Kevin headed back into the house to talk to Madison. He stopped outside of her door, not sure what he would say to her but knowing he had to make things right. Knocking on the door, he called out her name softly. "Madison please open the door.  I need to talk to you," he reasoned.
The door opened and he looked at her, feelings of guilt racking his body. "Look Kevin, there's nothing to talk about. You did nothing wrong. I brought all this on myself. I knew what I was doing and I'm a big girl, I made the decision.  I just let it go to far," she said softly.
Kevin put his fingers under her chin and made her look up at him. "You're partly right, but still I had responsibilities to you too. I let you down. What happened between you, Nick, Jordan and I the first trip was different. That was about us wanting to be together and enjoying ourselves. I should never have told the guys about it, and God knows I shouldn't have brought you two back down here and let the things that happened last night happen."
Madison stopped him. "Look Kev, it's over and done with now. We can't change it. It meant nothing. I mean nothing to you, so lets just leave it at that," she said, turning away from him.
He walked over to her, circling her waist from behind. "That's where you're wrong Maddie. You do mean something to me and I had to come and tell you before you left. Give me a chance to show me what you mean to me," he said softly, turning her to look at him. Slowly, he brought his lips to her and kissed her gently.

Madison felt herself giving way to him, and quickly pulled back. "You're a prick Kevin! You didn't come here to tell me how you felt.  You came here for one last fuck! I'm not your whore Kevin!" she screamed, tears falling down her face. Pushing past him, she headed for the door.
Kevin was stunned momentarily. "Madison wait. That's not what I meant," he whispered as he sat down on the bed running his hands through his hair. He realized now how it had all looked to her, as if he had come here to seduce her rather than tell her how he really felt.
AJ appeared in the doorway. "Smooth Kev, real smooth," he said sarcastically.
Kevin looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "Fuck you AJ.  I was trying to make it right. I didn't mean to hurt her. I'm not as vicious as you suspect," he said standing up.
AJ took a breath, instantly feeling guilty as he realized that Kevin was genuine. "Kev man, look I am sorry. But if you care about her, go after her. It's not to late. Make her understand what your feeling," AJ said, touching his shoulder.
Kevin looked at him and nodded. "Your right AJ. I'll see you later," he said turning and walking away from him. As he got to the door, he turned back. "Any idea where she might go?' he asked AJ.
"Try the clearing in the woods," AJ said sighing, "good luck," he added.
"Thanks AJ," he said before he ran down the stairs in search of Madison.

Nick needed to find Jordan before it was too late.  He knew he couldn't let this beautiful, wonderful, special girl slip through his fingers.  He found his way up to Jordan's room.  The door was open and he found her throwing her clothes into her suitcase.  "Get out Nick.  Just get the fuck out.  You disgust me," Jordan said, in a dangerously calm voice, not once looking up at him.
"Please Jordan, just hear me out."  Not hearing a reply from Jordan, Nick decided to continue.  "I didn't mean for everything to happen like it did.  You don't know how I wish we didn't involve the other guys.  We didn't think this thing through at all.  We just figured that everything would be cool, everyone would be ok with it all.   But it's not, everything's changed Jordan, and it's killing me."  Nick sensed that her defenses were crumbling.  She ceased throwing her clothes into her suitcase.  Her hands were covering her face, and her shoulders were shaking, almost like she was sobbing.  Nick walked to her and wrapped his arms around her soothingly.  "Jordan, you have no idea what you've done to me.  I care about you so much that it's scary.  You can't leave.  It would kill me."  Jordan raised her head and looked at him.  She couldn't resist those lips another second.  She placed a light kiss on his lips.  He returned it, the intensity of it multiplying by the second.  His hands started wandering on her body, caressing her all over.  He broke the kiss and traveled down to her neck.  "Oh God Jordan.  I want you so bad," Nick said between kisses. 
Jordan snapped.  She pushed Nick away from her violently.  "You asshole," she screamed.  "Who the fuck do you think you are?  Coming in here, sweet talking me, when your only intention was to get in my pants?  Well, fuck you Nick.  I can't believe you would stoop so low.  Thank God for me I found out before it was too late."  She pushed past him and headed for the door.
