May 2nd 2002

Time's Almost Up

The term, year and career is nearly over
Our time at high school is short

I see you each day so I run for cover
I love you so much - but I'm not that sort

I'm not who you'd want that way
I don't blame you

I wish I could tell you how I felt - would it be okay?
I wish you'd love me too

Why must I mess things up like this?
Act like a shy little boy around you

I'm so quiet around girls - I've never had a kiss!
The closest was on the neck at a party, from you

That drove me wild
It wasn't much I know, but you're such a dream

Can you see past my exterior of a child?
Underneath, all is not as it may seem

I must tell you or die
Time is almost up

But instead I swallow my feelings and sigh
I could tell you, if you only asked "what's up?"

The Profound Effect

I cower
I cannot function
I'm weak around you
You make me feel great
Yet I also feel deep pain
You are so wonderful, beautiful and sweet
Your effect on me is profoundly crushing, smashing
How do you do it? How is it possible?
I could love you for the rest of my life
I feel so warm near you and happy to see you
So why can I not say a word? Will you forgive me?

The Jerk

He's a jerk
I know it
And all my friend's know it

So why can you few girls not know it?

I know why

It's because he's got two skins
He sheds one for you
The asshole skin he carries for real

Underneath he has another look

That of someone kinder and more in touch

But all he wants - to be perfectly frank - is to get inside your pants
That is his only motive
The ugly, stupid and disgusting jerk who walks among us

He talks about everyone behind their back

He suspects them all

And he's surprised why nobody likes him!
The attention seeking little shit that he is
Why do you girls even bother with him? Give him the time of day

Why do you do this? Why don't you open your eyes and see what he really is?

Why don't you come and join the real men, the real gentlemen who know chivalry is alive and well - that you aren't objects

They may be those like me, I don't want to blow my own horn, but it's true
That jerk disgusts me, how can he be so two faced and deceptive in front of you?
He's sucking you into his trap

I worry for you girls who are targeted by him

I wouldn't go as far as pitying him - I just feel sorry for those around him

He's just a jerk and that's all

Come and join us other guys and girls, all those who like you because you're all fantastic people

Not because we want to dupe you into bed
Or because we're attention seeking weirdo's
And not because we're uneven people needing others to cling to or wipe our troubles onto

We just want you as we like you
You girls under this jerk's target are nice, sweet, beautiful and smart
Why do you bother with him?

Once you find out what he's like
Then you'll realise

What we've been trying to tell you for so long

I just hope none of you get hurt, as I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for letting it happen

Please just listen to me and this plea

Epic Struggle of The Post Modern Christ

Caught in the thick of it all
Pulling on the chains
Attached to my wrists and that concrete wall
My body - suffering so many pains

I cannot speak - tongue swallowed
To hide my screams from sane ears
Now my eyes are hollowed
They will never know my fears

It always rains on my head
The blood from barbed wire crown flooding
My neck as stiff as lead
As everyone else is hugging

My face is battered and crooked
Always pelted with sticks and stones
They lied so wicked
They always break my bones

They're snapped my fingers back
Yet my furrowed brow rages on
An abusive note, pinned to my chest with a rusting thumb tack
Even at night, they never gone

Now they nail my feet outstretched
My knees broken still and tearing apart
My gut is woefully wrenched
The heart I had, pierced by a poison dart

If I could click my heels
Maybe I could go home
And see how it feels
To be safe and warm inside my dome

But I stay stuck here
Crucified all day, night, year and life
The price of happiness is so dear
Before it - comes this much strife

Run Away

Run away
And never come back
To your family and friends so dear
Run away
And never look back
To their faces so streaked with tears
Run away
And never think back
To the days when you lived so well
Run away
And never walk back
To the place you once called home
Run away
And never speak back
To those who ask you where you've been
Run away
And never utter your name
To those who might place you back where you're not wanted
Run away
And never want to go back
To that life where you were mocked and lived in fear
Run away
And never think anything of it
To regain your sanity
Run away
And never worry again


I write because I can't feel anything otherwise
I do it because I can show who I am
That I'm not really one of the guys
My thoughts and feelings come bursting from the dam

I just write and write
Pouring my everything onto the paper
The stack now such a height
But it's clear my writings are far from a cartoon caper

Instead they're dark, down and deep
Depressing they mostly are
It is how I feel - let the blood seep as I sleep
It hurts like I've been run over by a car

I hope people can understand
Why I write all of this
Perhaps give me a hand
And please don't dismiss

I am always bleeding - my wrist sighs
And I always capture it on paper
As my torch shines in my eyes
Love is a frequent theme - but this'll never make her see how I feel about her

So I just write yet more
And see if my therapy goes anywhere
This freedom of expression I adore
Or will I end up nowhere?

