13th May

Now That She Knows

Now that I've told her
Where do I go?
At least keeping it secret left me in the know

That way what came next was just agony I knew

But now it's been said

She was flattered, somewhat lost though
She didn't know, like me, from here, what to say and where to go

So we're both lost
But do I feel better for having said it?
I don't think so - I'll just stay quiet where I sit

Maybe if I drift away it'll be forgotten

But I don't want to lose her completely
She's a great friend
Always with an ear to lend
We've got to keep talking
When I could easily be walking

I just wish I knew the answers - what to do
And how not to feel so rotten

Just Like The Others

He stood in the dark for months on end
His mind would never be on the mend

So what was troubling him so?

It was her - the perfect girl - all he wanted
The power of emotion for her left him daunted

So how did he cope with it?

He bottled it up and shivered in the cold
Not spilling it to her - had his soul been sold?

So what happened next?

He found the courage to tell his closest friends in full detail
And he shared his problems, grabbed them by the tail

Then how did it get on?

One day he said it finally in writing
"I love you"

I'm Not Like You

I'm not like you
I can't talk to your face to say something meaningful
All I can do is joke around with you - that's all I pretty much do

I'm not like you
I eat the same meal everyday
Food never excited me, unlike you

I'm not like you
I don't operate within the norm
Why are there no others who act like me too?

I'm not like you
I'm not pretty
And I can't bring my real person out in the open for people to see
You'll never see what I am and what I want to be

I'm not like you
I don't know why
I'm just not

But for one thing
For all my oddball ways, all my bizarre ways of acting
I'm proud of them

They make me who I am - me

Woodland Walk

We all go walking hand in hand
Stepping one foot in front of the other across the land
Making our way along the winding path adorned in rotting leaves
It's so scary, my chest like yours, heaves

The trees overhead are baron of life and hang remorsefully
They've been the distance already and now linger only morbidly
The soil underfoot is moist and becomes adhered
To our shoes and our souls - just as we'd feared

We�re all tarnished now
And we cannot see how
We just came here expecting wondrous yellow brick roads of gold
But now our souls have been sold

Wicked witches cackle in the distance, long forgotten
As shadowy figures barge through us, they smell so rotten
Our fingertips become wrinkled and rough
This walk is a hardening experience, it's tough

If I drop down dead before I reach the other side
Please keep going without me, don't hide
But if you fall
I'd probably break down and crawl

The birds and the animals are all dead
Their claws outstretched and pointing at my bloody head
I've ran aground and cracked my flesh
I'm now just a quivering, loose mesh

As the sun fades away to black
And the moon rises high and proud like some used Hollywood hack
I slowly drift away in your arms
And now into the ether I slip away, off to where nothing else harms

That Girl

For so long I never saw her
Then out of the blue she was there
In just a short moment
I fell in love with her, but would she car?

In every sense she is perfect
Fitting the bill exactly as I have thought
Her beauty astounds me
Her intelligence is stimulating
Her wit and humour lightens my heart
Her kindest nature is so warm

When I think about her
She is everything, and this is constantly throughout
When I told her she didn't freak out
Yet I'm making it awkward when I see her

I wish I hadn't stumbled across this
But I'm glad I did too
To feel joyous wonder
But then crushing pain simultaneously
Is something impossible
Yet it's happening to me

What Do I Do?

When you're so stressed
Your fingers swell and burst
When you're screaming out loud
Nobody hears you
Then time ticks even slower

And then you're being sucked down

When you're do depressed
You cannot breathe - needed choking ribcage cracked
When you feel so terrible
You cower and wish to break down and cry all night
Then you realise you're incapable

And you feel the agony shake up your head

When you wish she were yours
You day dream and sleep all night to her image
When you can't stop thinking of her
You're trapped inside it all
Then you just cripple, cry, dissolve, and destroy yourself

And you feel like you'd rather be dead

Do Me In

Please kill me now
To take away the suffering, the enduring agony
Just do as I say for once, I don't care how

Help me out here for the love of God

I can't go on struggling through this
Being bound, gagged and choking
I can't operate myself anymore, just hearing a dull hiss

I wish I was dead
But you don't grant me my wish

Because I keep changing my skeptical yet superstitious mind

Tear me down from the wall
And lay me down for all to gaze their eyes on me
So they may bury me reluctantly as I walk down the hall

Then I'll never feel this crushing pain again
And you all can go about living

At The Video Store

At the video store
Your face hit me like a bullet
When you came in through the door

And as you walked by
You looked at me knowing
And gave a little sigh

When I told you - you went quiet
And you said it wouldn't get weird
But it has and my pain roars like a riot

So when we reached the check out
And my hand nudged yours
We both screamed to just shout

Then you left and I was standing
Crying into my hands, I fell to the floor
Why do I always collapse on the landing?

