3rd and 6th April 2002

Perfect You

I don't get to talk to you much
But I really wish I could
And be free and open
And let you see the real me

Who is the real me?
That is me in my head
The one you do not know
Or have not seen

I show glimpses online
In text is fine with me
But I lack that face to face know how
So I am doomed to stay here

Forever trapped inside my head
My awful form
My ravaged features
Always asking why

Why could I not tell you?
Tell you what I want to
Even online
Possibly as a truth giving, joked fa�ade

I have pondered saying it to you
Those three little words
Hardest of them all when joined
But when preparing, I fall

Even if it was under said 'joke'
I still couldn't do it
Just so I could see a reaction
And turn back time with a joke in case

In case you said pleasant declines
That would year me up
Leave me for dead
I can't say these words

I can only say them in these written words
This scrappy and implicit journal
This journal I live with
It's therapy - or is it a delay?

Those simple words bind me
I want to say them to you
Perfect you
I love you

When It Came

Without reason it struck
And now causes concern
The bullets I tried to duck
Trying to figure out - when will I learn?

Why must I be trapped so?
Be condemned as such
I just want to up sticks and go
Is that asking too much?

I don't know what to do
Except write and obsess
Do you feel the same way too?
This matter I hope to redress

Chewed up wounds pull apart
Around my lung cavity
The symptoms of a broken heart
Stuck in such naivity

I wish I could express vocally
But I can't and I regret
And I act so moronically
Please, for my sanity, don't forget

Don't forget me and these words

Why It Is You

You are so sweet
Beautiful in every sense
Smart and witty all day and night
You are inside my head so much

So much I have grown accustomed
To your presence mentally
Now I just wait for physical being
But this won't happen

Your distinct face keeps my eyes warm
At night I dream subconscious
Of you so tenderly
So as cotton buds are your fingers

I am madly fallen
For you are my dreams
I want to be with you no matter how short
And savour your scent

Your eyes are the colour of other worldly skies
Interstellar personality flows strong
From you so perfect
Please don't change - please

Your hair mesmerises me
When the wind plays with it
So soft and thick and yet so light
Carefree - like you seem to me

I wish it could be
But I have no confidence
And other forces keep me
I wish they weren't there

How did you get so amazing?
And how does it stick so strong?
You appreciate what you have and are
I wish I could do that

You are a dream
Inside a person living
Could this be possible?
How could so much good reside in one?

I am in awe of you
I so wish I could say this to your face
This seems like a cop out
But it's the only way I can do it

For that I am sorry
I should do better by you
But this keeps you in the dark longer
Am I trying to save you any embarrassment?

I don't know
But I am mad, crazy and insane over you
And I wish I could say it to your face
This seems to useless

Why must I torture myself so much?
Maybe enough will bring reward?
I hope so, but I doubt it
Why must I be doomed?

Doomed to not achieve you
Be with you and breathe you
Why must I only write of you?
This drives me too far gone

Please save me
I am struggling on just this side
I need reciprocation
But that like you, is a dream

I could write about you forever
And it seems I am
Quivering as I scribble away
Oh for success I wish

As torchlight flickers
To imitate candles
I imitate confidence
But my silence is too strong

I am not confident enough
But I have drive
Love - I have for you
I want to give you

But I don't want to hurt you
The kind and considerate you are
As if I said something
You'd die if you rejected me

And I'd die mutually
For both losing and causing pain
Rifts and so forth would result
I guess I should just stay quiet about what you mean to me

The Quiet Night Stalkers

They crawl around in the darkness
Heaving chests with deep breaths
Eyes moving quick to scan surround

Quietly they creep around
Under their veils of black cloth
Inventing new methods of demise
Everytime a precision ballet
Time after time after time

Never growing tired - they're unrelenting
Inside their heads is horror and writhing
Gliding free and controlling
Horror is their drive
Towards the next kill always

Stay locked away - maybe you'll live
Torture awaits otherwise
Although luck is rare near them
Live your last breaths to the full
Killing is in their blood
Each one a notch on their frail belts
Revenge is what they seek
So don't get in their paths - or die

Dead Flies In The Asylum

The horror of my screams
Only adds to the mayhem
Within these white wash walls
Arranged sleep and movements
Rehearsed, rehashed, reused
Dead flies collect on my window

They stare me out till they die
Heat burns them dry
Every one a bullet in my coffin

Lights buzz on still
Inserting a droning in my head
Growling on throughout chained goodnight
Hearing other's screams in the orchestra
Tomorrow I'll join in - nothing else to do

Yawning is something to do
Or collecting remnants of past thoughts
Unorganised into a crippled and hobbling play

Go and seek the light
Otherwise you'll be here for a while


I sleep with a small torch on
Lighting the area till I'm gone

It slowly gets colder
As I get a little older

A little dumber each morning
Memories escape when I'm yawning

Creaking cartilage resides in my fingers
And the ache just lingers

Hollow eyes drown my pupils
Sleep a little longer with two pills

Until my eyes grow weary
Tired of my lids so teary

How long this will be
Who knows - let's just see

Maybe one day I can run
Forever in the mid-May sun
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