Nick & Jeff...solo projects?

A fan recently caught up with Jeff at a celebrity volleyball game, and asked him what the bands plans were concerning albums. Jeff said that he was going to be working on a solo album and so was Nick. However, Jeff's won't be released until next year.
New Song!!!

98 Degrees released a new single called "Why (Are We Still Friends)" to radio stations on March 12th. Get the lyrics here.

Ok, well it's not exactly breaking news or anyhting, but I think it's hilarious! When
Drew & Justin were in Jamaica for Spring Break with Kiis FM, Drew had to intoduce Ludacris. Instead of saying Ludacris, he goes "Luuddda,"
and didn't finish it!
98 Degrees Greatest Hits Album

Don't forget to pick up a copy of "The Collection," which includes 98 Degrees' hits from the past five years as well as an 8 minute video compilation. It hits stores May 7th, so don't forget to buy it!

First Edition Special: One sticker (4 types, random)

Track List

1. Invisible Man
2. Because of You
3. The Hardest Thing
4. I Do (Cherish You)
5. Why (Are We Still Friends)
6. Thank God I Found You (with Mariah Carey and Joe)
7. Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche)
8. My Everything
9. The Way You Want Me To
10. This Gift
11. Was It Something I Didn't Say
12. Never Let Go
13. True to Your Heart (with Stevie Wonder)

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