"Jordan!  Wait!" Nick screamed, but she was gone.  He slumped down onto the bed with defeat, head resting in his hands. 
"You too?"  Nick's head shot up, and saw Kevin standing in the doorway.
"Yeah, I don't know what the fuck to do anymore Train.  I care so much for her that it hurts, but I ended up sticking my foot in my mouth.  Where did I go wrong?" Nick asked, the emotion clear in his voice
"We, Nick, were assholes.  Same thing happened to me.  We've got to do something, and quick, before they're gone forever."

Kevin left Nick at the gazebo, seeing that Jordan was there all alone. Shaking hands they wished one another good luck and he made his way to the path that ran through the woods. His mind was completely filled with thoughts of her. What would he do if she told him that she didn't want to be with him? That she didn't want to or couldn't forgive him. He pushed the thought from his mind as he came into the clearing. He stopped suddenly and looked at her. She sat out on the rocks there, her knees pulled up to her chest. Her auburn hair blowing in the wind. She looked lost and so alone, it broke his heart. He carefully made his presence known. "Madison. Can we please talk?" he asked walking towards her.
She shook her head, trying to control the quivering of her voice. "Kevin there's nothing to talk about. I just want to be alone. Please?" she pleaded looking at him for the first time. The tears falling down her face softly, her eyes illuminated by the moonlight, made her appear incredibly small and childlike to him. He wanted nothing more than to hold her and assure her it was all going to be okay. Knowing he couldn't walk away from her, he took the chance and walked towards her. Before he lost his nerve he sat down beside her, careful not to touch her. He knew right now was not the time. She needed her space, but it didn't stop the thought of holding her from running through his mind. "Maddie, everything that happened earlier, it came out all wrong. I swear to you, I wasn't trying to put the moves on you or to take advantage of you. I meant everything I said to you. I care about you and damn it Madison, you just have to believe me," he said, choking on the last words. She looked up at him. "How Kevin? Tell me how I can believe in this or believe in you? I don't know what I feel anymore. I thought this was what I wanted, that I could have sex with guys and feel nothing and then along came you. I'm so damn confused!" she yelled, her emotions getting the best of her.
Kevin put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't know how all of this happened, and as much as I wanna take it all back, I can't. I just know I can't let you walk out of my life. I never expected this to happen, that I would feel this way but I do," he said softly.
Madison took a deep breath. "That's just it Kevin.  I don't know how you feel, or what you feel about me. I don't know what to think anymore," she said sighing. Kevin took her hands in his. "Madison, I love you. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't. I just know I do" he finished, looking into her eyes with complete sincerity. Madison pulled back, she had never expected to hear him say those words to her, and it made her feel things she wasn't sure she could handle. She shook her head. "No Kevin it would never work. I mean come on, I've fucked your friends, and you would never see me as anything more than a whore. You would hate me for it and they would never accept this relationship, they would never see me as anything more than some slut!" she said, the last word coming as a whisper.
Kevin pulled her to him this time. She fought to get away from him, but he held onto her tightly. "Don't fight me Madison, I'm here. I want to be here. And I don't see you as a whore. I love you and as for the guys, they care about you too. We can work it all out, just give me the chance," he pleaded. Madison stopped struggling and just let herself go. She held onto him tightly, sobbing against his chest as he soothed her. "Maddie I swear it's going to be okay. I promise you. I'll do anything to prove it to you," he whispered into her hair as he placed small kisses on the top of her head. His hands ran over her back caressing her, wanting to take away all the pain she felt. He wanted nothing more than to show her who he really was, a chance to be with her in a way that he felt no one ever had. He wanted her to feel loved, and protected, to know he was there for her. He continued to hold her as she sobbed against him, letting her get it all out.  Madison held on to him for dear life. Could she trust him? She knew she loved him but how could it work? So many questions about their future and whether or not they would even have one together. She pulled back from him. Slowly he brushed away a tear with his finger tip. "You okay?' he asked, smiling at her.
She shook her head. "I don't know Kev, it's all so confusing and it just fucking hurts. I don't know what to do." She looked at him intently.
"Madison do you love me?" he asked, pulling her face to his. He took a deep breath waiting for her to answer. Madison wasn't sure what to do. She knew she loved him but there were so many obstacles. "Kev, it just won't work," she whispered.
