April 10th 2002

A New Book

A new book
A new start
A new outlook?
A new beginning?

What will become of this book?

How will it all turn out?

A ledger for scribbles
A place for my mind
A home for my feelings
A medium of expression

Where will I go from here?

And how will I get on then?

A time to spread out new
A new set of writings, wondering thoughts
A cracked pathway on which I step
A place to rest my head


It's strange
How days so weird linger
And days so great fly by

It's strange
How babies always cry
Yet this is the simplest time to be

It's strange
How you appreciate things
But only when they're gone

It's strange
How black symbolises bad
Yet darkness is warm and forgetful

It's strange
How white is clean and good
Yet blinds so many

It's strange
How this world keeps ticking around
Despite all that's wrong

Cold, Tied Up and Dying

This is hard
Hard to breathe
Breathe in while gagged
Gagged and bound up tight
Tight enough to make you sweat
Sweat blood through your wrists
Wrists so sore and weary
Weary like your eyes
Eyes so droopy and glazed
Glazed over like frozen pond of childhood
Childhood passed by and gone
Gone like your will
Will to struggle
Struggle on against this foe
For who is overwhelming you
You who are captive
Captive in this dripping cellar
Cellar so cold and unforgiving
Unforgiving in all it stands
Stands as if invincible
Invincible to taunts
Taunts abound indirected
Indirected and hitting you
You so bound and gagged
Gagged and unable to breathe
Breathe slowly to calm yourself down
Down goes the blood you held, into the drain
Drain you long and deep
Deep is the hole you fall into
Into forever nothing

Times of Pre-18

Let me think
Of times so nice
Warm as the summer sun of May
When I would join my friends
Play pool, drive around
Sit by the riverside and laugh

Let me think
Of when there's a party
We drink, we laugh, we cry
But the music keeps pumping
And so do our hearts

Let me think
Why they're dear to me
In deep conversation we reside
Aiding each other's repairs

Let me think
Of how I feel
When we're torn apart

Let me think
Will we still know each other later?

Let me enjoy this time so short left

*6,5,4,3,2,1 - the months ticking down to when friends and I will split for University or lives beyond High School and the Sixth Form this September 2002.*

John Calvin

I'm not sure why I'm writing this, but�

John Calvin was a man
A man of reform in Germany's surround
In 16th Century times passed

So anti-Catholic in stance
He endured Protestant rollercoaster
Spreading his word from Genevan base

Lutheran based beliefs
He developed the teaching
And spread his Institutes of Christian Religion far and wide

This Calvinism as it became known
Caused war of civilities and strife
Yet it was an alternative

We still study him today
In depth like over the centuries passed
He's a complex man indeed

If he hadn't lived of course
I wouldn't need to study for him again
And pass that damned exam!

*Oh well, here's second time lucky charms for me! Wish me luck for June 2002!!*
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