The Simpsons:

When Bart and Millhouse decide to stay in Springfield Shopping Mall for a week when they should be away on a trip, their antics throughout the store lead the local police to investigate and release a vicious animal to deal with any perpetrators. However, due to this they cannot let the old folks in for their �morning walks� so they close the doors just as the old people reach them. They then step right up to the glass; clawing at it and moaning at the same time as looking like the zombies from Dawn of the Dead.

When Marge is incapacitated by a Skiing accident she is forced to leave Lisa in control of the chores back home, as well as looking after Bart and Homer who end up turning the house into a squalid pad. Then, then Lucy from �I Love Lucy� speaks to Lisa in a dream to tell her how to make Bart and Homer believe they have leprosy. Using poster paint and oats she gives them fake sores that cause Bart and Homer to seek refuge at the Flanders� house where they slam the door in their face for fear of catching leprosy. But Bart and Homer groan and moan from outside, clawing at the door and trying to reach Ned and Maude by clutching at air through the mail slot and moaning �brains, brains. Use your brains to help us! Your delicious brains.�

When Homer challenges a southern man to a duel, who then accepts, the family are forced to move to the country where Homer grows a nuclear crop of �Tomacco,� a mix breed between tobacco and tomatoes, highly addictive, yet healthy like a tomato. However, the animals in the next field end up eating all the crop and are left battling for the last plant, which Homer keeps inside the house, which is boarded up to keep the animals out. However, they all burst in and try to get the plant. The scene was based on �Night of the Living Dead.�

Reboot: (UK children�s computer animated adventure.)

The characters live in a place called Mainframe, where the �User� puts them into different games at any given time. In one episode the user places them into a game, which is in fact the Reboot version of �Evil Dead 2� and features the cabin as well as the Ash character who is played by the user in zombie-mode complete with chainsaw, shotgun, big chin, gray wisps of hair and the catchline �groovy.� The youngest of the �good guys,� Enzo, is even dressed like Michael Jackson from the �Thriller� music video. The game culminates into a battle back at the cabin involving chainsaws and retreat into the famed cellar.

Foo Fighters �Everlong� music video:

In this video the Foo�s romp around a series of dreamscapes ranging from low-ceiling party to a section at the end of the video which is based on �Evil Dead 2.� The cabin is there, as is the cellar, chainsaw and creepy woods. While Dave Grohl is out in the woods collecting wood, his girlfriend (the drummer in drag) is attacked by two maniacs in suits kitted out with an axe and a chainsaw (the lead and bass guitarists). The scene eventually ends with Dave Grohl using his over-sized hand to slap the attackers to death and rescues his damsel in distress.

Michael Jackson �Thriller� music video:

The king of pop consulted the powers that be to make this mini-movie, lifting the style right out of the recent horror hit, �Return of the Living Dead.� The video features a whole hoard of synchronized dancing zombies as well as Jacko in his famous red outfit. The video eventually finishes with Jacko�s girlfriend getting attacked in a lonely house as Vincent Price (who lent his talents to the voice over throughout the music video) laughs maniacally.
If you have any references to zombie movies or zombies that are not here, then please e-mail them to me and credit will be given to the discoverer of the reference. (Please leave name for this purpose.)

The Simpsons - "Worst Episode Ever"

In this episode 'comic book guy' ends up having a heart attack. However, before this point, our good friend Tom Savini makes a guest appearance in the comic book store and shows off his talents. Also, before this point, Lisa discovers his appearance advertised in the local paper and the fact that he is the splatter genius behind such movies as "Creepshow", "Friday 13th" and "Dawn of the Dead."

There is one episode where Mulder and Scully visit a movie set where a movie is being made of their adventures. At the end of the episode the set comes alive with the zombi-fied corpses that hide in the set who then go about dancing with each other.

Gorillaz: "Clint Eastwood" music video:

In this music video there is a quote from "Dawn of the Dead" at the very beginning and throughout the video, zombi-fied Gorillas crawl out of the ground and lumber around a graveyard. (Thanks Zom_B)


Another track from the band involved samples from "Day of the Dead." (Thanks Zom_B)

South Park: Season One Halloween Special:

In this episode, the town is subject to a spread of Pink Eye, but at the same time accidentally mixing up embalming fluid and Worcester Sauce after Kenny is killed by the Mir Space Station turns him into a zombie who then goes out biting people until the entire town is infested with the undead. (Thanks Zom_B)

Different Strokes:

There was one episode, which mentioned "Dawn of the Dead." (Thanks Abracadaver)


In this movie, a reference is made to italian zombie movies. (Thanks Abracadaver)

Amazing Stories:

An episode once featured two of my great loves, zombies and Christina (Married With Children's Kelly) Applegate. (Thanks Abracadaver)

Tales From The Crypt:

Guest starring Sugar Ray Leonard as the grave digger, one particular episode involved Fulci-esque zombies. (Thanks Abracadaver)

Tales From The Crypt: The Movie (1972):

Peter Cushing comes back from the dead seeking revenge. (Thanks Abracadaver)

Twisted Sister:

One of their music videos involved a school full of kids and teachers turning into blood thirsty zombies. Alice Cooper guest starred in this video. (Thanks Abracadaver)

Kolchack: The Night Stalker:

One episode had a zombie in it. (Thanks Abracadaver)


American TV show once showed a girl going out with a zombie. (Thanks Abracadaver)

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer:

In one episode Jocks come back from the dead and bring Xander into their gang. Each member of the jock clan is originally killed, but resurrected from their graves and they go on a crime spree across Sunnydale.

