Chapter 3
Nick sat in the booth watching Tracy dance to the dark music blaring over the sound system. He couldn't contain his obvious interest, his eyes never left her.

"Earth to Nick," Lisa said for the second time.

"What?" he asked, looking at her finally.

"Your not gonna get any play sitting here with us, and to be honest, I'm not getting to far either," she added smiling.

"What are ya saying Lisa?" he asked, stifling his laughter.

"I'm saying get the fuck up and go dance with her. Damn your so blonde," she said laughing.

"Fine, if you don't want me around," he said, mocking hurt feelings. "Just remember your forcing me," he added.

Frank laughed.  "If there is one thing I've never forced you to do, it's fuck a hot girl, now get with it Carter," Frank said, using his last name for the first time.  Vague recognition flashed in Lisa's eyes and sensing Nick could see it, she quickly regained composure and turned her attention back to Frank. 

Nick made his way through the crowded dance floor. Casually, he made his way up to Tracy. Slipping up next to her, he brushed a hand over her back. "Mind if I join you? Lisa kicked me out," he said smiling.

"I see," Tracy answered, looking back at the table knowing Lisa's hands were defiantly wandering under that table top.

The heavy drum beats were replaced with the soft erotic rhythm of Montel Jordan's Get it on Tonight. Not asking for permission, Nick's hands slipped around her waist, moving with her until their bodies had found a perfectly timed rhythm. Tracy had to admit, the boy could move and the feeling of his hands running up her back was starting to get to her. Or was it the Budweiser? she questioned herself.  The DJ seemed to know that the heat was building between them and, changing things totally, began playing What's your Fantasy. That was all it took. The beat coupled with the lyrics sent Tracy into "have to have him mode". The dance moves between them became more intense, more seductive. Soon Nick's hands were gliding over her ass and his hardness was thourghly evident on her thigh. Tracy's hand ran over his chest and looking up, she damn near gasped aloud. The intense look of desire in his eyes was something she hadn't seen before. He smiled down at her, or was that a smirk? Loving the look on her face and knowing exactly what questions were running through that pretty head of hers. 

As the song faded only to be replaced by some 90's love song, Tracy found herself dancing in his arms and feeling rather comfortable. His hands slowly rubbing over her back and was it her imagination or was he pulling her closer. She didn't have to wait long for her answer when his breath tickled her neck only to be replaced by the extreme hot and cold sensation of his tongue verses his mouth. Before she could stop herself, a soft moan of delight escaped her throat. "Seems she likes that. How about this," he whispered into her ear.

Looking at her intently, he licked his lips and brought his lips to hers. It took only a small amount of coaxing from him before her lips parted and his tongue made his way into her mouth. She couldn't help herself.  One hand found it's way into the silky blonde hair of his. She'd wanted to do that all night. The kiss broke leaving her breathless, Nick turned on, and a smiling Lisa in front of them.

"Sorry to interrupt but we thought we'd head back to Frank's. It will be quiet and ya know Tracy, there will be beds. Looks like you two could use one," she added smirking.

"Lisa, do you always say what's on your mind?" Nick asked, slightly embarrassed.

"Always, even when she should shut up," Tracy answered him, looking at Lisa trying not to laugh.

"Are you guys coming or what?" Krystal asked, walking over with Frank and Brent.

"Oh not yet, but they will be by nights end," Lisa taunted before snuggling into Frank's arm for protection.

Oddly enough, protection wasn't needed. It seemed as if Tracy hadn't heard her last comment at all.  A look back at her and Nick made Lisa do a double take. Tracy's hands were running through his hair, his hands on her ass, and their mouths connected, tongues battling.

"Excuse me," Lisa said, clearing her throat.

"Oh sorry, were you talking to me?" Tracy asked boldly, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Yeah, can we get out of here now?" Lisa asked.

Nick grabbed Tracy's hand. "That's the best idea you've had all night. Let's go," he said, pulling her towards the door.  "You're riding with me."

She stopped. "I don't think so. I drove tonight, and neither of these car challenged women are driving my car," she said gesturing to the others.

"Jesus, when it comes to that car you so have a dick," Krystal said, rolling her eyes.

"Fine I'll go with you. Brent take my Durango," he said, handing him the keys. "We'll see you there," he said before heading for the door.

When they reached her car, Nick let out a soft whistle of approval. "The lady likes speed," he said, circling her waist from behind and opening the door for her.

"Yes Nick I do, speed, size and something that is built to be driven hard," she whispered, feeling his hardness press against her ass.

"I'm defiantly all those things. Now I have just one question," he murmured, turning her around to face him.

"What?" she asked smiling.

"Can I drive?" he asked against her lips.
She allowed him to kiss her caressing his tongue with hers. When the kiss broke, he smiled at her. "Guess that's a yes."

Tracy put her hands up. "That's a not on your life. Get in the car Nick," she said, smiling when the look of 'I can't believe this' crossed his face.

"Okay okay fine," he muttered, getting into the passenger seat.

Tracy looked over at him and giggled. Starting the car, she headed for Frank's, trying to keep her eyes on the road and off the blonde sitting beside her. She couldn't place it but she just knew she'd seen him before.
Chapter 4

Chapter Index


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