The Big One

Characters: Hitler ( H ), and Chuck ( C )

*Hitler enters the room where his best friend in the whole wide world is sitting contemplating things, Hitler sits beside him and asks concernedly*

H: Chuck is something bothering you. We�ve been best friends for as long as I could remember and I �

C: *Interrupts* Hitler I�m not in the mood for this�please just go, I know we�ve been through rough times but I just need to be alone, you just can�t under stand what I am going through.

H: *Concerned he places his hand on Chucks shoulder* Chuck, I�m your best friend you can tell me anything and I can tell you anything�now what�s bothering you?

C: *Shouts* I told you! You wont understand my pain now and you never will�you have to have a groove of sorts to know! *Hitler Gasps in horror. Realizes what he has said* Oh I�I didn�t mean to say that.

H: Oh I think you did�what ever it is your going through�go through it alone. I can�t be with you right now. You have crushed my soul and I need to recover. *Starts to walk away*

C: *Grabs his arm* Hitler�I didn�t mean it I am sorry. When am upset and I say things I don�t mean when I am upset�you have to understand Hitler�I�I love you!

H: Love me? LOVE ME! A friend who loves me wouldn�t keep something from me�even if it was bad they share things. THEY SHARE! They wouldn�t go putting the other one down cause they feel bad�and I guess you just don�t understand Chuck�now I�m going to go for a walk

*Hitler leaves the house and goes out, Chuck comes running after and grabs Hitler�s shoulder and turns him around*

C: Hitler you know I love you. You also know I have a short temper.  Do we have to do this every time I am upset? I mean if your cat just died you�d be like this too.

H: Your cat? YOUR FREAKING CAT!? I think I have a little higher rank than your cat! Now I need to be alone�let me be.

*Hitler runs away, but Chuck chases after and Chuck stops him and gives him a hug*

C: Now I am sorry�I shouldn�t have been so foolish. It�s only a cat. Your�you�re my best friend in the whole wide world!

H: *Wipes the tears from his eyes* That�s all I ever wanted to hear chuck *Hugs back* Now lets just go inside and make some tea.

C: Yeah lets. *They both go inside and make some tea settling their problems*
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