Idle Hands:

During a hefty channel surfing moment, a brief couple of seconds of "Night of the Living Dead" is shown where Bill Hinzman is trying to gain entry to Barbara's car in the cemetery. Also, there is one scene where a zombi-fied pair of stoner friends are watching "Dawn of the Dead" - the scene shown was during the raid on the housing tenement. Another reference comes from the cellar scene when Pnub is chased by Anton and his crazy hand. To defend himself, Pnub picks up a trowl almost identical to the one used also for defence in "Night of the Living Dead." Idle Hand's story is also based entirely around the sequence from "Evil Dead 2" where Ash's hand becomes possessed.


In one hilarious scene a group of zombies go to an AA meeting, or should I say a BA meeting as they're in fact there due to their addiction to brains instead of alcohol. (Thanks idsaluteyoubub)

Halloween 2:

In one scene an elderly gentleman watches the opening title sequence from "Night of the Living Dead" before it is interupted by a news flash about Michael Myer's very recent murder spree.

Return of the Living Dead:

Near the beginning of the film, a character explains how the events depicted in "Night of the Living Dead" were in fact real. However, he makes the mistake of saying that this all happened in 1969, a year after the film was actually made!
In the movie Sid and Nancy (story of Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen) Sid is in the hospital laying in bed watching TV and he is watching Night of the Living Dead.

Chris Taylor

Play" Magazine - 'The Times' - Interview with Paul Bettany - on the topic of film -

"I love Dawn of the Living Dead, a fantastic American zombie movie that no longer seems to exist."
Buffy The Vampire Slayer:

In the season 6 halloween special, when Buffy enters Spike's lair, Night of the Living Dead is playing on his TV set.


(Season 2)

When Dr John Dorian is accidentally stuck with a needle full of blood with Hepatitus B, he worries he may have contracted the virus. He then begins to see that there are seriously sick people all around him until he daydreams that the patients are zombies converging on him, underlit in B-Movie style green lighting, with small patches of rotting flesh on their sagging, undead faces.

Misfits - "Scream" (Music Video)

Directed by George A. Romero himself, this sick little video takes place in a hospital, overflooded with victims covered in bites - we soon find the cause of these wounds - none other than the Misfits themselves, all wheeled in 'dead' on gurneys. But quickly they are up and shuffling around, chasing nurses and tearing people open. Look out for some excellent special effects! This is one wicked music video!

Sum41 - "Does This Look Infected?"

The artwork for this album is entirely zombie centered. Each member of the band is pictured as a rotting corpse, head hung low or tilted to the side - just how zombies are supposed to look (at least in the pop-culture world anyway). The front cover to the album is a picture of drummer Steve in zombie make-up. Eyes sunk into his skull, teeth crooked and poking out of his sagging mouth - the perfect punk-rock zombie.

Chuck Palahniuk - "Survivor"

In Chuck "Fight Club" Palahniuk's book "Survivor", in chapter 43, the central character describes the following:

"Sometimes I'll be here late at night. This is after everyone's gone. Then I'll be walking around alone after midnight and my dream is that some night around the next corner will be an open crypt in the wall and near it will be a desicrated cadaver, the skin wilted on its face and its dress suit stiff and blotched with the fluids dripping and leaked out of its body. I'll come across this carcass in some dim gallery, silent except for the buzz of a single fluorescent tube flashing strobes of lightening in the last few moments before it will leave me in the dark, forever, with this dead monster.
The cadaver eyes should be collapsed into dark sockets, and I want it to stumble blind and clutching the cold marble walls with smears of rotted paste that expose the bones inside each hand. The tired mouth of it hanging open, the lost nose of it just two dark holes, the loose shirt of it resting low on the exposed collarbones.
I'll be looking for names I know from the obituaries. Carved here forever are the names of people who took my advice.
Go ahead. Kill yourself.
Beloved Son. Gentle Daughter. Devoted Friend.
Pull the trigger.
Exalted soul.
Here I am. It's payback time. I dare you to.
Come and get me.
I want to be chased by the flesh-eating zombies.
I want to be walking past the marble slab covering a crypt and hear something scratching and struggling inside. At night, I flatten my ear cold against the marble and wait. This is why I'm really here."

"Not that I'm crazy or anything, I just want some proof that death isn't the end. Even if crazed zombies grabbed me in some dark hall one night, even if they tore me apart, at least that wouldn't be the absolute end. There would be some comfort in that.
It would prove some kind of life after death, and I would die happy. So I wait. So I watch. I listen. I put my ear to each cold crypt. I write, No activity within Crypt 7896.
No activity within Crypt 7897.
No activity within Crypt 7898."

