Jordan walked into the large backyard, Nick's hand firmly on the small of her back.  Nick smiled inwardly.  He could sense her fear.  And at once, another thought came to him.  Maybe it wasn't fear, but excitement.  He pushed the thought out of his mind wondering why it bothered him at all and led her to where the other guys had now gathered, staring at the two of them.  AJ was the first to approach.  He smiled and in perfect AJ style, introduced himself.  "Well damn Nick, you said she was hot but you didn't say she was fucking incredible. I'm AJ," he added, raising his sunglasses and staring at her intently.

Jordan couldn't help laugh. "Hi AJ, I'm Jordan. It's nice to meet you," she answered, trying to think about anything other than the way his eyes were scanning her body. 

The tension between them broke as Howie and Brian made their way to her.  "Hi, I am Brian," he said in a slow southern drawl that made his Christian exterior fade quickly in Jordan's mind.

"Nice to meet you Brian," she said, smiling at him. He returned her smile completely setting her at ease.

Howie slowly made his presence known, introducing himself and kissing her cheek. Ever the perfect gentleman, she fought hard not to pull back. Though she had to admit he was a little better looking in person. Jordan felt AJ's hand on her back and turned to find him holding a margarita for her. "Thanks," she said, sipping it, feeling the tequila work through her body.

"Welcome," he said smiling. "Hey wait aren't there two of you?" he questioned.

Brian laughed, "Yeah and just where the hell is Kevin?" he asked smiling.

As soon as Nick and Jordan were out of sight, Kevin grabbed Madison, pulling her to him, and pushing both of them against the side of the house.  His hands locking into her fingers.  "I've missed your body," he said before his lips came crashing down on hers.
Madison's soft moans against Kevin's lips only served to drive him further. His fingers worked over her body, teasing her nipples through her baby doll tee, making it impossible to think straight. Soon his hands were wandering down to the zipper of her white cotton shorts. The lust ever present in his eyes. His fingers softly caressed her wetness through her panties. She was on the brink of losing it.

The guys followed Jordan back around the house.  They all stopped quickly at the sight before them.  Madison and Kevin locked in a heated kiss, his hands roaming under her shorts.  Jordan cleared her throat, bringing them out of the little world.  Madison turned bright red. "What the fuck are you doing?" Jordan asked bluntly.

Madison couldn't help herself.  She began laughing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry Jordie, really," she added quickly, pulling down her shirt.

Kevin quickly made his way over to Jordan and pulled her into his arms.  "Come on, it's nothing we haven't done before," he whispered in her ear. 

She blushed again slightly, making him smile, and then nodded her head. Pulling away from him she turned back to Madison, taking her aside.  "Damn it Madison, I leave you alone two seconds and your practically fucking Kev in front of the other guys.  Nice first impression," she added, starting to laugh. 

Madison smiled at her and began walking past the other guys, finally deciding to zip up her shorts.  "Ffirst impressions are a bitch, aren't they?" she tossed at them as she walked by smiling.

AJ began laughing suddenly. "I love her already."  Madison overheard AJ's comment as she was walking into the back yard, and smiled to herself.  She knew he was gonna be fun in bed.  He just emitted a certain aura that portrayed him as a wonderful and skillful lover. 

"Madison, where are you manners?  You still need to meet the rest of the guys," Jordan called out to her.

"Manners?" she laughed, letting her spunky, flirtful side come out.  "You all just caught me with Kevin's hand down my shorts, and you still expect me to have manners?  You guys are crazy!"  She was about in a fit of hysterics.  She thought it was the funniest thing in the world.  She walked over to Howie.  "Greetings Howard," she said in her most prim and proper voice,  while doing a curtsey .  Jordan tried to stifle a giggle and hide her smile. 

Then she walked over to Brian.  He extended a hand to
hers.  "Hey, nice to meet you Madison."

She shook his hand lightly, and put on her best southern voice.  "Likewise, I'm sure."  Finally she walked over and stood directly in front of AJ.  She looked him up and down slowly.  "Bone," she said, raising her eyebrows suggestively, and extending her hand to him.

He took it and softly brushed his lips against her knuckles.  "The pleasure's all mine."

"Oh you don't even know the meaning of the word pleasure," she paused.  "Yet."  She walked back over to Jordan.  "Well, what are we waiting for?  Let's take some photos."  The guys started walked towards the back patio.  Madison and Jordan followed behind them, admiring the view.  "Let's get these damn pictures done and out of the way.  I'm ready to have some fun."

"I know.  I have an eerie feeling that this next week will be very interesting," Jordan replied.

"Yes, very interesting.  Exhausting, but interesting."  Both girls laughed and followed the boys into the house.
Chapter 3


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