24th - 29th April 2002

Battered Slice

She sits alone in fear

The noise of him thundering
Clattering items gathered
Throughout the years

His shouts are common and predicted
His eyes red in anger

His fists worn down already

She plans it all out
And gathers her composure

Before she takes her chance

Achy Breaky

Nobody told me
What to think when it walked in
Nobody said to me
What to do instead of act like tin

The sensation is as if drunk
The world whirling by
And you don't know what to do when sunk
All you can do is ponder and sigh

She is wonderful to put it plain
All others around her fade to black
And she is spotlighted aboard the speeding train
She still is unaware of the tear in the track

I will eventually let it slip out
And she will finally know
Knocking her down with such a clout
Especially when she'll say no

Nobody told me
What to say when it happened
Nobody saw me
When I slouched so flattened

Feeling Like This

I fell
As if I am a dot in her world
I feel constricted
And I want to get free from when I was hurled

I am not good enough for her
She is simply far beyond
My head wobbles about
I feel bloated and ugly

I am weakened around her orbit
And I cannot talk at all
All I feel like doing is to cry
But I just can't find the energy

I don't want these feelings
It's simpler without them
They are inflicted at the wrong time always
And nothing works out

How do any get paired?
And what happens to those left aside?
Forever to roam for servings for one
It's a sad world after all

In my bed in darkness I can hide
But vulnerably placed in the open
I sulk, self-pity and vomit at this horrid show
All I want to do is just go

Hanging On

Please forgive me
For being in awe of you so
I don't want to make you feel sad
When you reject me as I know you will do

But can I tell you anyway?
This I think is impossible
Except chickening out online
And typing my feelings

But I feel this is the only way
How depraved is that?
I hate not feeling confident
And always falling just short

I see you as perfect
No matter what you say about yourself
Why can't I tell you all of how I feel?
This just eats me up

To think of you is to feel happiness and pain
All together in some bastard broth
Gut wrenching pain and fear confront me often
All I want is for you to know

But I am too weak to say
I'd need some medium to do so
How pathetic I feel is monstrous
Just leave me out to dry

I Want To Poke Out My Eyes

Lying face down all on my own
Writing out my pain

It all feels like such a mess
Going over it again and again

I'm playing myself at chess
A game I don't know how to play

On and on, all I want to do is say
How much I love you

All that you do
I see you as so perfect, intricate and with grace

But I keep throwing into my eyes so much mace
And the blurring obscures you from me

I just get things all wrong you see
So this is the only time I can say such things

But wait and see what it brings
Nothing is what

Just pain and my suffering as if shot
I wish you could see this - what I have shown

Not Again?

I've done it again
I've gone and fucked it all up
I've gone and caused you pain

I tired to say something
And now I'm regretting it
Why could I not say nothing?

I am sure you are hurting
And I kick myself for even speaking
I feel like some psycho lurking

All I can manage is to screw it all up
Throw away everything one dreams of
And just sleep until the call

Why must I operate like no other?
Unique? No, awkward is what I am
Someone to me, please smother

Until I fade away into obscurity
And be forgotten so you may not longer feel bad
That is the only security

Why Did I Do It?

What have I done?
Why did I write all that?

I've gone and damaged everything
Please return to sender

Why did I do it?
Am I selfish for doing so?

My words have no doubt caused harm
I am the wreaking ball

Why did I not stop myself
What am I going to do?

I wish to God I'd said nothing now
And instead left it all unsaid

The Out Of Control Teenager

I'm such a stupid boy
I said how I felt
Yet I don't know if she knows
And I spent the day avoiding her eyes

I can't make sense of anything
I feel so dumb
Like a vegetable walking without purpose
I'm feeling like I'm drunk and floating in space

I feel so wasted
I'm so fucking stupid
I can't go on
And I'm plotting my suicide

I'm only here because of others
I don't care about myself
This is all too much
It's a crushing pressure on this fragile teenage mind

I'm so God damned useless
I can't remember anything
Can't say to her face
How much I love her

So what do I do?
When I sink inside me
Drowning slowly
Until I suffer no longer

I am so negative
So cruel and jaded
I sit alone
And listen to trusting music

Caught up inside my lies
My stupid wishes
All of which I can't obtain
I've even got errand runners searching

So why do I live?
So screwed over and choking
Why do I scream?
All night, all day

This can't go on
Surely not
So when will it end?
Make it now - for the love of God

Help me through this
This time I'm dying
Through my strange ways and feelings
I hate myself and all I stand for

The only one I love
Doesn't know
Thanks to modern technologies
And I'm such a God damned wuss

My head aches long
And I want to die
Suck all the sand
And dry my eyes

I don't want to be here
I don't want to stay like this
I just want to stop
And never breathe again

So help me now
Help me finish it
Stop this pain
This twisted torture

I dwell all day
And my sleep is wasted
It all sucks
And I don't know why

Please stop them
These demons
Who kick my head in
And laugh at me so slow and mean

If I died tomorrow
This is my final message
A full stop in my life
And a nail in that wooden box

Help me please!

Turning The Worst Corner

I've got invisible men
Biting the backs of my heel
And it tickles behind my eyes
God only knows why I feel

My fingernails are greasy and cracked
Hammers clattering down over and over
The blood spattering out
Making me so sober

My hair is removed one strand at a time
Until my head and body is cold
I flinch when looking in the mirror
My skin is wrinkled - I look so old

I've got my brain onto boil
And the temperature's rising
Surface blisters exploding painfully
The steam through my flesh is sighing

My feet itch
And remain unscratched
So much pain
That still hasn't hatched

I'm being deconstructed layer by layer
And I go blind so slowly
Where will I go from here?
Some place holy?

Wherever I may roam
I spread my illness and seed
Searching so hard and long
Just to be freed


You'll never understand
How I feel from day to day
And how I continue to tick
Why I feel so sick
Why I'm no more than okay
Why I just want your hand

I'm sick of insecurity
How my mind acts strange and weird
And how I stagger my words
My rants come in herds
And my eyes are always teared
And I seem to sink into obscurity

I want to be able to say, "I love you"
To the one I do
In person - face to face
But I lack the courage in the chase
Someone likes you, but as she thinks - "who?"
I wish she could see, maybe feel this, too

One day everything will work
And I'll no longer walk in pain
Or sleep wastefully
But the slog lasts strainfully
And my power will often wain
But I hope to pull my eyes from the murk

Then everything will be fine
And I'll be happy
And with the soul mate of my dreams
It's not as easy as it seems
I'll try and avoid being sappy
But everything will slot together given time
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