Part 1
(He pushed me 'round
now I'm drawin' the line
He lived his life
now I'm gonna go live mine
I'm sick of wastin' my time)

Jasmine slammed the phone down, disgusted.  That was the third time this week that Brad had canceled plans with her to go out with his buddies.  "Some relationship we have," she muttered to herself.  Resigning herself to the couch for the third time this week, she flipped on the TV, trying to catch anything interesting to watch. 

After sitting there for about an hour, she began to grow restless.  It was Friday night for God's sake.  "Fuck this," she said before heading upstairs.

(Well now I've been good for way too long
Found my red dress and I'm gonna throw it on
'Bout to get too far gone)

Jas took a quick shower and headed to her room, searching her closet for something appropriate.  After finding her short, tight red dress, she carefully applied her makeup, and fixed her hair to her approval.  She was pissed off and was ready to have a little bit of fun.  "Fuck Brad," she said, slithering into her dress and putting on her heels.  She grabbed her things and headed out to her car, ready to start the night.

(Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Need a little but more of my twelve ounce nutrition
One more helpin' of what I've been havin'
I'm takin' my turn on the sin wagon)

Jasmine slipped her red Mustang into the parking spot.  She was amazed at all the cars around.  She had been going to Tabu frequently since it opened not too long ago, and she had never seen this place this busy.  Upon walking towards the door, she noticed the line of people outside the club.  "Damn!" she said.  "I'm gonna be waiting for-fucking-ever to get in."  Frustrated, she walked to the back of the line to wait. 

After about 15 minutes, she recognized someone walking towards the door.  "Tom!" she yelled.

He looked over at her, and smiled.  "Hey Jazzy, what are you doing here?"

"Brad bailed on me again.  It's Friday night and I'll be God damned if I was gonna sit at home alone.  I'm ready to be bad!" she said, a naughty grin spreading over her face.

"Well, come with me.  You shouldn't have to wait out here with everyone else.  You've been here enough, you've paid your dues.  You've earned a little VIP treatment," he said, a hand on her back, guiding her to the door. 

"I take it you're not working?" she asked, on their way to the door.

"Nope.  Lord knows that I spend enough time here as it is.  Why I come here on my night off is beyond me," he said, as they smiled at Zach, the bouncer, and entered the club.

"Hey Tom, why are there so many people here tonight?  This place is never this hoppin," she said.

"Oh, you decided to join us on the right night.  Howie and the guys are in town and they decided to come here for a night out," he explained.  Jasmine knew who the owner of the club was.  It didn't really matter to her.  She wasn't into that kind of music.  She was more of a dance/hip-hop girl. 

"Oh, cool," she replied.  She had never met Howie, even though she used to hang at the club nearly every weekend.  Their paths just never crossed.

"Ya wanna meet him?  He's a great guy.  C'mon, let's get something to drink and then head up to the VIP lounge.  I'm sure that's where everyone is."  After going over to the bar and ordering some drinks, Tom took her to the VIP lounge.

Inside the VIP lounge, Jas wandered over to the windows, which overlooked the entire club.  She had always figured that there was a room behind those mirrors, and now she knew.  She turned around and saw Tom approaching her, accompanied by another man.  "Jas, this is Howie," he said, introducing them.

"Hi, nice to meet you.  I love your club.  I've been coming here all the time since it opened," she said, shaking his hand.

"Well, glad you like it.  I heard you were quite the regular here."

"Yeah, I love it here."

"Great!"  He was cut off by the intercom, saying he was needed down at the bar.  "It was nice to meet you Jas.  I'm sure I'll see you around," he said, before leaving to go downstairs.

After meeting a few of Howie's bandmates, she decided to go downstairs, where the action was.  Well, that and she needed another beer.  She found an empty bar stool and waited for the bartender to wait on her.  Just as quickly as it was abandoned, someone else occupied the bar stool next to hers.  She glanced up at the man and flashed a polite smile, before looking impatiently back down at the bartender.

"Can I buy you a drink miss?" the man said.

She turned back to the man.  "I dunno, can ya?" she retorted, raising an eyebrow.  She still had the touch.  The gift of flirting well had never left.

"Yo Drew!" he yelled down the bar to the bartender.

"Wassup Bone!  You thirsty man?"  he yelled back, walking towards them.

"Hell yeah.  Gimme a drink man, and a beer for the lady here," he said, when Drew got to them.

"Jas," she said, extending her hand.

"Pleasure to meet to you Jas," he said, brushing his lips across her knuckles.  "Name's AJ, but everyone calls me Bone."

Jas chuckled.  "Bone?  And just how did you acquire that nickname?" she smiled, enjoying the flirtatious exchanges with the stranger.

Handing her the bottle of Bud Light, he leaned to her, mouth next to her ear.  "Stick around and you just might find out," he whispered into her ear.

"Well, well, aren't I the lucky one," she said, smiling at him, before taking a drink. 

He laughed and they continued their teasing banter for a bit longer.  Ginuine's "Pony" started blasting through the speakers.  "C'mon baby.  Legs like that aren't made to be resting on a barstool.  Let's dance," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her out to the dance floor. 

For the next hour, they danced and grinded around the dance floor.  She had to admit, the man was good on his feet.  Now she wondered how he would be off his feet.  The thought was nearly driving her insane.  Well, his hands roaming all over her body didn't help matters either.

Whatchu Like by DaBrat pounded throughout the club.  AJ turned Jas around, so her back was against him.  She leaned her head back on his shoulder.  "Oh, so that's why they call you Bone," she said, pressing her ass against his growing erection.

He groaned into her ear.  "Oh baby, you ain't seen nothing yet."

She turned around to him.  "So show me."  He grabbed her hand and quickly led her out of the club and to his Tahoe.
Part 2


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