August 16 2002


You wake up slow
You need to know
Just where it is you go

From here � between love and friends

You find a friend
A new one to the end?
She helps you out � she will defend

Against the pain you drown in everyday

You find the truth � just what to do
You�re over �you know who�
And now you feel what you want to

Feel happy, content � free from the weight

You close a chapter in your life
You�re free from strife
But then you feel the cold knife

She is there � consumed by that guy

The guy who did this before
You should have guessed this was in store
As your head throbs and becomes so sore

Your heart � ripped out � dead on the ground

When she�s not there � you�re over her
But then you see her and it�s like murder
What do you feel? You�re no longer sure

You are and then you�re not

Why won�t it die?
It could at least let you cry
But instead all you can do is sigh

As always you take it and again

Again � live with the sorrow

The sorrow you had nearly escaped

But you say okay
You shared end of era congratulations for the whole day today
And for brief moment, she was close to you again � what could you say?

The bad that comes with the good
Just end it
End it


Why won�t she leave?
Get out of my head!
Or wear a mask
So I could pretend
It wasn�t her
Just to escape
Now I�m alone � in dark
In quiet
Stranded and fading
Heart ripped out
Blood drained thin

He was a friend
He knows how I feel
About her
Yet again
He�s with THE girl

Why did and does this happen?
Bring me out of it
Out of the hole so I can
�Kill� myself
Become new - refreshed
Gouge out my eyes
Tear of my skin
So I could not see
And could not feel

For so long � what I�ve needed
Is help with it

I Just Don�t Know

Oh what to do, what to do?
Where to go?

How to say it, or understand it
How to make sense of all the shit

And bury it once and for all
Six feet under � let it rot at last

But I keep clinging
Clinging to hope? Dreams? Or sadness?

It�s all and more
More and more comes � as always

It�s the same repeating
And now I am used to it

I just don�t know
What to do
Where to go
How to say it
How to feel
Or what to think

I�m just in limbo
Passing from one to another

Like sad, old ragged doll

Desert Island

Drifting alone
So far from home
Drifting alone

Hoping to see her
Just one more time
All you want is her

Cold and fading
You cling on to hope
As you lie cold and fading

There will be sun
And you pray to be warm
As you�re told there will be sun

Yet dark clouds overhead loom
And familiar shivers set in
As those dark clouds loom

Pitter patter of rainfall down
Clouds my groggy head
Always the noise of the rainfall down

Tense breaths and stumbled words
Quivers of oh-so-familiar
Those soft and stumbled words

Dull thud of pen to paper
The life is written down
Relived in world of pen to paper


Creeping around the party
Ducking and diving
Through music, drink and hysterics
Pass the garage and enter the kitchen
Where group play drunken games

Truth or dare
The usual choice
Followed by the usual questions
Bombarded with the spree
I falter and glance around

Have you kissed?
Have you scored?
Are you still a virgin?
I dart around the room
My eyes searching for exit

Why am I so set back?
Why am I torn to pieces
Analysed in front of my peers
I would and could not share
With those I do not trust

And this was the emotional depth
As far as it went
No heart-wrenched one to ones
No help in face to face
Nothing to break me from my child

Minimal This

Another smile
Another laugh
Another fleeing hug

One more please
I love your smile
And you�re the comfort I need

I want out of my prison shell
All others are frolicking
But I am still stuck here

To feel release
To advance my prestige
Oh how I would break out

Bust free from my abode
To world where emotion is felt and shared
To the swirling relationships

To find something new
To see and feel what I need
What I cry for everyday

I want to live
I want to die
I want more than minimal this

The Wound Still Shows

The girl
She batters me
Spins me around
And upside down

I cry out
For her to stop
But she keeps coming back
Back and back and back

She thinks
That she is out of my head
Yet she still echoes
And I don�t know why

She acts
More like the girl I knew
Knew before I spoke
Spoke those explosive words

I will remain in silence
And attach plaster to patch
My rotten wound
The wound which once were my heart

Dreaming Through Her

I watched from afar
As you left the door ajar
And the light flooded out
You run and I shout

Slipping down hall so dark
You slowly disappear and leave your mark
Thoughtless is how I stand
Slouched and crooked, blood on my hand

The curtains draw between us
What are we doing to the both of us?
As you set sail
And I falter and fail

I dream of you all the time
How I smile when you shine
How you touched me � threw down your heart
I wanted you � how could I take part?

I screamed and cried
Broke down and died
Wept for I was all alone
Trying to relive your voice�s tone

Now we part, I go back in the earth
We reacquaint for all it�s worth
But I still feel � still remember
How it is to be the only burning ember
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