He looked into her eyes, forcing her to look at him. "Madison I asked you if you loved me. If you don't love me, I'll let you go," he said, touching her face.
Madison knew what she felt and knew she couldn't let him go. "Yes Kevin I do love you," she said softly.
Kevin smiled at her. "Then there's nothing more to say," he replied as he licked his lips and brought them to hers, kissing her gently, until he felt her giving way. Slowly his tongue entered her mouth, causing a small moan to escape her lips. They kissed passionately, completely lost in one another. When the kiss broke, leaving them both breathless, Madison's eyes locked on his. She knew by looking at him that he did love her and there was something other than lust there. Something in his eyes told her it was genuine. She pulled him to her and began kissing him again renewing their passion. Kevin pulled back, "Madison we don't have to do this," he said against her lips.
"Kevin it's not about having to, it's that I need you." 
"Madison I want to show you how much I love you. Let me make love to you," he said, his green eyes clouding with desire. "I want it to be right this time. To be.."
She stopped him there, silencing him with her finger against his lips. "Kevin, please make love to me. I need you. I can't get close enough," she whispered breathlessly. 
Kevin needed no further encouragement. Slowly and tenderly, he began kissing her. His mouth trailing over every inch of her skin. His fingers slowly undid the buttons of her shirt and his lips planted tender kisses on each inch of newly exposed skin. His hands found the clasp to her bra and with expert fingers, he unhooked it, leaving her bare to him. His mouth quickly covered her hardened nipple, leaving Madison quivering under him. He continued making his way down to her stomach. His fingers traced figure eights over her tummy as he began unbuttoning the jean shorts she wore. Lifting her slightly, he slipped them off of her and brushed a thumb over the silk panties she wore, making contact with her center. Madison moaned his name softly, increasing his desire. Slowly he began slipping her panties off of her, his mouth finding her center, caressing her with his tongue. Madison's fingers ran through his dark hair. He was being so gentle, paying such attention to her body, it was driving her insane. As her orgasm hit, she moaned his name over and over sending chills through Kevin's body. Removing his clothes, he carefully laid down on top of her, covering her body with his.
Madison kissed him and ran her hands over his chest. "Your turn," she whispered.
Kevin shook his head. "Not tonight baby. It's all about you," he replied as he gently spread her thighs, opening her to him. Slowly he entered her, making her moan his name as his length filled her. His pace was slow and teasing, wanting to prolong her pleasure. She had never in her life experienced this kind of intimacy with anyone. Kevin's eyes never left hers. He ran his hands through her hair and kissed her lightly as he whispered to her how much he loved her and needed her. The intensity of their feelings proved too much for Kevin and his thrusts began to quicken. Madison was now meeting his every push, wanting him, needing him inside of her. She could feel herself on the brink of losing control. Throwing her head back, she dug her nails into his back. Kevin leaned down kissing her. "Open your eyes Maddie, I want you to look at me. I want you to look at me when you cum," he whispered. She obeyed, her eyes never leaving his as they came to an explosive orgasm together, his warmth totally filling her. It was the most intimate thing she had ever experienced, the feelings were so deep, it brought tears to her eyes. Kevin leaned in kissing her gently as they regained their breathing. Softly, he kissed away her tears. "I love you baby," he whispered against her lips.
"I love you too Kev," she answered, knowing that she really did mean it and that for the first time in her life, there was no where else she wanted to be but with him.
They lied there together in silence saying nothing for several minutes, just content to hold one another.
"Madison, say you'll stay here with me," Kevin said rolling over on his side looking down at her.
Madison nodded. "I'm not going anywhere Kev. For the first time in my life, I feel like I am finally loved by someone," she said softly.
Kevin stroked her cheek with his fingers. "Believe me Maddie you are, and I am not ever going to let you forget that," he said, taking her hands and pulling her up. After getting redressed, Kevin took her hand leading her back to the house.
"Oh Kev, I have to go see Jordie," she said giggling. "She's not going to believe this," she added smiling. Kevin stopped her. "Maddie, Jordan was alone in the gazebo when I came to find you. Her and Nick had a fight."
Madison sighed. "Oh Kev, I have to go find her," she said worried.
