animated staff

Great Oak Elementary School

General Music & Chorus

Mr. Nick Wild

Ask Your Kids...
Curriculum Goals
Classroom Rules
Class Performance Calendar
Chorus Performance Calendar
Recorder Songs & Information
Class Recordings
Fun Music Links


Welcome back!  I hope you had a fun and restful summer vacation.  It's great to see so many familiar faces and meet our new students.  I am excited about the activities we will be doing in music class and am eager to get started!  

Our most important goal in music class is to develop independent musicianship by learning music "from the inside out" through active participation.  We will explore musical concepts through singing, dancing, instrument playing, and listening activities, and we will improvise and compose music of our own.  3rd graders will learn recorder, and 4th and 5th graders are encouraged to join the Great Oak Chorus (a detailed notice will be sent home and is available online: Chorus Sign-up).  Students will share their accomplishments in a performance for friends and family in the spring.  Click on Curriculum Goals for an overview of our learning goals at each grade level.  Click on Ask Your Kids... to find out specifically what your children are doing and learning in music class each week.  Also, look for Class Recordings once we get rolling. 

Please keep in mind that movement activities are an important element of music class and we often sit on the floor.  Students should dress appropriately.  Gym shoes are recommended for comfort and safety.

I look forward to a fun and productive year and to seeing you all soon!


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