Chapter 5
Nick and Kevin returned to the back patio carrying some food for the barbecue. Annie was sitting around laughing with AJ and Brian. Brian was reliving some crazy times on the road, AJ was putting his two cents worth in, and Annie was in tears from laughing so hard. Nick glanced over to the laughing crowd and studied Annie. Her hair seemed to glisten in the bright Florida sunlight. Her eyes sparkled as she laughed with Brian and AJ. Uh-oh, Nick thought to himself. What the hell am I doing? I hardly know her. Maybe she has a boyfriend. Maybe she likes som.......

"Nick. Nick? NICK!!!!" Howie waved a hand in front of Nick's face, bringing him back to reality.

"Huh? Wha?"

"Welcome back Kaos. Something or should I say someone on your mind?" Howie asked, glancing over an Annie.

Nick turned ten shades of red. "Shut up D," and started to grill the hamburgers.

Hours later, the group was still laughing, having a good time. The sun was just beginning to set over the Gulf of Mexico. Sunsets. Me and Cory used to watch sunsets together. Tears began to spring in her eyes. She turned her head so no one would notice, but it was too late. She excused herself and walked into the house, as the tears began spilling over. She ran right into Brian as he was coming from the kitchen. "Annie, my God, what's wrong?"

Annie latched on to Brian as the tears came more forcefully. Throughout the day, they had formed a special bond, a special friendship that she desperately needed. "Oh Rok!" She continued to sob into his chest for about another 10 minutes. She calmed herself down enough to talk to Brian.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Rok had come to think of her as a little sister sort of, definitely a very good friend at least.

"*sniff* We were out on the *sniff* patio and I *sniff* gazed out *sniff* over the water and *sniff* noticed the sunset." Annie was again on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, go on," Brian urged, trying to calm Annie down by rubbing her back soothingly.

"They...*sniff* and Cory...*sniff*...we...." She broke down into tears again.

Brian continued to rub her back. "Shhhhh," he said as he noticed AJ walk in the room and get a confused look on his face. Brian returned the look with one that urged for privacy. Annie began to calm down again. "Now, c'mon, tell B-Rok all about it. Who is Cory?"

"My ex-boyfriend. My very recent ex-boyfriend." She began to tell him the whole story between her and Cory, from beginning to end. "So one day I came home and caught him in bed with someone." Brian gasped and covered his mouth in astonishment. He couldn't believe someone would cheat on a woman like her. "Oh wait, it gets better. The girl was my younger sister."


"Yeah, you're telling me. So I packed up, and here I am. We always used to watch sunsets together. That's why I broke down. I guess I still miss him.

"That's perfectly understandable. You were with him for a very long time. Now, as for your sister, that's completely unforgivable!"

"Yeah." She sighed, and seemed to gather herself together. "Thank you Brian, for everything." She reached over and gave him a huge hug. "I would love to stay but I'm exhausted. I think I'm gonna head home."

"Alright sweetie." He gave her a light kiss on the cheek and led her to the patio door. She said a quick good-bye to the guys and started to head down the beach.

"Annie, wait!" Nick called as he ran after her. "Lemme walk you home. It's late and you shouldn't be by yourself." He smiled shyly at her.

She returned the smile, hers equally as shy as his. "Thanks Nick," she said as they walked towards her house.
Chapter 6

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