"You could see her living behind barbed wire. And come up inside me is the desperate hope that maybe she's dead. This is how I feel watching old movies at home where vampires and zombies come back from the grave, hungry for human flesh. Inside me is the same desperate hope I have watching the ravenous undead and thinking, Oh please, oh please, oh please.
The craving inside of me is to be cluthched at by some dead girl. To put my ear to her chest and be hearing nothing. Even getting munched on by zombies beats the idea that I'm only flesh and blood, skin and bone. Demon or angel or evil spirit, I just need something to show itself. Ghoulie or ghostly or long-legged beastie, I just want my hand held."

-* Palahniuk, Chuck, "Survivor" (Copyright Chuck Palahniuk 1999), Vintage 2000 *-

As you can see, it's one of the most vivid dreams about encountering the living dead.

"Eight Legged Freaks"

On the DVD audio commentary, the Director, Ellory Elkayem stated that the retreat and attempted defense in the mall was a "Dawn of the Dead" tribute, replacing giant spiders for zombies.
"28 Days Later"

There are two moments specifically, which are conciously a "nod towards" Romero's 'Dead Trilogy'. The first is the Budgens shopping scene, which is obviously based on the whole shopping mall scenario in "Dawn of the Dead". The second nod is that of an infected person chained in a enclosed section of the mannor house - this is a nod towards the zombie character of Bub in "Day of the Dead".
"Donnie Darko"

At one point during this bizarre, but brilliant, film, Donnie and his girlfriend go to the cinema to watch "The Evil Dead". We also get to see a couple of clips from the movie playing on screen.
Shaun of the Dead:

The whole movie is a tribute (from Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, the guys behind cult British comedy "Spaced") to zombie movies. The title is a spin on "Dawn of the Dead" and at the end of the trailer there is a piece of music which is from "Dawn of the Dead". To be precise it is from (for one example) the scene where a zombie has it's head chopped off by the rotor blades of the helicoptor which Roger is refuelling. It's a little thing that not many will notice, most probably anyway - one for the nerds and attention-to-detail army.

As for the film, the first music we hear is from "Dawn of the Dead" (again, the music mentioned above). The film's end credits also features a remix of the mall muzak. Other references include title character Shaun working at "Foree Electric" - of course referencing "Dawn of the Dead" actor Ken Foree.

Spaced 103:

Evil Dead 2 poster in the background (a returning set feature).
Tim is playing Resident Evil 2, but is so immersed in the game that he is actually walking around his apartment (lit in horror chic blue) with a shotgun blowing marauding zombies away until Daisy snaps him out of it.
The opening titles are set to a background of music from Resident Evil 2.
Footage from Resident Evil 2 of killing zombies. "A subtle blend of lateral thinking and extreme violence".
Tim imagines Volva as a zombie attacking Brian, who he then grabs and quotes Resident Evil 2 before seeing Hoover as a zombie and then the whole room of pretentious art fucks as zombies coming to get them all.

Spaced 104:

When approached by Daisy (who is impersonating a dog), Tim backs up against a wall on which there is a poster for Evil Dead 2, in fear he pulls the same pose as a zombified character from the film (which is situated just over his shoulder).
At paintball, Tim's friend (an army mad TA/ROugh Ramblers man) is gearing up in quick cut away shots from Tim explaining certain rules, and at the end he says "Groovy", impersonating Bruce Campbell from Evil Dead 2.

Spaced 201:

"Zombies" Dawn of the Dead poster (returning set feature) in background above sofa on wall adjacent to Evil Dead 2 poster from Series 1.

Spaced 202:

Tim is wearing a Dawn of the Dead t-shirt at the beginning of the episode.

Spaced 205:

Tim sits down to play Resident Evil, after a brief "what would he do" moment, the scene continues with the sounds of zombies groaning in the background.

Peaches ft. Iggy Pop - "Kick It" (Music Video):

The video features a number of zombies staggering around an abandoned city (referencing Romero's "Day of the Dead") while chasing the singing duo until they are surrounded in an office. Peaches and Iggy Pop then proceed to kill off all the zombies, during which Peaches is surrounded and grabbed by a hoarde of zombies from behind (referencing Rhodes' demise in "Day of the Dead"). Eventually, the pair win and the video ends with them beside a stack of corpses.

I'm Alan Partridge: "Basic Alan":

In this episode, Alan dresses up as a "zombie" using such items as a shower curtain (a "flap of skin") and a bathmat and an extension lead (for a tail!). He also uses biscuits stuck to his face to act as "flaky skin". He then gets into an argument with a member of staff at the hotel he stays at about Frankenstein.

"Origins of a Hip Hop Classic" (DVD Supplementary Material, Scarface 2-Disc Special Edition Region 2 DVD):

Mekhi Phifer talks about his love of Scarface on the set of "Dawn of the Dead 2004".

I'm Alan Partridge - Episode 203::

While at an arcade, Alan plays a zombie game and ends up proclaiming himself "King of Anglia".


In one episode, Professor Farnsworth exclaims "Sweet zombie Jesus!".

Baise Moi:

Quite a distasteful reference, but here goes anyway. During the controversial rape scene, one aggressor proclaims that raping one of the girls is like having sex with a zombie as she doesn't move. Quite sick, but I thought I'd throw it in anyway.

Kerrang! Magazine - May 1st 2004, Issue 1003:

In this week's "Pandora" comic strip (by Ray Zell), Pandora feeds a member of The Wild Hearts (a band who she says die, then come back, die, then come back...) a brain sandwich. The band member has grey, rotting flesh and then complains the brain sandwich has too much ketchup on it.

