11th and 12th April 2002


Your home is where you wish to be
Warm and comfortable you see
Your home is where family is
Not some cheesy Hollywood biz

Your home is your childhood
Days passed by that were so good
Your home is fond memories
In depth without summaries

Your home is somewhere to come back to
Giving you a purpose, something to do
Your home is your life
So forget all your strife

Go back now and live it up
Everyday is Saturday
The world is just a storm in a cup
Go home and left come what may

To Scream

To scream is to bear witness
To the eternal struggle of life

To scream is to cry out
For some help we all need

To scream is to whisper subtlety
You just want to be explicit

To scream is to set free
All that inside you that niggles

To scream is to roar like a lion
Growling against your competitors

To scream is to let go of hang-ups
All that quiet public vision

To scream is to not care
About anyone or anything less important than you

To scream is to indulge yourself
Something we all need to do

To scream is to signal your terror
To signal sorrow, anger and then joy


Your covers are glossy
Reflecting things that surround
Instead of absorbing

Your spine is thin yet strong
Surgical precision rolls up and down
Posture too good for commoners

Your figure is ridiculous
You are all Polaroid pixie sticks
Without the innocent sugar high

Your eyes are like muddied lakes
Any addict would swim in them
Just to make a score

Your fingernails are synthetic
Just like your face, thighs and ass
Those breasts belong as chicken coat cellophane

You are the genuine fake
The lady of lax
Another one of all you Hollywood hacks


Johnny and friends join together
Anarchic stunts they endure heartily
Crashing from skit to skit goes Bam Margera
Knoxville started a phenomenon so smartly
All teenagers bow in awe forever
Such sights entertain to the max so hardy
So much joy from so much pain self-induced enough to sever

**Dedicated to the Jackass team. Thanks for a thousand laughs and a thousand more to come!**

Itch Unscratched

I've got red lights in my eyes
They burn so hot for such a small size
I've got sirens in my ears
They ring so loud and echo a thousand tears
I've got blood drops on my hand
They roll around before drying to sand

Somehow I see the inner everyone
And I don't like what I see - what they have done
Somehow I see the screams
And they give me headaches and dreams
Somehow I see why I don't fit in
And so I sit alone - where to begin?

All I want is closure
On this twisted life of torture
All I want is warmth and safety
On this cold rock I ponder lately
All I want is to sleep like the dead
On and on all night - dreams so sweet in my head


The wound is deep and raw
Flinching sharply at the sight of such gore
It itches so much
And bleeds as I scratch as such
How long will it last? I don't know

I received this 'gift' in darkness
My fate sealed with as much harshness
It's dressed and clean
But stringy and lean
How long will I toss and turn?

This is my final innings
I must share and spread my winnings
As I cough, splutter and choke
My blood runs cold and quick to soak
How long will I walk afterward?


How To

To ride myself of thoughts unwanted
What should I do?
Should I hammer nails through my skull?
Let them escape and live life so dull?

To achieve a goal
What should I do?
Wear studded shoes and pickaxe my way up?
Produce my own storm in a cup?

To gain the one I want
What should I do?
Dress up flash, trim down and be confident?
Living a lying life in front of her?

To make sense of it all
What should I do?
Bottle things up and send to sea?
Never to express again

Or should I see where the wind blows me?


I meet up with all my friends
We laugh
But I turn vegetative in front of her

I walk around the streets
As if I am concrete
But the staring eyes I dream of scare

I work hard and block out normal impulse
I get the grades I want or very near at least
But I'm missing out on teenage life

I write these things and feel it flood off my chest
It's a good practice
But will they like it and care to share thoughts?

I am me after all
And that is, as they say, that
But overshadow haunts behind, somewhere

Buried In A Room Under The Soil

I'm glued to the walls
As the room shakes me around
Bouncing me like so many rubber balls
To an eerie, whining sound

My face is laced in plastic
And I blow air bubbles in and out
The pull of the material forever tantric
As I struggle, I scream and shout

My arms are stripped and raw
Lined all over with nine-inch-nails
The most gruesome sight I ever saw
The euphoric morphine - my head sails

The nails on my toes are painted
Leg hair burned away
Leaving a smell, the air is tainted
Why am I here - why don't they say?

My eyes are stapled open
The red veins and tender flesh on show
To escape, I need one token
And then can I go?
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