Kevin pulled her into his arms. "Nick and I went looking for you two together. He loves her Maddie. It's all going to be okay," he assured her.
"Promise?" she asked kissing him.
He nodded.  "I promise baby," he answered as they walked into the house together. 

Taking a deep breath, Nick looked at Jordan.  She was sitting in the gazebo with her back facing him.  He stood there momentarily, silently replaying the conversation in his mind.  Slowly, he walked around the gazebo to the entrance, the noise causing Jordan to look up.  The minute she saw him walking into the gazebo, her eyes became like stone, and the look she gave Nick literally tore him apart.  "Are you fucking stupid Nick?  What part of our previous discussion didn't you understand?  You need to lay off the hair dye hun, it's seriously affecting your better judgment," Jordan said, her voice dripping with harsh sarcasm. 
Nick flinched at her harsh words but continued his path until he was seated beside her.  Her back was to him, which was probably best.  It would be a lot easier to dodge her punches if her fists started flying, which he hoped wouldn't be the case.  "Jordan, please just hear me out.  I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, but I have something I need to tell you."  He paused, waiting for her response.  When he received none, he continued.  "I can't begin to explain the things you do to me.  You excite me in every way possible.  Not just physically, but intellectually and emotionally as well.  You're one of the best people I know.  When I'm around you, everything is right with the world.  The stars twinkle brighter, the birds chirp a sweeter song.  Everything is just more harmonious when you're around.  I can't lose that, and I can't lose you.  I'm not a poet, far from it, but please believe me when I tell you that I, I know that I love you.  You wouldn't believe the jealousy that was running through me the other night when the three of us were messing around.  I didn't say anything because it seemed to be what you wanted.  I guess I just handled my jealousy wrong, but I can't help it.  Jordan, please, you have to believe me.  The only thing I want is you.  Nothing else matters to me.  Please don't leave."  His voice became rich with emotion and got thicker as he continued.  Nick couldn't hold out any longer.  The tears spilled from his eyes.  He was desperate.  He needed her in his life, at any cost. 
Meanwhile, Jordan sat there, taking in every word, every emotion that dripped from his words, finding her own emotions were in conflict.  Her thoughts were spinning.  Do I take him back?  He said he loves me.  Do I love him back?  Does he really mean it?  I can't be hurt again.  Oh dear God, what do I do?  She was broke from her own thoughts by a soft sobbing sound.  She turned around to see Nick crying into his hands.  The site nearly made her burst into tears herself.  She threw caution to the wind.  She tentatively reached out her hand and softly stroked his hand.  "Nick," she whispered softly, not trusting her own voice. 
He raised his head, tears still falling down his cheeks, to look in her eyes.  Gone were the cold, hateful, icy eyes.  "I'm so sorry Jordan," Nick managed to say between sobs.  "I never meant to hurt you."
"Oh, Nick.  I know.  It's no one's fault.  All of us were consenting adults.  We just didn't think with our heads.  We didn't think of the consequences, we just did what we thought was right.  It may have felt right at the time, but in all honesty, I didn't want Brian touching me.  I was imagining it was you.  We need to stop blaming each other or ourselves, and just chalk this up as one of those things that just happens sometimes and learn from it."
"Do you really mean that Jordan?  Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Nick said in disbelief.
"Yes, you big goof.  C'mere," she said, taking his head in her hand and guiding his mouth to hers, initiating the most tender, loving kiss that either of them had experienced.  She broke the kiss moments later.  Not even an inch away from him, she whispered, "I love you too Nick.  I always have."
Fresh tears spilled from his eyes.  Not tears of hurt or loss, but tears of happiness and hope.  "Oh Jordie, do you know how many nights I dreamed you would say those words to me?"
"Probably as many as I did," she smiled, then stopped everything she was doing.  She looked down at her hands, which were placed in her lap.  Never looking up she said, "Nick, will you do me a favor?"
Nick took a finger and pulled her chin up, causing her to look in his eyes.  "Whatever you want, Jordie."
"Make love to me Nick," she said softly.
"Are you sure? I mean, only if..."