From Gustafsson Alexander:

"There's another episode from X-files involving zombies about a man who brought back pepole from the dead as flesh-eating corpses and kept them in locked his basement (A possible reference to Braindead/Dead Alive?) The episode also seems to focus on some of  the Haitian voodoo culture since the zombies in this episode can be temporarily stopped by salt or as in traditional zombie films; killed by a gunshot through the head."

Piz Bruin Suntan Advert:

Waiting for a fake tan to dry, women are shown in several "methods" of waiting for it to dry. One of them is - #23: The Zombie. The woman is seen walking down a corridor arms outstretched, resembling the nurse zombie from "Dawn of the Dead" - but wearing less clothes and being far more attractive!
Friends - "The One Where Rachel Quits" (Season 3):

It's Christmas and Joey is working at a place where they sell Christmas trees, but Phoebe is mortified to discover the trees nobody buys are thrown in the chipper. Near the end of the episode, as a gift for Phoebe, the gang buy up all the dead trees and put them in Monica's apartment. After entering, Chandler remarks - "It's like Night of the Living Dead christmas trees".

GTA: Vice City:

One of the posters outside Inter Global Films on Prawn Island is for "Boy Scout Zombies".

Max Payne 2:

At times you will come cross a TV playing a show. One show in the world of Max Payne is "Captain Baseball Bat Boy", a cartoon (which was a comic strip in a newspaper back in the first game) in which an "army of freakin' zombie demons" are raised to fight the hero.

King of the Hill:

When Bobby and Connie are wrestling each other in an episode all about school sports, Connie performs a move on Bobby which turns him into a zombie. He does the famous Nurse Zombie walk as seen in "Dawn of the Dead" and many other places of course. His team mates even remark that "she turned him into a zombie!". The move she performed is of course part of their double act as they were doing moves they'd learnt from a wrestling computer game seen earlier in the episode.

Phantom Planet - "Big Brat" Music Video:

I only caught the end of this video, but in what I saw, there was a male zombie interacting with a woman. They are out on the streets, they kiss and she then turns into a zombie herself. The pair of zombie lovers then walk off into the moonlit night hand in hand, during which time the male zombie's right arm falls off.

Grounded For Life:

In one episode of this average American sitcom, one of the sons is blamed for porn found on a computer. The father then remembers when he caught his own Dad watching porn in the shed. The old man states they were foreign films and that he watches foreign films all the time. Then one of the other characters says "Did you see Dawn of the Dead?", the answer he receives is that Dawn of the Dead is not a foreign film, to which he replies that it was still great.

Danger! 50,000 Zombies!:

A special 26 minute episode of Nick (Ed from "Shaun of the Dead") Frost's "Danger! 50,000 Volts!" (a comedy survival guide show) found on the 2-disc DVD. "Spaced" and "Shaun of the Dead" co-star Simon Pegg also appears in this episode playing an Australian zombie hunter called Dr Russell Fell, a buck-toothed-nutter. This episode gives you all the right information for how to survive a zombie attack, with a couple of nods and winks thrown in to such films as "Night of the Living Dead" and "Army Of Darkness".

"The Simpson's" - Halloween Special 4:

The couch gag: The Simpson's break out of the floor as zombies and clamber onto the sofa.

"Foamy Fan Mail 6" at

Foamy has a rant at a "Fatkins" diet lover calling them a "mindless zombie piece of shit".

Tony Hawk Underground 2 (THUG2):

Two of the secret characters are "Zombie 1" and "Zombie 2". Simply enough, you can play as one of two zombies in the game!


In a 2002 strip, Garfield is watching the TV:

"Tonight, a mad scientist puts a dog's brain into a zombie.
"In the horror classic...
"Night of the Living Dumb"
"What a cruel thing to do to a zombie."


Another 2002 strip, Jon is reading Garfield a story:

"Then the zombie came closer and closer!"
"Then he broke down the door and walked into the house"
"Oooh...I'm so scared"
"And he ate the last of the roast turkey"
"Oh, NO!!!"


Towards the end of the film, Ceasar turns the TV on and puts the volume up (I won't explain why, watch the film for yourself), on the TV is "Night of the Living Dead".

"Passion of the Zombies":

Germaine and Foamy go to the movies, but they can't decide what to watch - "Passion of the Jesus" (rewarding religious movie) or "Dawn of the Zombies" (zombies and explosions). In the background there is also a poster for a movie entitled "Passion of the Zombies". Foamy buys a ticket for "Dawn of the Zombies" and sings a song about zombies for the end credits.

Family Guy - "When You Wish Upon A Weinstein":

Stewie is at a comedy competition, but loses to another guy who was funnier. Stewie accepts gracefully and laughs at one of the other guy's lines - "Men be acting all like zombies at the mall", as he walks off stage.

Shaun of the Dead:


"Shaun of the Dead" is of course, a play on the title "Dawn of the Dead".

Music Cue - "Figment" by S Park, which was in the original "Dawn of the Dead".

"Day of the Dead" - Shaun staggers into the living room, we see a shadow and then feet, camera tilts up to see Shaun yawning. This references the entrance of 'Dr. Tongue' from the third film in Romero's living dead saga. This is repeated at the end of the film.

