Part 1
Nick pulled up to his house, eager to see Wendi.  Him and the rest of the Backstreet Boys had been busy for the past few months working and recording their new cd and he had been badly neglecting his girlfriend.  On a normal day, they had to be to the studio by 9am, and were there sometimes until 11 or 12 at night, trying to make this their best CD yet.  But today was a good day at the studio, so they left around 6, and decided to take tomorrow off so they wouldn't get too burnt out.  Nick drove home at a dangerous speed, anxious to spend some quality time with Wendi.

Nick walked in the house calling out her name, but was only met with silence, which was not normal.  He walked into the living room to see Wendi on the couch, covered by an ungodly number of blankets.  On the coffee table was a half-empty box of tissues and various bottles and boxes of cold remedies.  "Aww, my poor baby's sick," he said sympathetically.  He kneeled down beside the couch to kiss her forehead, shocked at the heat radiating off her head.  "Wendi, sweetie, I'm home," he said softly, while gently shaking her.  She groaned something incoherent before opening her eyes.  "Hey baby," he said, brushing a few stray hairs from her eyes.  "You not feeling well?"

"That's the understatement of the millennium," she said, cracking a smile.  That was Wendi for ya.  Even when she was deathly ill, she always seemed to be able to crack jokes.  "I feel like I just ran a marathon.  My body aches, there's this invisible vise grip on my head squeezing the life out of me, and while I was sleeping, some asshole decided to run sandpaper over my throat about a thousand times.  In short, I feel like complete shit," she explained wearing a weak, exhausted grin.

"Well, I'm glad we got out of there early.  You need some good old fashioned TLC.  Be right back hun," he said, before jetting out of the room.  He returned a few minutes later, with a bottle in his hand.  He put some soft piano music on the stereo, turned the heat up and returned to the couch, sitting on the end of the couch, facing her. 

"Baby, what are you doing?" she croaked out.

"Just you hush.  Save that pretty voice of yours and just relax.  Let me make you feel better."  He fished around under the blankets until he found her feet.  Pulling one out, he pulled the sock off, laying her foot gently in his lap.  He poured some lotion in his hands, rubbing it around to warm it up before covering her foot with it.  Expertly, he began rubbing around on her foot, relaxing her instantly.  Gently he pushed the leg of her sweat pants up and started to massage the back of her leg.  He did the same with the other foot and leg.  "You feeling any better hun?"

"Uh-huh," she said in a dazed voice.  His hands had always worked wonders.

"Good, can you roll over for me?"  She nodded and did so.  He sat on the back of her thighs, pouring more lotion on his hands, warming it up, then began one of his famous back massages. 

Wendi moaned slightly at the welcome touch.  His warm, gentle hands felt so good on her body, just as they always did.  A few minutes later, he noticed her breathing begin to even out.  This always happened when he gave her massages.  He gently scooped her body off the couch, and headed to the bedroom.

She awakened when he laid her on the bed.  "Here.  Lemme help you out of some of those clothes, so you'll be more comfortable," Nick instructed.  Wendi smiled at the sweet gesture.  He was being so attentive, not missing anything.  He gently pulled her sweatshirt over her head, and pulled her sweatpants off, leaving her in a black BSB tank top and BSB boxers.  Nick chuckled at her outfit.  "Well, aren't we showing are BSB pride proudly today."

Wendi smiled.  "I wear this to keep me close to you when you're gone."

"Oh hun, I hate being away as much as you do.  I'm here now though.  C'mere," he said, laying beside her and bringing his arms around her, pulling her close to him where his body could keep her warm.  "Get some sleep hun.  I hate seeing you so miserable."

"I'm not miserable anymore.  You're here now.  I love you Nicky," she said sleepily.

"I love you too babygirl," he said, before falling into a contented sleep.
Part 2


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