"Dammit Nick.  I know what I want and I want you.  I've given myself to you in every way, except one.  In the past, it was just a physical thing, sex, great sex, but really nothing more.  I've fallen in love with you and now it's time for me to give myself to you emotionally, as well as physically."
"Whatever you say babygirl."  Nick began kissing her, first softly, tenderly, then more passionately.  He trailed kisses down her neck, reaching a hand up to slowly untie the neck part of her bikini top.  Jordan sighed and brought her hands up around the back of his neck, softly caressing the nape.  Continuing his kisses, Nick trailed his fingers down her back to her other bikini strings and gently untied those as well.  Then he gently picked her up and laid her on the floor of the gazebo, using a towel he found on the railing to protect her back from the wood.  He removed the bikini top and lavished his love on her breasts.  Her hands continued to caress the back of his neck.  She had never experienced anything as passionate as this.  The genuine love between them was unmistakable.  "Baby, this is how it should have always been," Nick mumbled, his mouth still on her breasts.
"I know Nicky, I know."  She started working on the button of his khaki shorts, wanting nothing more than to feel him against her.  No restrictions, no clothing, no more hidden feelings anymore.  Nick quickly removed her from her clothing, as did she to him.  They both lay there in the gazebo, naked as the day they were born, exploring each other's bodies as if it were the first time.  In fact, it was the first time.  Oh, there were the other times, but the feelings were never like this.  Never on their wildest dreams did they think it could be like this.  Jordan couldn't stand it anymore.  If he touched her, kissed her one more time, she would explode, and she didn't want to do that without him.  "Nicky, please, I need you.  Make love to me now." 
He obliged.  Gazing into her eyes, he said, "I love you," while entering her slowly.  They both took their time, moving as one.  Each thrust, each moan, each kiss seemed to build their love even more. 
"Oh God Nick."  Her need for release was coming.  She could feel it.  "I love you so much," she said, nipping at his neck, while he was nipping at her breasts.
"Babygirl, I'm ready, I can't hold out much longer."  The sweat dripping from his brow signified that statement.  He had been working so hard to not explode in her, trying to make this the most incredible experience for her.
Jordan was ready too, but she, too, had held back, till just the right moment.  Nibbling on his ear, she said, "Now Nicky."
His groans as he came could be heard through out the yard.  He collapsed on her.  "I love you baby girl."
"I love you too Nicky.  Always baby."

Nick and Jordan walked through the back gate his arm securely around her waist. They both stopped short when then walked up on Kevin and Madison out near the pool in a heated kiss. Kevin sitting in the lounge chair, Madison on his lap. Nick turned to her. "Maybe we should just head back around to the front of the house." He said softly. Madison looked up as the kiss broke to see Nick and Jordan headed back out the gate. She jumped off of Kevin's lap. "Jordie wait!' she called running towards her.
"Sorry we didn't mean to interrupt." Jordan said smiling. Madison looked at her laughing, "It's okay Jordie, I was worried about you." She said looking at her and then to Nick who had his arms around her waist. "I'm fine Maddie, really." She said kissing Nick softly. Kevin walked up behind Madison and smiled at Nick and Jordan. "Seems we aren't the only ones who worked things out." He said kissing Madison's neck quickly.
Nick nodded. "We're good, how bout you guys?" he asked knowing the answer from the look passing between them.
Kevin nodded smiling. "Yep pulled my foot out of my mouth and finally said the right thing."
Nick laughed, "I hear ya Kev." They slapped hands watching as the girls hugged one another once again looking happy. Madison and Jordan both looked exhausted. Nick pulled her to him. "My babygirl getting tired?" he asked in that cute sexy way of his.
Jordan nodded. "Yeah Nicky I Am," she answered smiling at him.
"Awww that's so cute." Madison said giggling.
Kev took her hands, pulling her into his arms. "Nick's right we should probably head to bed." 
Madison giggled.  "Maybe this time we should try going to bed separately," she said, making all of them burst into laughter.
Nick pulled Jordan to him as he opened his bedroom door. "The only place I better find you is in my bed," he said before beginning to kiss her passionately as the door closed behind them.
Kevin smiled at Madison. "That goes for you too. I'm highly jealousm," he said, his voice low and sexy. "There's no place I would rather be baby," she said as she pulled him into the bedroom closing the door behind them.


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