The fast-cut 'crash zooms' used several times throughout the film reference Sam Raimi's "Evil Dead" series (specifically "Evil Dead 2" and "Army of Darkness").

Ken Foree (Peter in "Dawn of the Dead") - Shaun works at Foree Electric, a store similar to Currys or Comet.

Don, the actor who plays the roadsweeper played a zombie in an advert for the new Mini car.

Radio on dust cart - Deep Space Probe re-entered Earth's atmosphere - references "Night of the Living Dead".

Bruce Campbell's character in the "Evil Dead" series is called Ash. In "Shaun of the Dead", Ash works in Foree Electric, but is off ill. Ash (in Raimi's "Army Of Darkness") works in S-Mart, a discount store.

Lucio Fulci - 'Fulci's Restaurant' is where Shaun is supposed to be taking Liz. This references the Italian director of "The Beyond" and "Zombi 2 (Zombie Flesh Eaters)".

On the second walk to the shop there is another reference to "Day of the Dead" - 'Bub's Pizza', 'Bub' was Logan's 'pet' zombie in Romero's film.

News report - "removing the head or destroying the brain" - a dialogue reference to "Night of the Living Dead".

Dialogue reference - Ed says "We're coming to get you Barbara!" down the phone to Shaun's mum, a nod to "Night of the Living Dead"

Music - 'Zombi' by Goblin, which was in the original "Dawn of the Dead" plays in the background as Shaun sets out their rescue plan.

Dialogue reference - in the bathroom once Shaun has encountered zombie Pete, he says "Join us" which is a link to "Evil Dead 2".

During the 'zombie class' scene in a back garden near The Winchester, Shaun's impersonates Bub the zombie from "Day of the Dead".

David's death references Rhodes' death in "Day of the Dead".

During the flashes of TV in the penultimate scene, there is a reference to 'rage infected monkeys' as a disproved cause of the zombies, this is a nod to "28 Days Later".

At the end of the closing credits, there is a remix of "The Gonk" from "Dawn of the Dead".

An interesting fact - "Shaun of the Dead" out-grossed "28 Days Later" and "Dawn of the Dead 2004" (rightly so!) at the UK box office.

Family Guy:
Episode - "One If By Clam, Two If By Sea"

When the guys are framed and locked up for burning down The Clam's Head Pub (the British have taken over their local, The Drunken Clam), a killer sees Officer Swanson (who put him in jail) and threatens them.

Steve Bellows - "You and your friends are dead! You're all dead!"
Peter Griffin - "Ah, good. He thinks we're zombies. He'll leave us alone."

The Simpsons:

When Homer is late to pick up Bart from 'soccer practice', Bart is so mad he imagines his Dad decomposes to look like a zombie and continues talking.

They Live:

At the end of the movie, when the people have been 'woken up' and can see the enemy, one man watches a TV broadcast where one of the 'others' is complaining about violence in the media, saying filmmakers such as George A. Romero need to use restraint in their work.

Viva La Bam 308 - Bam-iature Golf:

The warning is read out by a guy dressed as a zombie. One of the holes on Bam's mini-golf course is called the "Zombie Hole", featuring a set resembling something out of a Lucio Fulci movie, with a Voodoo-style zombie running around yelping at April (Bam's mum).
Sky News - 13th November 2004:

In a report about a Valentine's suicide pact, a teenager is seen sat at their computer scrolling through MSN Messenger chat archives. On the wall is a poster for "Night of the Living Dead".


In an episode of Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer's acclaimed and bizarre comedy, a woman is seen running towards her home as something is chasing her. The camera chases her "Evil Dead" style towards her house through the woods.

Nathan Barley

Series 1, Episode 2:

During the end credits while 'self-fascilitating media node' Barley is rapping away, he mentions "Resident Evil".

Series 1, Episode 5 and 6:

Behind Nathan's desk, in the background there is a poster for the original "Dawn of the Dead". The poster is the famous theatrical release version.
Lordi - "Blood Red Sandman":

This music video features numerous references to Sam Raimi's "The Evil Dead".

The Simpsons - "The Way We Weren't":

Homer and Marge tell their kids about the first time they kissed while at summer camp. Homer's take on the event to Bart was that "It felt like a cluster bomb wiping out a graveyard full of zombies".


Mige and Ville (Bass and Vocals for the Finnish 'Love Metallers') can often be seen wearing "Evil Dead" t-shirts in various interviews, videos and live performances.

Viva La Bam:

On the Season 3 deleted scenes (for the 'Rockstars' episode) on the 3-disc double-season DVD, they get Phil and Vito some rock star clothes, in the background there are various "Evil Dead" t-shirts on display.

Wednesday 13 - "I Walked With A Zombie":

The music video for this features the band walking around scenes from the original "Night of the Living Dead".

Dr Who "The Unquiet Dead" (Series 27, Episode 3):

This episode features the dead coming back to life after they are posessed by evil spirits.

Premutos: Lord of the Living Dead:

In the background, at about 1hour 15minutes there is an "Evil Dead" poster in the back of the bedroom.

Strapping Yound Lad - "LOVE": - go to the "Download" section and you can see an "Evil Dead" inspired music video.