So there I stood feeling stupid
Never held, never kissed, never coupled
Never to be friends with cupid


She's the one that I see most
Yet experience least
Her image a feast for my mind
But I'm never near her

When I'm around her
And when I'm not
I feel so great, thinking of her or seeing her
But then comes the crushing pain

I'm left to my own devices
Nobody can do anything to help me out
So I'm just stuck, losing you
I really messed it all up

When I drove home in the rain tonight
The wipers hypnotised me
And once again I was thinking of you
Even as the flashing lights blinded

I need a 'little patience'
But I don't know if it's possible
I think I'll just crawl on bloody hands
And embed gravel deep into my knees

The Fear Of It

What do you do?
When you can't get her out of your head

Do you say nothing?
Or wait forever and mess it all up?

What do you do?
When you see her when you close your eyes

Do you cry to blur her away?
Or slice eyelids off with razor?

What do you do?
When the pounding pain becomes too much

Do you grin and bear it?
Or plunge that waiting knife down?

What do you do?
When it's all over

Do you fight?
Or do you give up, because then no pain will follow?


Too tired to go on
Feeling too much sorrow
Too much pain, agony and suffering
You just want to blow yourself away

You can't focus on exam finals coming
You know it's not going to be good
And you'll regret it for so long, long, long
Your weary eyes drooped and black

You feel constricted by this power
The density of your love knows no bounds
But all it does is induce torture
And now you can't see her

Is it a good thing?
Is it bad?
It's both and that's terror summarised
Nothing is straightforward

Only A to B via Z

Dehydrated Swirling

I don't remember
What it's like to not love someone
And live untroubled

I can't see rhyme nor reason
For torture brought about by love
Is this why everyone fights?

Can you hear the shrieking?
Boa Constrictor around your head
Suffocated by fate

Failed again and crying alone
All alone, alone, alone
Untouched in my sealed box

This is my biggest yearn
To be with her
But it'll never happen, why can't I learn?

Will it end?
Simply put - NO
It will crawl until I die

Hate Filled

Falling through the ground
Getting choked by all the dirt
I've been caught speeding
Falling so fast, I've been trapped
All because I'm inept, useless and finished

When will the end be nigh?
Not tonight
This is Mardi Gras tearing out my heart
And I'm centred in their festival
Because after all, I'm just their play thing

When things go down bad
And I feel my breath short
Eyes blurred
And ribs piercing my flesh
I realise it's been induced

But by what sick person?


Leave me be
And let me rot
Leave me abandoned
In this cot

Let me stumble
And let me fall
Let me cry
Scraped across this wall

Strap me up
And strap me down
Strap me to the operating table
Making you laugh like I'm a clown

Bleed me now
And bleed me dry
Bleed me quick
And watch me fall and hear my final sigh

Dream Girl

You feel she's the one for you
Everything you'd want
Everything you'd need
And then you discover she doesn't feel for you

All you want is she alone
Hold her hand and embrace her softly
Make her feel so good when times are bad
This one request - all you've known

When things get awkward and rusty
You crumble down and hide away
Maybe if you disappear you'll be forgotten
Let your corpse become so dusty

You want this to be a fairy tale
Yet you know that's impossible
It'd just be fiction anyway
All you want is her - for you both to set sail


You can't go on
Even when you're dead
You'll still be rotting alive
And then you'll scratch your coffin lid
From inside
Your face stricken and burning
As your family weep around your plot
And slowly they'll disperse
And then you're all alone in the rain
When you stumble out
Your palms grow weak
And the sickness will spread
All throughout your body
And all that'd be left
Is this note scribbled so quickly
So leave now
Let him be alone
Let him rot away as he so wishes
And then maybe he'll be okay
But even then
It'll be all too late

**Based on the idea of "Automatic Writing" used by early 20th Century Surrealists whereby you write immediately what you think or feel, no conscious thought goes into the words as you write them out - it's all subconscious**

Automatic 2

I will live
I will die
I will become the everlasting
To suck your soul
Straight from your beastly heart
You plague
You rash of evil calculating devil sent
Feel the terror
The astounding agony I will rain on you
Then feel your eyes writhe
And I whisk you up
And smash you down
Then you will know
Just whose best
And whose going to run things now
Then you'll take me seriously
Then you'll obey me
Follow me
Step in my shadow
And breathe in MY essence
I will lead
You will follow
I will be happy soon
And you'll be under me so deep down
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