Nick 98 Degrees is Most Cudly
-MTV Asia
Nick 98 Degrees Is Most Cuddly
February 19, 2001

Yes, it's been confirmed. Hunky Nick Lachey of U.S. beefy boy group is the one whom most girls (or even boys) would like to cuddle most on St. Valentine's Day. We suspect it's the muscles.
While we thought lover boy Bryan McFaddden from super Irish boy band Westlife might lead the vote with his chubby build and all, Nick Lachey turns out to be the dark horse of the day with 8637 votes. Following close behind in the cuddle poll is U.K. R&B/garage smoothie Craig David, Bryan Westlife, latin lover Ricky Martin and bad boy Robbie Williams. (Perhaps Robster ain't much of a love supreme with his trail of broken hearts lying around.)

The unnamed insider says, "Well, there goes to show you are more desirable when you are attached! Also, the estrogen level of teenage girls these days are really high, ain't it? I'd prefer Robbie anytime, quite frankly."

Oh well. Anyway, here's the full results:

Who Would You Like To Cuddle Most On Valentine?
1. Nick Lachey - 8637 (36.3%)
2. Craig David - 7844 (33.0%)
3. Bryan McFadden - 3444 (14.5%)
4. Ricky Martin - 2892 (12.1%)
5. Robbie Williams - 986 (4.1%)

Total votes casted: 23803
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