Robot Chicken:

At the end of this Adult Swim animated comedy show the music from the "Dawn of the Dead" end credits (The Gonk) is sung (or clucked) by chickens.

Robot Chicken - Episode 1x08:

One of the sketches is "Zombie Idol", featuring the reanimated corpses of rock stars. Back stage, a kid cracks his head open causing the zombies to run riot, then Kenneth from the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" gets up with a shotgun and proceeds to blast every zombie.

Robot Chicken - Episode 1x05:

In a quick sketch a zombie sucks the brains out of a severed head.

Futurama - Episode 2x12:

At one point the Professor exclaims "Sweet zombie Jesus!". This is also expanded upon in the deleted scene for this episode (found on the DVD) as Professor Farnsworth talks in his sleep, dreaming of zombie Jesus coming for dinner.

Futurama - Episode 2x13:

The Professor's reaction to Alzar's astronomical bill for their dinner is "Holy zombie Jesus!".

Futurama - Episode 3x03:

The New New York Post reads "SUSPECT NABBED IN SANTA CASE - Chanukah Zombie Still At Large". Kwanza Bot later states that Chanukah Zombie is having a party and invites Bender.

Postal 2 - Apocalypse Weekend:

The game features 'Mad Cow-infected Tourettes Zombies" which shout a slew of foul language. They can only be killed if you destroy the head, hacking off limbs won't do a thing!
Futurama - 3x19:

After Fry's grandfather is killed in the atomic blast, he comforts his future grandmother with these words - "If it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."

Futurama - 4x12:

At Fry's funeral Hermes lights his old time card and says - "It's an old Jamaican accounting tradition. We burn his time card. That way his zombie doesn't come back looking for his final paycheck."

Futurama - 4x13:

A Robot Gender Testing official exclaims he cannot wait any longer for Bender (who is posing as a FemmeBot) to show up to be examined - "I have to get home to watch 'The Zombie Osbournes'."

Futurama - 4x15:

When Hermes is boarding the Planet Express Ship to throw the Professor's parallel universe box into the sun he says to himself - "Like Granny said, if you want a box hurled into the sun you got to do it yourself. God rest her zombie bones."

Robot Chicken 1x12:

On the Oprah show, after giving away cars to everyone, she announces she'll be bringing back the dead, so that families can see their loved ones again, we then see Voodoo performed and a dead man rise from his grave.

Derron Brown:

Using 'special techniques', Derron has helped devise a video game, placed in a pub, which has the ability to put the player into a sleep. Sure enough some punter comes in to play the game and promptly falls asleep as he's playing it. He's then wheeled to a nearby location - a building which the video game is actually modelled on - and woken up, a fake gun placed in his hand. The player now believes he is in the game for real and is terrified to see a hoarde of zombies creeping towards him from a corridor. He shoots wildly at them for a while and ends up cornered in a small room. Derron puts him into a sleep again, he's taken back to the pub, woken up and stops playing the game, impressed by the realism of it all.

Sky News - 15th June 2005:

When discussing the European Constitution, one reporter likens it to not quite being dead, but rather more zombie-like.

GTA San Andreas:

In the Market district of Los Santos, there is a building labelled "Raimi Realty".

In Bone County, Las Venturas there is a place called "Astro Drive-In Theatre" which is showing a B-Movie double bill featuring "It Came From Uranus" and "Zombie Cheerleader Sleepover 5".

In downtown San Fierro near the Financial District, there is a building, inside which, signs inform you that this is the 'Zombotech' building. "Sinister Zombie Virus Research Corporation, Welcomes Visitors". And as a reference to "Resident Evil", the company symbol is a DNA strand with a red segment highlighted, this symbol is also a giant sculpture inside the building.

Just like in "Vice City", a Hearse is known by the name of "Romero". One can be found in the Fort Carson Medical Centre parking lot.

Two And A Half Men:

In one episode, Jake is doing his homework in the car - coming up with five questions you'd ask George Washington. The first on his list is "Have you ever thought of coming back from the dead as a zombie". His third question involves an army of the undead and his fourth is "What do you think of the new, faster zombies?"

Death Machine:

One of the characters is named "Sam Raimi" and is played by John Sharian. Other film fan references include William Hootkins playing "John Carpenter", Andreas Wisniewski playing "Weyland" and Martin McDougall as "Yutani" - the latter two referencing the Weyland Yutani Corporation from the "Alien" series. Richard Brake's character is "Scott Ridley" (referencing Ridley Scott, director of "Alien".)

Robot Chicken 119:

One of the things to fear, along with werewolves, spiders and fear itself, are zombies.

Summer of Sam:

One of the workers in the diner describes Richie (Adrian Brodie), who is a punk, as "sitting there looking like Night of the Living Dead".

The Ashes (2005):

In adverts shown on Channel 4 in the UK, a Cricket player rises from the grave and challenges the Australians.

Porn: A Family Business - "The ApprentASS":

Uncle Stevie is trying to come up with his own porn series and so does some research into what's already out there. When interviewed he says "I never knew there was zombie porn" as well as a series of other kinds of strange pornography.

