This apocalyptic horror cult classic is the sequel to Night of the Living
Dead. Four people attempt to escape the zombie infestation which is quickly
taking over the world and consequently end up at a mall. They rid the mall
of zombies and take up residence, furnishing an apartment for themselves,
eating in restaurants, shopping and taking full advantage of the mall's
benefits. In the end they are faced by intruders and feel the need to defend
"their" place. There is an eerie, unsettling feel to the movie due to the
focus of the film being not so much on the zombies but the parallels of them
being "us", taking a satirical look at con-sumerism and the capitalist
society and humanity's breakdown under crisis. This movie blends great
special FX and stunts and meshes well as both a dark comedy and a gruesomely
straitlaced horror film. Definately one of the best horror films ever made.

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Dawn of the Dead goes way beyond cult classic.
It shows how in times of pressure ...that the world will fall apart.
Four people try to escape the horror that is now reality by taking off in a
chopper and taking refuge in a shopping mall.
After endless battles with zombies they secure the mall...but at what cost?
After living it up for months, their safety is now in jeopardy because of a
band of looters who take control of the mall and claim it their own. But so
do the zombies that wait outside the mall for a way in.
this movie was way ahead of its time. And it remains that way.
Dawn of the dead is truly amazing, realistic, and horrifying all at once.
Truly the greatest movie ever made.

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