29th May 2002

Wish To Be Happy

I slit my throat
And watch the blood just flow
Down onto the floor
Bathing my feet
Seeping under the door

All I want is a room so cold
Where I can lie
And grow so numb
Let my hands wither and
My skin turn so old

Let me fall to the ground
And scrape my face
As I make a muffled sound
Wailing to be set sailing
Left to drift on stormy seas

My eyes bleed when I cry
And my tongue shrivels
Everytime I sigh
And I am left emotionless
Forced not to feel, becoming careless

I'd wish to God
If I believed in him
Some say it's a sin
But it's how I see
And want to be
Without hope -

When will it die?
Bleed onto the floor like me
Go away to give me life
Jettison me as unwanted cargo
Because I don't want to be here
Living in fear

Must Come Down

Soaring above the trees
In land of dreams
In land of rights
Never a wrong in sight
And all going my way

It's only moments though
Before I come crashing down
Re-entering reality
Letting jagged leaves strip my skin
And the nails through my eyes collapse into me

With force of avalanche
I collide with my fears
My dreams and my failures
All lined up on crosses in front
For me to spray with fire
Before I am sent away
So I torch it all
All I do is destroy

And without further notice
I am hoisted off my feet
To be thrown down
Beside my grave dug out
Dripping with my loathing
Of all I've done wrong

I fall in line and fall down
Strapped in for the ride
As the soil comes down
Choking me slowly, tearing me up
As my weeping eyes
Become muddied lakes
And as my writhing hands
Stay tied up and raw

Then I am left half buried
Half-dead, half-finished
Having only half-lived
And now I die - but just a little
For I am to be tortured still

Rising Dawn

The dawn rises over an eerie place
After a night of giving chase
The mindless wonders amble on
All senses dulled or gone

There are fewer people now
How they came, nobody knows
The plague is coming, everyday there are more
Leaving trails of unseen, uncut gore

Escaping, fleeing the scene
To somewhere else you've never seen
Attempted shelter is a joy
But the plague is outside, curious as a boy

Material wealth and much excess
If it falls it will leave much mess
Will we survive? Nobody knows
The plague comes and civilisation goes

Mystical gleaming of perfume off glass
Fur coats, money by the bundle and food, all en mass
Free for all, but obsessed by selfishness
People own, without purchase, it's meaningless

Raiders and looters eye up the prize
The following is of no surprise
Shattered dreams of nirvana now lost
For all this, what is the cost?

Lives gone, the light dulls
The loss of human life, un-natural culls
A splattered mess left intact
Hopes and dreams for escape compact

Minimal fuel, no chance of life anymore
Will they get to shore?
To flee, head somewhere else to survive
Leaving the new slaughter of the hive

Dying Is Better

I am crying so hard now
Because you're not here
And I'm not with you - wherever you are
The pain is endless
So I screw up in a ball in my bed
Rock back and forth clinging to myself
Just to feel some physical contact
Some connection with someone
That someone - the special one

Without her I feel pain
Around her I feel pain
I caused her pain
And all because I said how I felt
The whole truth and nothing but
I feel like I destroyed her
Violated her by forcing
Forcing my feelings on her
Especially when I still knew
That they'd remain unreciprocated

And now I choke
On self-loathing for this selfish act
I can keep it locked away mostly
At least when occupied
But then when it comes
My rage at myself
My tears and sorrow
Clenching of body - all knows no bounds

All creating more pain
Fit for my ending punishment
Helping enduring pain survive
To keep killing me

I keep this feeling alive
It cannot be ignored
I've tried
I've tried not to feel
But I'm still weeping, shaking
In fear of it, myself, everything
Why did it all have to happen?

Welcome To Adulthood

Another year passed by
Having slipped through your fingers
Childhood candles all blown out
The smell no longer lingers
Even school's speeding - now "further" approaches -
- Leaving behind "high"

The teenage now over, gone
At least technically
I'm now an adult in the system
Am I still the little child who shone?
Now choking mechanically
Under stresses and strains
- The mayhem - -

What will come to follow?
When will it be over?
The final curtain call
But there's more to life - otherwise I'd be hollow
Will I find the one?
So present pain will be memory distant

I guess I'll just have to wait and see
Come what may
And all other phrases similar
I hope the world will let me be
Let me make my dreams come true
My future be bright and rosy

None of this is guaranteed though
My way it may not go
Although it had better do
Or someone will pay
I'm having life my way
Make my life mine
And that way I'll stay

**5:27pm GMT, May 30th 2002. I turned 18 - it's scary - where did everything go? But what is coming? Life is scary - I'm scared - but it's the only way I guess - happy birthday to me.**


Although I only discovered love
Just in the past two years
To me it's all I've known
To love somebody so much
You'd gladly take a thousand bullets for them

But I also know the pain
Now for a second time round
When things go wrong
So badly messed up

Two loves
Two failures
Zero experience of anything past
Past saying those three words
Never kissed
Or held similarly affectionately
Not even hands - I feel cut off
An emotional cripple of sorts