South Park 715: Christmas In Canada:

After Ike is reclaimed by his birth parents Kyle tells his friends how bad his mother is taking it. "My Mom just walks around the house like a zombie and my Dad can't stop crying."

American Idol 5:

During auditions at the University of Texas in Austin a hoarde of zombies descended upon proceedings. In fact it was a stunt performed by Nick Muntean and friends to raise awareness about the brain melting nature of television. As they shambled about they groaned "Television rots your braaaaaaaaaaaains!". Not all TV is bad, but American Idol and other such shows truly sucks balls.

Danger! 50,000 Volts! Episode 1x05:

While discussing darkness, Nick Frost adds "if you throw in some zombies, a werewolf and a couple of Frankensteins, you're in serious trouble." He also mentions his impression of Clyde from "Shaun of the Dead" in the episode commentary.

The Simpson's - "Bart After Dark":

When Millhouse's radio controlled plane gets stuck on top of the "Maison Deriere" the boys believe the house to be haunted. Millhouse then says 'They take the brains out of zombies and put them into other zombies to make super zombies!'

Two And A Half Men - "Just Like Buffalo":

Charlie is reading the back cover of a video game he's just bought for Jake. The game includes violence, 24 kinds of weapons and gratuitous nudity, but to Alan's puzzlement it's called "Scooter's Magic Tree Fort". But Charlie replies with glee - "Scooter's a zombie".

Red Dwarf VII - "Epideme":

This episode features Caroline Carmen, a previous crew member of Red Dwarf who has been frozen in ice and is still showing signs of life. However, when she thaws out she is in fact a zombie and attacks Lister, passing on the Epideme virus before expiring. Throughout the show there are also various references to zombies.

The Simpson's 17x02:

When the Springfield Cemetery is moved next door to the Simpson's house, only Lisa's room faces it. When she complains Bart says: "Then the zombies will eat you first and you won't have to watch them eat us." Then when Lisa says: "Thanks for making me feel better", Bary replies "Thanks for making me feel better, knowing that your screams when the zombies chomp your brains will warn me so I can get away." Lisa then says "There's no such thing as zombies!" and Bart responds with "Glad to hear you say that because the person who doesn't believe in zombies is always the first to get feasted upon."


After Rufus has fallen from the sky he stands up and Jay responds by yelling: "He's the fucking undead, cut his head off!"

The Simpson's 17x04:

In this Halloween episode, probably like all before it, the producer's name is "Ron of the Dead".

Paramount Comedy Channel Advert (UK) - December 2005:

In the UK, an advert for a South Park night focussing on the best "They killed Kenny" episodes, the camera wanders around a spooky graveyard until we stop and look at Kenny's grave, listing some of the many dates on which he was died. At the end of the advert he bursts out from the grave like a zombie.
Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk:

At the beginning of chapter 16 it says - "The perfect dream of a smell that pulls us out of our dressing rooms, into the hallway. Us, zombie-walking, pulled along by the nose."

Everybody Loves Raymond:

In one episode, after Ray and Robert have been playing a videogame and Debra has told them to stop (as Ray has paperwork to do), just before Robert leaves he says he will get more practice and become "the greatest zombie hunter of all time".

Hollyoaks - E4, 18/1/2006:

After a group of over 70's arrive to take part in 'Maxicise' and are waiting in the bar area, O.B. says to Max that "It's starting to look like Night of the Living Dead here".

A Better Place:

In the secret commentary, found through the Special Thanks menu (after clicking on The Pizza Guy on the second page), there are references to zombies in chapter five. More references to zombies and George Romero can be found in chapter twenty four of the secret commentary.

The 40 Year-Old Virgin:

After Andy tries to call Trish, back at the store, one of the guys is watching the Dawn of the Dead 'remake', shame he wasn't watching the original flick instead of "Yawn04".


In the background, during Randal's phone call to the video distributors, you can see a video of Evil Dead 2 on the shelf, near Ferris Bueller's Day Off.


Christopher Walken's character exclaims that it looks like "Night of the Living Dead" in the bounty hunter's camper van as the 'celebrity crew' are sat around doing nothing except smoking weed and working out.

SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate:

On the auditorium level (as well as the subway level), you will find a poster for a student play called "Dean of the Dead", with the tagline 'Everyone Deserves A Brain'. The poster features a collection of students looking like zombies and the text layout resembles that of the Dawn remake (Yawn04).


Rodney Dangerfield refers to the couples dancing at the country club as "The Dance of the Living Dead".

Family Guy 5x12 (4x22):

At Quagmire's fake funeral his coffin is covered over with concrete, when Peter asks what the hell they're doing the workers say Mayor West is afraid of zombies to which West says - "You'll thank me when nobody eats our brains, you'll thank me." Then when Peter busts open the coffin and Quagmire steps out, Mayor West screams "zombie!" and runs away.


In a recent episode one of the characters was giving a message to another doctor and said - "Neela said taht if you do this for her she will watch any 70s movie you want tonight including the extended version of Dawn of the Dead." - Thanks to DeadJonas190 for that one.

Calvin & Hobbes:

There is one cartoon (published 27th of April, year unknown) where Calvin is trying to do a complicated maths question when he stops and starts making monstrous faces. He then staggers off looking like a zombie proclaiming "The living dead don't need to solve word problems!"

