dubya, Saddam, and Osama walk up to lemon tree with oranges on it*

SH: Why look at that lemon tree! It�s beautiful I want to frolic around it! Oh yes I do!

*Saddam frolic�s around lemon tree with oranges on it. Then Dubya and Osama Bin Laden and some Gnomes join in. Singing �Lemon Tree� as they frolic evil gnomes and Mitch come up and capture them*

OBL: AHH NOOO! You can�t do this I have brownies! BROWNIES I SAY! BROWWNIEEEEES! Mitch! How could you!?

KM: Hey! I needed those brownies! Now SILENCE!

SH: Let me GO! Please? I�ll rub your tinny little feets�with joy! *Spastically* JOY!

D: *All speachy and what not* I hate gnomes! They are so little and annoying! They have big stupid noses and tiny annoying voices! They should all DIE! A gnome less world is a better world! And�and�

KM: *Interruptingly* Oh SHUT UP! Ha Ha Osama you believed me! Now I have brownies and I have captured you. *Laughs evilly. To himself* Crap the evil is back! Oh well I blame Osamas brownies.

OBL: You big jerk! I hope you fall in a pit and DIE! Ha Ha Ha!


OBL: I think I did! *Is proud*

*All scream. Dubyas is Girl-ish. All being dragged away*

D: You�ll pay! You�ll payyyyy *Y�s fade as they get dragged off*

*Then they �wake up� and realized it wasn�t a dream. Dramatic Music*

D: Oww my head hurts�and I feel as if I have been dragged. By tiny little people. Gnomes even.

SH: I had the craziest dream. We were in a field with a King Gnome named Mitch. Then there were little gnomes and they were all evil and Osama gave King Mitch brownies. But it was all a trick. And then we got dragged to some crazy place. Like where we are now.

OBL: I had the same exact dream.

*Dramatic music*

SH: Me too!

*Even more dramatic music*

OBL: We know�you told us�just now.
SH: Don�t you guys see what�s happening?

D: No not really� Explain it to me! PLEASE?

OBL: Alright! We weren�t sleeping just now. Some how we were awake and we really did meet a King Gnome named Mitch.

D: *Screams* No! No! NOOOO! THE HORROR!

SH: Exactly�but who would do that to us?

OBL: I don�t know. I just don�t know *Shakes his head in disapproval*

D: Well look lets make the best of this room with a glass window in it.

OBL: Alright I think we can do that.


D: But why are we here?

OBL: I�m not sure. I think it has to do with Hitler!

SH: What!? Your Crazy!

D: Well I think we should try and find a way out of here.

SH: Eh�it seems like a lot of work on our part.

D: Well yeah�but what if we never get out of here?

OBL: Well lets just not think of that and stare into this empty room.

D: Fine! *Excitedly* Hey! A chair! *Sits down. Angered again. Crosses his arms and pouts while glaring at Osama*

SH: Boy this is EXCITING!

OBL: I know! The only time I had more fun was when I watched paint dry.

SH I remember that day! Good Times�

*Scene ends with them looking through the glass window into a room*

And Scene
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