I suppose the normal place to begin is how did I become a transvestite. My earliest recollection is when I was about 6, when like lots of others I suspect, I tried on my Mothers tights. I’m sure she must have noticed, as at that age, I would not have been able to put them back exactly as I found them ! But, nothing was said. I can also remember a school nativity play when aged about 8. For one of the roles, a school friend of mine was told to wear green schoolgirl tights. He ran out of the room crying, and I thought “Why did you not ask me” ! Didn’t have the courage to say that to the teacher though !

During secondary school (aged 12 to 16), I realised that I was different, in that I could not stop looking at the uniform my female classmates wore. By this time, the girls were allowed to wear proper nylons, and I just kept wishing that I could do also. At home, I had access to some second hand clothes that my mother stored for fetes, and I would regularly try on various items of female clothing when alone in the house.

By the time I left school, I was hooked well and truly into being a transvestite. I had by now read magazines on transvestitism, and knew that there were others like me, but no idea of how common it was or wasn’t. At my first job, one of the girls in the office had left a copy of ‘Cosmopolitan’ behind, and the front cover mentioned an article on transvestitism. Staying late one night, I eagerly found the article, and started reading it. The article was mainly about wives who find out that their husbands are transvestites, and how they dealt with it. But it showed that we were not weirdos, and it was quite a balanced article. It also mentioned that we liked to be called a TV - a term I have used from that day.

Now I was earning money, one of the my first purchases was the classic black bra, panty and suspenders, plus stockings! I also bought a black basque. A visit to a chemist in another town, and my first makeup was bought ! I think I said it was going to be a present for a niece !

Guilt - a lot of us go through it, and I was no different. For the first, and thankfully last time in my life, I felt that what I was doing was wrong, so threw all my stuff away ! But, the desire to dress is deep inside us, and very soon, I was buying clothes again. I had also discovered TV magazines, so realised that there were many others like me.

By this time, I had my own flat, so could dress as and when I wanted. My wardrobe got larger and larger, as I bought more clothes and shoes. I was now into my 30’s, and still to meet another TV face to face. In Oct 2001, I turned 40. The famous adage of life begins at 40 came true with Nicky. I decided to get out and about. The Internet had shown me that there were 1000’s of other TV’s, and that there were Clubs to go to. Since then, I have been to clubs like Ron Stormes and Way Out in London, plus ‘Lipstick’ evenings at the Philbeach Hotel (which sadly closed in Jan 2008). I was lucky to meet via the Internet some Northern based girls who persuaded me to come out with them in Manchester, which turned out to be very enjoyable. Thanks to Alison, Jane, Angela, Gabby, June and Claire who looked after a nervous Southern girl.

Since then I have gained in confidence. I have now been out shopping, going to restaurants during the daytime with no real issues. It is handy having a nice guy with you though !

For anyone reading this (and not bored senseless by it !), all I can say, is make the most of having one of the most interesting pastimes going !

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