April 9th 2002

Carpe Diem

What have you done today?
Did you say you were okay?

Have you said what you appreciate?
All of those you say are great

Did you remember to say please?
And say thank you with ease

Will you remember all your helpers?
Bold well wishes, not mutters

Did you say to the girl, who sends you insane,
I love you again and again?

Will she ever know?
How you feel and where you want to go

You did all of the above except
The final said task and concept

Just those three words is all to say still
The seeming mountain to climb, but really just a hill

Watching From The Cradle

What is your greatest fear?

Is it falling from afar?
Out of control and feeling your mouth ajar

Is it monsters in your closet?
Growling and scratching your mindset

Is it dying without finishing?
All those things menacing

Is it crawly things?
That what hardly sings

Is it the outside world that screams?
All those shattered dreams

Or is it just figuring out how to survive another day - without casting a tear?
Acting Like Columbo Doesn't Help

Initially it works out
Then things come crashing down

Internally you feel different
Surface seems fine though

And then you meet her
Laugh with her wit
Wonder at her beauty
Awe fills you when looking at her
Yawning - a lonely past time of frequency
Still, you've got the friendship with her

All else aside unbeknownst to said wondrous girl

Many may know minus her
Yet you don't pluck the courage
Shortly you want to and should do
Thinking gets going and it's a hell of a thing
Each possibility resides
Reversing your dreams it seems
Yawn some more - maybe you'll relax?

Long, Stupid and Written When Needing Lots of Sleep

Burning it into your brain
Rhythmic and meandering sounds swirl
In and around your skull
May I have a crack at the question?

For the love of God
Under the heavenly stars
Lying like this makes my back hurt in bed
Like broken glass in my eyes

On and off goes my torch that flickers
Flowing nicely is my pen

All these words mean no great message
So many flow and spill out
Here on this page
Arranged as such

Many cracked the code
All of them not me
Kettles whistling don't help
Each word here is simple
Slurred ramblings of sleeplessness

Now I sound as if on crack
Or at least heavily drunk

So much trash is flowing strong
Everyone gathers around no meaning
New words evade my expression
See how many see this as bizarre
Every word's got an "E" it seems to me

Too many words start with "E's" here
Oh well - luck of the draw

Might all this hide a message?
Elongate your mind with thinking

All things but drinking too much
Till next time

Adieu is what I will say
Let me see if I can regain sanity soon
Let me make some sense soon


I talked a little about it
And got some advice
Of which I will take
But I'm still all twisted inside

I don't know what to do
Easy to do what I do not want
Hardest of all to do what I wish
Caught 22 times in this mangle

I'm coming off scary and obsessed
Unintentional is all it is - hopelessly devoted
In the light of this God-like figure
I stand in awe and bumble my actions

Why oh why must this trouble me so
It burns my head with so much thought
I'm feeling twice as troubled and perplexed
Compared to last time so recent

Sort this out for me
As I am clearly incapable
Of fixing my head and situation
Maybe you can relieve this choking pressure


Help me
For the love of my sanity
Fine me the lion's courage
But I need no wizard key

I need to be able to act
Function right and form my words well
So I might express it all inside
Then maybe I can focus on other matters

Maybe I won't change if I find courage
Maybe I'll drown it in neuroses
Allen-like panics
Are all too common to me

But there's no comedy here
No amount of laughter roaring
Could make me feel at ease
Instead I'd turn it on myself somehow

This is just a jumbled clump
Damn it's tough to be this age
17 is not the age to be
I fell sick

Meandering Yearn

I want to exorcise my mind
Expel all dreams unattainable
Cast aside my feelings
Become a hermit maybe

I like the darkness
As it swallows whole
Never fussing over its food
It's somewhere that I can go with ease

Accepted into its fold and mystery
It's scary yeah, but not so much
My unattainables give me more fear
As this is burning all brides slowly

When will it end?
A nice, relaxing lobotomy would do
Although it's not ideal
At least I'd be shot of all this anyway

Oh well
I must meander along this winding path
Maybe I'll come across something
Some day, that'll make sense

Book Number Two

This is the end of journal two
Is this sane to you?
In such short time
This has spilled out as slime

I have written many things
In this and prior book sings
And I am about to progress onwards
To a third of many to come forwards

Watch this space
These words are my long-living testimony I chase
To myself, my life and all around me
When will you finish it and just be?

I'm sure I won't
I'll continue to sit and write much more while you don't
A thousand books will come and go
Like sand in my hourglass timer so slow

Days, weeks, months and years will float by
And my hand will grow weak and sigh
I'll be left-handed by my death no doubt
All this and more to come - you'll see and shout
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