
Flat Line

A ripping and tearing
Shreds me to pieces
As tribal beats
Turn my mind to pulp

Repeated image hurts me
Of this one girl
So special � an angel
I see her wherever I go

There must be an exit
But where�s the door?
I am trapped
Weeping dryly into my palms

She�s all I can think about
All I can see
All I can smell
As I cling on for hellish mindset life

But my fingers snap full back
I plummet again and crash land
To lie in my blood for days
Before I vainly try to climb back up again

But in this pit I will stay
It just goes on every single day

Pulling Me

All my fears
Swarm over me with leers
Tie me down, gag me
Then I am raped
Face down on my concrete bed

Ridiculed, rebuilt � destroyed
I am, with whom you toyed

The tide pulls in, snapping like a shark
Everything grows cold and dark
The candle blown out
But not before my eyes
Are glued shut by burning wax

I am stripped, beaten and obliterated
The pain runs through my blood so constricted
Which oozes on to the floor
For my lonely, painful, diseased death
Giving me time to regret

I wish I�d said, �I love you� to her
�I�m sorry� to everyone I�m sure
For now my murder is complete
And I fade to a quick statistic
Not missed, not loved by her, not anything

Please Make Me Cry

Faded � crippled audio
Kill me
Hurt me
Shred me
Fade me away
Please, please, please!
I beg of you just this
I�m hating
I�m hated
I�m weeping
I�m mocked
I�m alone
I�m surrounded
Dead � for me please � GIVE IT!
Pull out my eyes � for me the depressive manic maniac
And burn my flesh
Past the bone
And make me choke
Choke, choke, and choke on me
But I don�t die
I keep here in this limbo
On and on I weep here
But never shed a tear
I wake
I scream
I cry
I wish � I hope � I want
I die


In His Cot

At a cot
I sit with my finger
Placed through the bars
My son�s hand clasped
Gripped on to me tight
He needs me
And he keeps me alive
As I sit drained
Dead to the world
My depression remained
And in crumbling home I lived
Then I exit and out
Out on the hallway I beg
Beg to my wife to stop it
Keep me safe and warm forever
Not let anything keep harming me
But she cannot help me
Instead she just keeps hugging me
As I begin to cry
Fall to my knees on the landing
Outside my son�s crying room
I shake, I cry, I fade
Prophetic words led me here
This deadly shell called �daddy�
This crumbling wreck called �my love�
And then a whistling wind
Through nowhere land leads me away
From the future I just dreamed

She�s Still My Dream

I stand at the sink in shadow alone
Washing away all the feelings I own
So I can strip away all the layers and more
Forget the pain and just glare at the gore

Fire burning in my eyes
My heart throbbing with unheard cries
As my bones crack, shatter and crumble to dust
So my face hangs limp � laugh if you must

All I wish I�d done was just to have spoken
Three words to her eyes � instead of remaining so broken
Then maybe she could have seen
The depth of my devotion � how she is my dream

But my time is up � at best I mime
Hoping and praying for just a little more time
So I could fix my regret and finally speak to her please
Say she�s still my dream � with happiness and ease

Most Painful Ride

I wish I could be your friend
Not just me � whom you can�t comprehend
But you won�t be there at the end
Your soft touch could mend

This gaping wound called my heart

I try to talk to you � instead I go insane
Falling down one-way track like terror train
Beaten and bruised and in so much pain
At the end of the ride I just complain

Because it�s all I have left to do

I stumble weak and cautious from the ride
Hollow and shattered � �at least you�ve tried�
It was hopeless � so I sat there and sighed
Before I slipped away � but nobody cried


Lightening clatter, roar and rumble
Contentment sinks away from humble

Flash � a baby appears
Face of grey and eyes full of tears

Flash � I feel like I�m falling
Outloud I�m screaming and calling

I lose control, veer and am destroyed
But I wake and am seated � I feel overjoyed?

Take stock, assess the damage around
Then breathing rushes � terror-filled sound

I recount the story and fall into shock
Shaking, gasping, hyperventilation hits me like a rock

And then time loses all meaning
I am held by this light so gleaming

Fingers through my hair � I shake and shiver
Body drawn close � my mind hangs by a sliver

I fade and drift away in her arms
Soaring so peaceful where nothing harms

I was held � from someone like she
The first time I was held � this is where I want to be

**I wrote this after having a near-death-like experience when driving. It turned out to be a mostly harmless occurrence, but it shook me right to the core and terrified me. In the mindset of being invincible � driving fast and free � I was suddenly jolted back into reality and came crashing down with such a force that I ended up falling into shock as my friends gathered around. I was hyperventilating and hallucinating the strangest things � I was completely blown away and could not comprehend anything, my memory somewhat wiped of all happenings in the past hour. But then she calmed everything down, brushed her fingers through my hair, slowed down my breathing and held me close to comfort me and soon I came out of shock and managed the rest of the drive home � going somewhat very slow in comparison to what is my usual. It may seem stupid as it wasn�t anything serious, but it�s given me a better understanding of life�s worth. I have more respect for it now. It could have been much worse and I could be dead right now. And that is one of the things that drove me into shock and forced me to re-evaluate things.**

There Before Me, She Drifted Away

She gave me one last hug
One last kiss on the cheek
So I buried my head
Into her shoulder
And closed my eyes
So tight � I wish I�d cried

I wish I�d said what I thought
Why didn�t I talk to her more?
I wish I�d shared with her
Why didn�t I do things different?

It all came to an end
All of us ripped apart
Spread around like autumn leaves
So stripped away
We feel hollow and dying
The sorrow of all our regrets
Flooding back to haunt again

And then she left
Disappeared into the dark
I lost her again
And yet again it breaks my heart

**About a girl I just can�t seem to forget or make sense of all the feelings and thoughts I have for and about her. This was written just after coming back home, having been out all night with my friends one last time before everybody was to leave for University. Some of us had gotten a lift and she was sat beside me, I forced myself not to look at her, hoping it�d make seeing her vanish easier, but it didn�t. I could just feel her coursing through my veins as we sat beside each other in the back of the car and then we arrived at her home. Like the others, she gave me one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before she stepped out of the car and slowly faded away into the darkness of the night and that was the last I saw of her. I�m not sure when I�ll see her next, but I�m finding it so hard to let her go. She struck me so hard and shone so brightly inside my head and heart that it�s hard to leave things behind. But day by day I�m going through it. It�s strange. It was like in slow motion, the hug, her stepping from the car, saying goodbye and then walking into the darkness and slowly, slowly disappearing. My eyes seared with sadness and my heart sank, but I knew it�d eventually have to happen. I knew we were all going our separate ways eventually, but now that it�s happened, I regret the things I did not say, the things I did not do and the things I did do, but would want to change. Life sucks when it throws a hardball like this**
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