
Hole In The Head

I could see you clear
In fizzing glow of TV screen
Not a sigh, not a tear
Not what I once had seen

You never made it open
You never batted an eyelid
But I knew you had sorrow � I was open
And I caused pain � I did

For months it went on � I�m sorry
And then one day it was gone
You were free of all the worry
I made it seem I moved on

Your mind is clear of it all
But mine still drowns in you
I just wish you�d call
So I could let go � say I don�t know what to do

But we�d be ruined and dead
Heartless and faded � hung out to dry
But only I should keep this hole in the head
So you�d not notice when I die

First Kiss

To gaze at the stars
Is what I want to do
That and sit next to you

I dreamt it so clear
Side by side we were free
Whilst my heart trembled with glee

You were beside me
And you took my hand so softly
As you brushed my hair so lightly

Our eyes dropped from stars to meet
So the moment would stop
And the emotion would never drop

Our lips were to join us
Time to remain ceased
And this love never decreased

But this remains my dream
And you are still in the dark of it all
While I continue to sit alone on this wall

** This is how I dream my first kiss to be, but as yet, the story remains fiction **

** �And what was my crime? � I said �I love you�� **


Terrified to leave � to go
Fade away from those I call friend
From all I�ve seen up to this end
From those I love
Who I don�t even know

I wish I could cry � but that�s not all
To gain release from this pain
But I cannot make a single drop rain
My eyes remain dry and cracked
While my heart remains a waterfall

I say I�m over it and her
I�ve walked past it and I am fine
But she�s still in my head to shine
And it�s killing me
Killing me to think of her

I try to find her flaws
Something I hate
So I can force myself to find a different fate
A fate where I did not love
But I come up with empty claws

So I had lied, my back against the wall
Why did I do it?
I should be dead for this shit
So I keep this locked away
She cannot know or I will fall

I try to verbalise this aching pain
But it stops at �hi� amidst the din
And then my chest folds painfully in
And I cannot breathe
Head throbbing and going insane

If I say that this still goes on
I will hurt her, I know I will
If I did � it would surely kill
How could I lie to her?
Deceived her so � where have I gone?

I wanted to fall back to zero you see
Before it all began
Return to where she can
Speak easy and feel afloat
Where the air was clear and I was free

Help me drain this feeling tonight
From my veins, suck it out
But the needle breaks off and I shout
That I am stuck with this inside
All day and all night

I wanted her to feel at ease, that�s all
When I was there
Then maybe I could breathe fresh air
I could forget all I�d said and done
And rip it out once and for all

If she had any worry, felt sore
I wished to free her from that today
I just want her to be okay
And keep this to myself
So I cannot infect anymore

Why does it all go wrong?
Why can�t I make it disappear?
I want to repair it � kill the fear
Fix everything and tie it all down
Sort it out � what I�ve wanted for so long

But no matter how hard I try
It rips me apart
Shred by shred to my heart
Dissolving me
And burning me till outloud I cry

I want it do die and go away
I�d rather feel nothing
Every time I feel something
Pain and sorrow are inflicted
So I should just throw myself away

But I just lie here in my bed
Staring at the blackened wall
Deep into the abyss I fall
And slowly, slowly
I end up dead

Dream One

I awake amidst
A thriving, bustling party
Laughs and smiles surround me
But I remain still-faced
My confusion overwhelms my head

The lights begin to dim
And the music fades away
The doors crash open
And out we stumble
Flooding into cool summer night

Ahead lies road so dark
So black it swallows
I walk towards it nervous
Then sink into it with fear
I am walking blind along this road

Feeling hands clamber around
Swooping through the chill that grows
My eyes close and I feel my way around
Before the sun explodes ahead
And I am standing surrounded

A desolate heaven�s gate
Through which the other�s pass
But as I am left
The gate begins to fall
And I run, dragging feet behind

Then I dive onto the floor
And I slide on my back
Watching the rusted gates close
And all of a sudden
She leaps and lies on top of me

I still slide on
And she grips tight
To me, the knight in shining armour
Saves her life
Just before�I wake

Dream Two

A quiet walk
Our small group
Heading deeper and deeper
Into the woods
That grows so cold

Soon, the sun dies black
The surround turns blue
A chill in the air
We take a break
And she fades into the trees

The tired breathing
Disappears however � and I am alone
I panic, but only her
Is what enters my head
So I disappear into the undergrowth

I search and search
My worry multiplies
Spreads in me like a cancer
But a rocky clearing
Reveals her to me

There she stands innocent
Vulnerable and smiling
I step and hold her cold body
Doing my best to keep her warm
As she lies back against a rock

Times slows and then
Then it pounds faster
Forcing us together
As her face melts away
And her hands turn doll-like

Fastened deep in embrace
I become smothered
As a pain grows across my back
Her fingers sprouting blades
Which shred my skin

I bleed and scream for mercy
But we remain locked
As my skin is shredded
Her face blank as a sheet
Mine stricken with horror�as I wake

Dream Three

A serene country setting
A quiet summer�s day
A sleepy pair
Walking through the fields

A resting stop
A place to talk
A door which opens
Torrents of tragic feeling spill out

The boy weakens and lets go
Worry gone � he�s finally revealed
His inner most self
All in person for first time

Never heard, never felt
Never loved, never kissed
His case unfolds
And girl takes him by the hand

As they sit upon the wall
Rustling leaves cease � a gentle hum left behind
Time stood still briefly
And then their lips meet

For hours on end
The moment lasts
Blood rushes through his veins
Awe-bound mime does follow

And like before
This first girl fades
Leaves him all alone
A brief encounter forevermore

As the sunny yellow
Turns to weeping blue
The river rises quickly
And my feet soak before�I wake

Adrift In You

In your arms
Is where I wish to be
Hearing your gentle voice
Is what I wish to hear
Watching your deep eyes
Is what I want to see
Your soft hands on my head
Is what I want to feel

As I sleep, my head on your lap
You stroke my hair
And I smile, as do you in turn
Your slow breathing
Hypnotic � it makes me drift away
And I dream
And you are there
By my side and in my arms

Sat alone on balmy beach
We relish every second
Together with you � I am happy
I am complete with you
You saved me like an angel
You reversed my doom-filled fate

But then I cry
As I wake
And I see once more
That it was all a dream
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