It's been an experience
Hardening, sobering
Making you want to weep, fall down, bleed
But also feel high around the girl

Whether feelings felt were for one
Or at a time - two
The rollercoaster never got easier
Just harder
More turns, loops, screaming fear
And when I fell off second time round
The pain is greater

I hope I find the one and only soon
Although there's only one at the moment
That I see like that
But it's not mirrored

If I don't find the one soon - I'll die
I can't take falling, the pain
Much more - too much - too much


Wondering about house closing in
I'm disconnected - bit of a loner
I'm suffocating within these walls
My chest tightening, hands clenched

Hovering over sink so bloody
My tears filling it to the brim
My face so stricken with familiar sanguine
I quiver as my cries go unfelt

Although a couple have heard
They've never experienced it in person
This pain I trudge through

I don't understand it
I have everything I could ever need
But I'm not happy so often
Pain and suffering are my familiar feelings

I'm drifting away

What caused this agony?
Was it my love for her?
I cannot get over it
Was it my own inadequacies?
I force myself not to feel
Was it my claustrophobic actions?
I live within my own world

Still standing at the sink
A fractured reflected assures
How bad I feel
As shards ooze from my knuckles
I fold, bend, shake and whimper
Before erupting into unstoppable tears
My horror hits me
And with small steely aid

I hit back one last time

**I wish it'd end**

Can You Take It All Away?

Bleeding - falling to the hard wood floor
Alone - cowering beside the locked door
Dying - nothing left for me
Idle - sitting unwanted is how I am to be
LOVE - the disease I have avoided
Agony - the suffering I have gained
Pain - the product of my punches I pull on myself
SUFFERING - why won't it end?
Rotten - my hands curl up and fall off
Crippled - my eyes dry up - I can never cry again
Crawling - across the floor as I splutter and cough
Bruised - battered by love
RAW - left irritated and needing placebo
Flaking - my skin peels away
STRETCHED - the flesh tears and rips apart
Stressed - the shakes won't go away
Sorry - I feel pity for myself
Strung out - I don't know how much longer I can go on
Pity - something I dwell in
Selfish - how I feel when I pity myself
Ridicule - I feel it everywhere for my strange ways
ZERO - how I have felt for many days
Contagious - I am a disease
Self-affliction - I've brought it on by my methods
LOST - I can't find the way out
Seeking - the key to set me free
THE ONE - the other thing I seek for
Bitten - I wish I'd die from the wound
Rabid - I'm not that lucky - I spread it instead
Nothing - there's nothing left
Screaming - alone and in the dark
FEAR - like swimming next to hungry shark
Hate - I hate this
Wrong - how I deal with this
Empty - how I feel of frequent nights
Crying - how I yearn to be to gain release
Despised - my paranoia takes over
Followed - the feeling continues
COLD - out in the open and lying on driftwood
HOLLOW - my eyes collapse
Breezed by - left to be a mere moment in time
Left behind - can't catch up
Torn up - left to decay
Pulled - mangled up and thrown away
Soured - by two years of love-induced suffering
Scratched - I wish I'd rip off my skin and start afresh
Stoned - beaten down to the dry blood-caked floor
Despair - how much longer will it ensue?
CONDEMNED - sent walking through the closing door
Lonely - wishing to be with someone special
NEVER - will it happen - or so it seems to me
Inexperience - how to interact with girls - I'm a complete rookie
Gone - with the wind, blown away forever
Weeping - into my shaking and heavy hands
Tear - drips down my face
Shaking - when I'm around her
HORROR - when I see how I caused her pain
F****d - I'm too far gone to be saved
Terror - why did it happen?
DARK - if I hide away it'll never happen again
Fired - out of a cannon and sent sailing
Melting - as I re-enter reality
Comprehend - I can't do it anymore - nothing makes sense
Screwed up - and cast aside
Destroyed - obliterated and fried
Crumbling - like ancient statue of warning
Slipping - off the slope
Fa�ade - slips as I fall
FALLING - my teeth rattle as I call
Smeared - across the papers as dead loner
Blurred - my reality obscured by hypotheses
Misunderstood - by all except maybe two
Struggling - to find that brightly-lit hall
Searching for words - to describe enough to make it clear
NO! - You'll never understand, never hear
Sure? - Yes, I am
Honesty - I can't speak the truth in person
WAITING - to be able to
Schizophrenic - I feel like one, it's my explanation
Tastes of blood - I sap the life from my peeled flesh
Ripped apart - destroyed is my hurried mesh
Broken - never to be fixed
Child - I am far away in never land on my own
DOWN - deep down I bury everything
Deeper - just a little deeper, to keep it locked away
Scathed - it seeps back to the surface
Hanging - by rope burning my snapped neck
TORTURED - as I am left to be fed upon by waiting crows
Yearning - to be lifted aloft
Freedom - to that place so soft
Outside - it fades away, I am
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