Chapter 1
Ft Myers Fl

Damn it had been a long day.  Closing the door and locking it, Tracy made her way down the stairs, leaving the tanning salon she owned and heading for her car. The sticky hot Florida heat was overwhelming. Even at 6 in the evening it made the tank top she wore feel as if it had suddenly adhered to her body. Unlocking the door of her car, she glanced at the black vinyl top and decided what the hell it was certainly hot enough out to warrant it, so throwing her things into the green Camero she lowered the tops and began the grueling drive home through traffic.

Tracy threw her keys on the table and began flipping through her mail. After an hours wait for a teenage idiot in a Mustang who conveniently ran out of gas on the top of the bridge to get his gas, she'd finally arrived at her apartment. She had to admit the cold air felt good and knowing that the salon would be closed tomorrow giving her a day off was a welcome thought. Placing the credit card bills with the stacks of other bills waiting to be paid, she decided this day needed to come to a relieving halt and headed for the bathroom, a hot bath and her bed. Another day done, and as usual, completely uneventful.

At 24, Tracy had accomplished quite a bit. She'd been to college studied massage therapy, found a backer and opened a successful salon. She had her own apartment a car she loved, nice clothes and good friends. Like most girls her age she liked to party but since she'd broken off with Billy 7 months ago, she'd become cynical and skeptical of anything male. Her credo now that of one night was more than enough for her. She was a pretty girl, not model thin but pretty enough to attract attention from the guys in the clubs she frequented. Everyone loved Tracy and her best friend Krystal could  always be counted on to turn an otherwise boring night into something adventurous. The two had been friends since grade school. She was the only one who understood every single thing Tracy did and never had to ask why. They did nothing without the other. I'd always been that way.

Tracy swore aloud as the phone rang just as she was about to hop into the tub. Racing to the bedroom she grabbed her cordless phone out of breath.
"Hey girl. It's Friday night what are we gonna get into tonight?" Krystal asked teasingly.
"Hey Krys. I don't know about you but the only thing I'm getting into is a hot bath and my bed," she answered walking back towards the bathroom and turning off the water.
"Oh come on Tracy. Lisa just called, she wants us to drive up to Tampa for the weekend. She's only going to be there till Sunday and we haven't seen her since last March."
"Krys," Tracy began.
"And you know I would take my car, but yours is a convertible," Krys continued without hearing her. "Besides, my car looks like it was sent for and didn't make it. Come on Trace you don't want me driving that thing to Tampa and braking down do ya? I'd just have to call you to come get me anyway," she added
"Damn it Krys, your not gonna shut up till I agree are you?" she asked, starting to like the idea more and more.
"Not a chance," she answered.
"Fine get ready I'll be there in 30 minutes to get you and tell Lisa I said thanks for blowing the relaxing night I had planned."
"Oh she'll be blowing something before nights end but it won't be your evening," Krystal said, making Tracy laugh into the phone.
"Yeah you gotta love that about her. I'll see ya in a few Krys," Tracy said putting down the phone.
Walking to the closet she began filling the duffel bag with her clothes. If they were going to Tampa that meant one thing they were going there to party, and knowing Lisa it meant they would all more than likely wake up in someone else's room. Zipping her bag she dressed and headed for the door and then thinking about Lisa and her reputation for finding irresistible men, she ran back and grabbed the blue silk thong panties from her drawer throwing them into her bag. After all, a girl never knew  when she'd be in need of a pair of thongs.....
Chapter 2

Chapter Index


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