Are My Words Meaningless?

I'm shut down
So I'm fucked up
My head swirling under this thorny crown

Sometimes I wish I could blow out my brain
Lay effectively dead
Trickle down the drain

Washed away with vengeance
From creators spread worldwide
Who hold, over me, dominance

I'm weak and jaded
And I've lost all focus
Feeling so much through which I have waded

I can't stop feeling it all
And I don't want it
Should I be dead, robotic or just hit my head on a wall?

Then maybe I can just get the hell out
Of my horror stripping me bare from inside
Making me scream and shout

Why can't I just shrug it off?
Or be left for dead so I die
There's so much - it makes me choke and cough


I don't fit in
A dangerous loner?
Am I the one you should fear?

Or am I the one who just wants her love?

Everyone seems so plain
And I'm observing and thinking of everything
They all must be tranquilized

Flying with those whore-like fairies

I feel like the forgotten one
Or at least totally misunderstood
They all seem like grown up kids

Doing grown up things with na�ve minds

I'm their opposite
Hiding away like scared child
Yet evaluation it all so far ahead of my time

Will I ever find my island?

Pillow Room - The Enraging Pain of 9 to 5

Why the fuck am I here?
Trapped with you lot
Who all daze around and dribble
Staggering like depressed chimps
You are all sick in the head
And I'm the one called strange!
You all make zero sense
So just get the hell outta my face
Crawl into a hole already and die!
Never come back
Leave me be amidst this shit
So you can just escape like pussies
Come back!
I dare you! You heartless bunch
God damn it I am fed up!
Stressed out! Screaming, weeping!
Eyes wide open and arms flailing!
I just want to die
Or just to live in a world of the dead
So I can stand out and have my dream
Of somewhere obsessed with me alone
Not this straw grabbing hell hole
Just get me out now!
Never bring me back!
Or I'll fucking crush you!
My eyes are bursting with this pain!
I can't stand the pressure
Just help me now and quick!

And The Happy Princess Fable (Living Lividly)

Drop me out of a plane
Without a parachute
So I can die sharply
On jagged rocks to stay sane
It should all be unsafe
To gain an accident
You're to blame - why it will chafe
For all my agony
I want to leave responsibility
And be kept
But not caged
Un-responsible freedom is how I want to be swept
It's what I cry out for, yearn for

You really need to do it

Don't help
You can't do it at all
You and I are useless - we can't open the door
In an even worse surround
So for the love of God
Dump it out the bloody door
Into the sewer of our souls
Leave everything to rot and decay in pain
Take it from me and us as we dangle from our chain
To live that happy Hollywood ever after

None of us are happy enough
We never will be - it's just tough

All Day, All Night, All�

Clenched your fists so tight
That your knuckles turn white
And agonize when you let go

Writhing in your bed
Sweating amidst your bomb shelled head
Bed sheets strewn all around
Streaming and gasping for air from the ground

Cursing the heavens, the beginning
Pounding your fists against your body, feeling is sinning
In vain attempt to dislodge it

Trying to cry
To gain release and sigh
But you're so tense you can't squeeze one drop!

You feel like cutting yourself or ending it all
Just so you don't have to stick around this stall
To see what horrible pain follows that current

You want to sink your head
Down into the mud
And inhale the murky waters that flow in circles

You're so nervous, anxious and afraid
That your stomach cramps up, your tether frayed
Brow trickles, muscles contorted like crazy
You can't even speak - everything's so hazy

You feel as if gripping onto a mountain
As avalanche ensues
Ice picks piercing your eyes
Fingernails being torn off
And your blood staining the snow

Your head aches
Your eyes and mind, being unfocussed obscures what makes

Your aims are shot
You're nothing but a dot

Too tired out
Despite enough sleep
But all of which is useless and hollow, never deep

Hoping to swing from the gallows
You want to give up
Fall down
Never get up
Weep like a baby
Get carted off to a padded cell
And just cry, cry and cry

You clench your eyes shut
So tight you go blind for moments
Your teeth grind and tut
So hard they almost shatter

But instead they just ache
Adding to all the pain established, for God's sake

This is it and this is what I feel
This, is the power of love
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