July 29th 2002

Alive But Dead

Hands crawling across grease-stricken walls
Stumbled steps disrupt the natural hum
Behind barrage of booming calls
Distant from it all walks this someone

Face sunken and deeply rotten
The bones crack and grind away
As the eyes turn to cotton
And the mind was long led astray

Black death pumps through the veins
Through deadened heart
But bypasses life which stays under strain
While pupils dilate to point of a dart

Creeping from room to room
In underground abattoir of diseases
This creature has no purpose but doom
Alone, cold and dead - he will do as he pleases

Young And Ending

Hollow, weak and crumbling
A dark and empty shell
Of a lonely figure stumbling
Mixed up in their own personal hell

Walking by obscured mirrors
Destroying the face whom looks back
The past solid identity is now just shimmers
Unresponsive, fading fast - falling into black

Wishing to just disappear
Vanish and live forever nowhere
Instead of the same old place - the same old here
Why can't they get there?

To get out would be a dream
To escape alive is a never
But even exit by death is better than the endless scream
That is the way - the way forever

Love, Reject, Die, Repeat

Your voice is still sunken into me
Your laugh is ever present

It's all a distant memory
Of an always horrid dream

Your face is what stares back
Your eyes break the mirror

It's all a big mistake
Of an always messed up life

Your presence echoes at night
Your softness stays alive when I die

It's all an ending before another start
Of an always murderous game

Your pain pounds at me
Your tender smile fading away

It's all a recurring nightmare
Of an always horrifying experience

Your face remolds and is reworked
Your person changes but stays

It's all to start yet again and go on
Of an always repeating spin-cycle

The Lasting First Moment

Sudden shock runs across you
Your eyes burst open wide
A tide sweeps over you
And you are left gasping

Fireworks and cartoon steam erupt
As Acme sound and visual effects reign
Life imitates art for a moment
But for a moment that'll last forever

A beauty of mythology stature
A striking beam of glory
Unimaginably jaw-dropping
She's something you've never seen before

This incredible face keeps repeating
Passing you by over and over with joy
As if her face was painted
On meandering freight train of miles long

A soft breeze rushes through your hair
Like smooth fingers of someone
Someone who understands you
Someone you can finally fall to your knees because of

On your knees you tremble
Is this a dream? When will I wake?
But you never do and she keeps smiling
Then the lasting happiness knows no bounds

It's so beautiful it's indescribable

Purely Happy

The pain, the sorrow
The crushing agony
The sheer terror and embarrassment
All fade and vanish

The stumbling feeling
The awkward love unrequited
The hardest chapter
All are concluded and stored away

Another face from out of the mist
A new and incredible person
Another reason to keep going
She emerges and brings you happiness

You're understood - she listens
You're felt deep - she speaks
She opens up to you - you discover
She smiles - you could die - it couldn't get better

You've been locked inside your head
Your dull brand razor existence
And now you're blinded and relaxing
This sudden image eases you and now you see

You understand and so does she
You think and she thinks the same
All that you've endured goes away
You've never been so refueled

Pure happiness blasts through you

I Know You

I feel your pain and your glee
And you feel mine
You understand me
And I let you shine

We speak in volumes
Without speaking at all
Sharing same of the teenage dooms
It is you and I who survive the wall

You are so beautiful � to me, to all
But I am so ugly � I hate it
Then when you enter my mind � I struggle no more
And my skies you have lit

It�s intense � we�re so like kindred souls � just two
And when I�m with you it�s glory
I know you deep, yet you�re still new
What does the end hold? What will be the story?

Smiling In Summer

You take me softly by the hand
On a cool and breezy summer day
Amidst a field of soft blues
And shimmering yellows

We walk hand in hand
Our hair rustling as the air rushes through
Like fingers brushing gently by
The sun beaming all around

Darkened woods to left and right
But clear path lies ahead
Dangers lurk in the back scenes
But we walk without a care

I breathe in slowly
And you do so out
Our heads ease off
As our shoulders are free

Previous weights all gone
We can now stand up
We can walk in confidence
We can walk together

Before You Stands The Teenage

The teenage is a clich�
You hate the girls as a child
Then you love the girls when you grow older
Then you cry
And finally you�re trapped
For several years one must endure it
But some, in just the latter two years
Condensed pain and sorrow
To the point of death wish
Waiting for the first girl � first kiss
The latter was, or is, my way
The caverns of agony run deep
Deep inside my head
I wish I could cry
To gain release
If I could cry I could just
Let the pain drain out
But my eyes are so dry
That they just fall out
And this is me
This is trapped and feeling alone
This is heartaches and torment
Self-hatred, sorrow and unspent tears
The teenage stands before us all

**I wrote this when I had not slept for 37 hours. At this stage I was beginning to lose my focus in my vision, my head was swirling and I was slowly beginning to hallucinate. When your mind is most susceptible so it seems, the pain flows out. The day before I was on cloud nine, then I fell. This is, of course, the up and down ride of the teenage to adult years**
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