Top 10 Reasons Why Being
An Older Fan ROCKS!
10. We can drive to concerts ourselves.

9. We�re not deluding ourselves that we will one day marry one of the guys. (okay, sometimes we do, but come on, it�s fun)

8. We can actually talk to the guys because we know English. We can sing along and also understand the lyrics.

7. We are taller than all the teenyboppers and stick out in the crowd.

6. Our signs say something more original (and probably a bit more naughty) than "I love you Nick".

5. We don�t get in trouble with our parents for flying to Orlando.

4. We can get into the clubs where they go and party and drink with them. (Been there, done that!!)

3. To us, ALL the songs have sexual connotations. ("Am I sexual?"  HELL YES!!!!!!!  And c'mere so I can prove it to you!)

2. We�re the same age group as the boys.

1. I could do everything to them and they could do everything to me.. and it�s not illegal. (well, it might be in some US states... LMAO)
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