February 8th 2002

Social Fuck Up

Sitting alone amongst your worn records
And dog eared magazines
The articles read many times before
You're a social fuck up and nothing more

Chewing on day old toast
And sipping stale coffee
The flies buzz around your rotting flesh
Double-edged suicide is your only way out of your social fuck up

Heavy sugared cereal
Dry and crisp, rattles into the dusty bowl you hold
Gripping in your withered oak hands
Skeletal renaissance is all that remains - you fucked up

Many weeks ago you could have moved
But being a fuck up you couldn't
Lying alone and watching people pass by behind the screen
They don't talk to social fuck-ups like you

You hate yourself and you swear others comply
But how could they?
You haven't left your room for so long
You might as well be dead - you've fucked up long ago

You cannot talk to people face to face
Just on machines in shortened slang
It you met someone in life
You wouldn't know what to do

You are plainly and simply a social fuck up

They cannot lie, as there is only one truth
You fucked up bad this time
There isn't any going back
You're stranded

Locked Up

I stand here
Locked and bound up like a rabid animal
I can't escape my head
And I can't escape my love for you
You have trapped me and locked me up for life

I struggle against the restraints
That you have so tightly wrapped around my body
As I wriggle
I cut myself
And then I begin to bleed

The thick canvas of the belt around my chest digs in deeper
Puncturing my rib cage
And attacking my lungs
Your scent trickles into my breath
And I can't help but live off you

My wrists are red and raw
The blood from my veins is flowing easy now
And the white sheets are now stained
My blood seeps onto them
And soaks onto my skin

I am stained and tainted by my own blood
For you have torn, ripped and soiled me
And now all I can do is wait until you come and visit me again
To tie those straps around my body tighter
Maybe next time you'll get me to give up

Give up and cry
Cry for forgiveness
Cry for myself
Cry for freedom
For you have locked me up and I can't get free

Long Time Alive

I have been living
Living like a normal human being
But since it came to pass
I know that I have been living too long

I cannot escape my life
Suicide is painless
But it really is not
The only comfort I could seek from it would be the end

But the end would be false
It would not be real
It would not be my time
And I would be fake

Life is painful
I cannot go on and I do not want to breathe in once more
I want to cut off my heart
From the supply that flows forever encircling my squalid form

I have been glancing at those razors for some time now
But everytime I look
They always seem further away
And I look to the mirror for guidance

But all I get is the opposite
I see me in a good life and not living here
It is of no use
It only tortures me further

I leapt from my second story window one night
Hoping the fall would end my suffering
But it merely added to it
And now I can feel even more pain and less humanity

As I laid there on the putrid ground
And as I spat out my teeth
And as my blood stained my surround
I knew I would never escape this personal hell

Your Eyes

You stare at me all day
Opposite my huddled form you laugh
Underneath my blanket I can still hear you
Reading my every move you examine me and rape me of all freedom

Everyday you did this
Yet everyday I set myself up for it
Everyday you sat quietly and tormented me
So that I could never speak

Again this morning you invaded me
Ripping at my thoughts
Everyday it gets worse and I cannot fight it anymore

Kicking and screaming I lay awake at night
In retrospect I should have just ended it all
Long ago when the pain would have been slight
Long, long ago when the impact would have not been in sight
Inner fury is all I have now for you
Never will I adjust to your stare
Gripping me as if I was your puppet

Murder me now, please
Euthanasia is only a small plea

Don't Tread On Me

For so long now I have hated you
But you still retain the entourage
Who really don't care about you or anything else
They're just there and you keep clinging on

You insulted me for the last time today
So I took you down from your soapbox
Smashed it in pieces
And carved your impertinent face

As I thought you might
You wept like a little child
You're weak and pathetic
What the hell is wrong with you?

Act like a man already
Don't tread on me
For your jealousy is extreme
And is just another annoyance to seep from you

Insulting me is what you do best
As everything else is your failure
Nobody wants you
And I am the last person to bend over backwards for you

So why don't you walk away
And leave this place, this life, this earth
And find a better living underground
About six feet should do it
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