Chapter 1
Alexandra rushed to the door to Nick's hotel room, her heart slamming wildly in her chest.  She rubbed her clammy hands on her jeans and tried to regulate her breathing like her doctor taught her.  Nick and her best friend Sonia were the only two who knew about her panic atacks.  Nick had told her she could come to him any time and he would help her get through them.  They had tried it a few times and it always helped.  He always managed to make her feel better.  He'd breathe with her, make her laugh, get her mind of it.  Not even Brian,her fiancee, knew about her panic attacks.
She was about to knock on his door whn she saw it slightly ajar.  About to push it open, she froze when she heard a female moan coming from inside.  Every moral fibre in her body screamed against what she was about to do.  She tilted her head and watched the heated scene before her.
Chapter 2

Chapter Index


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