Top 10 Reasons You Know
Nick is Stalking You
10.  The leftover pizza is missing, as well as the coupons.

9.  You find pugs running around the house.

8.  All your green underwear are gone.

7.  Your alarm, which should be beeping, mysteriously now plays Journey.

6.  You wake in the middle of the night by the annoying sound of snacky cake wrappers.

5.  The bottle of Jose Cuervo is missing as well.

4.  You see a new boat parked next to yours at the dock.  It's name is Out of Control.

3.  You discover a green XHIBIT sweatshirt in your bathroom.

2.  You suddenly start receiving X-Men comics in the mail, addressed to one Cick Narter.

1.  An irate woman named Jane keeps calling you and asking, "Is my, son there?"
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