Another from the following day has Calvin searching for food as if he was a zombie, the final panel states "although, in a pinch, a PBJ will do, if you eat it messily enough."

Yet another from the 30th April has Calvin & Hobbes posing as zombies, growling in front of each other. Eventually they crack up laughing and the final panel reads "heh heh ... of course, REAL zombies NEVER get the giggles by looking at each other."

One Tree Hill:

When the school is evacuated, the one kid who didn't hear the alarm goes to another kid and asks - "What's going on? It looks like Dawn of the Dead out here." - Thanks to erisi236 for that one.

Arrested Development:

In one episode there is a reference to Greg Nicotero and Land of the Dead. - Thanks to idsaluteyoubub for that one.

The Corpse Bride:

When the dead rise to the world of the living, the town cryer proclaims "the dead walk the earth!".

The Argyle Pimps - "Geezers":

In this animated video set in an old folks home, Bub the zombie (from Day of the Dead) is one of the residents. At the end a swarm of zombies devour one of the elderly. The crowd features Tom Savini, Dr. Tongue (also from Day) and Stephen zombie from Dawn of the Dead.

Extreme Russia:

This crazy clip show, broadcast on the Bravo channel (UK), had one clip about a semi-nude man who perched on top of a speeding car, which drove under rings of fire. When the car did so, the semi-nude man would jump through the fire rings and then land back on top of the car. The narrator of the show made several references to zombies, including a reference to "Shaun of the Dead" with 'HomZomRomCom'.

South Park - "Timmy!":

When all the kids are being prescribed Ritalin, Chef likens their new attitude and intonation to "Zombie children from Zandor".

Robot Chicken 2x01:

Some skaters are skating in a cemetery, one racks his beanbag on a tombstone and then a corpse rises from his grave - the 'zombie' is called Skater McGee - but he is actually just wearing a mask, hired by the owners of the cemetery to trick the annoying skater kids into trying to pull off a lethal trick.

Evil Aliens:

There are multiple references to "Braindead" (particularly the combine harvester and lawnmower/strimmer scenes), but there are also two direct references to zombies. When boarding up the house, Emily Booth's character says "What's the point in doing that it never works in zombie movies!" Also, the soundman in the film states "It's like Day of the Dead without the helicopter".

Robot Chicken 1x04:

When the Child's Play doll heads into a cabbage patch he is set upon by a hoard of cabbage patch kids and he says "What are you, zombies?"

Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back:

On the audio commentary Kevin Smith comments on Mewes lying half-naked in the bathtub full of ice, saying that it's good he has a bit of bulk on him instead of "looking like the walking dead". Prior to this movie Mewes had spent many years addicted to heroin and oxycontin before cleaning up after Strike Back and Jersey Girl were finished.

Hollyoaks - Channel 4, 25/4/2006:

Jeremy makes mention of zombies, when talking to his fashion-minded friend in the student halls.

Fightstar - "Hazy Eyes":

This music video references the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video and features zombies coming out of the grave to breakdance.

Dr Who 28x01:

The infected human 'lab rats' resemble zombies when they are all released from their holding chambers. Their rampage through the hospital also very much resembles a zombie film.

Dr Who 28x03:

Rose mentions that she and the Doctor faced "Gas Mask Zombies", when comparing notes with one of the Doctor's old assistants. During a double episode in the previous series Rose and the Doctor faced gas mask zombies in war torn London.

TV Heaven, Telly Hell:

David Mitchel (the guest) compares the typical audience member of The Heaven & Earth Show to the undead.

American Beauty:

The video that Lester wants to 'borrow' is Re-Animator.

Robot Chicken 2x07 "Cracked China":

A man is in a nuclear shelter and zombies are on the other side of the door moaning for brains. The man asks if it's zombies or just survivors on the other side of the door. They admit they're zombies because they 'have no right to lie to you'.

Hollyoaks - E4, 19/05/2006:

OB is "too busy killing zombies" to pay attention to Max and Claire.

Tool - "Vicarous":

One line in the song is "stare like a zombie".


On their album "Arockalypse" one track is titled "The Deadite Girls Gone Wild" and another "The Night of the Living Dead". Also, the news reporter on the "Arockalypse" track SCG3 Special Report is called Sam Romero, the reports cover an invasion of the living dead.

Big Brother 7 (UK) - 2/06/2006

Grace compares new housemate Aiselyne to "a fucking zombie".

Two & A Half Men - "Love Isn't Blind It's Retarded":

Jake and Alan's new girlfriend are playing a videogame, she says "It has to be violent, you can't negotiate with zombies" and just before she takes a break to talk to Alan she says "Let me just saw this zombie's head".

La Haine:

When the guys are attempting to steal a car, one of them refers to it as "Night of the Living Car".

Two And A Half Men (Broadcast on Paramount Comedy Channel UK 3/7/2006):

In this season three episode Jake is dropped off by his Mum and he says to Candy "I got Evil Dead 3 for Xbox" as he comes inside, holding the game in his hand.

Samaritans - "Zombies":

This 2006 advert for the Samaritans - this one on suicide helplines - features a girl running through the woods, which are infested by zombies. A man pulls over and asks if she wants help, but she says she is okay, then she resumes being chased by the zombies.
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