Chapter 64

Nick woke up from his nap with hazed vision. He and Gwen had fallen asleep hours ago, she must have awoken before him because she wasn’t there when he woke up. He knew that it had been hard for her to sleep because she was so pregnant, 8 and 1/2 months at this point. Sometimes, he wondered how she did it, her stomach was huge and obviously uncomfortable. She looked like she was about to explode. They were barely two weeks away from her due date and he had been having nightmares about childbirth. The delivery itself and then he even had one dream where he couldn’t get her to the hospital on time so she had to deliver at home. For some reason, he knew it was coming, when was the question. Upon hearing something downstairs, Nick decided to get his lazy ass out of bed and see what she was doing.

He walked into the kitchen and saw Gwen over the sink, obviously cutting something. Looking at her from behind, you could hardly tell she was pregnant at all. Quietly, he walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist, almost expecting the bulge not to be there from the rear view. When he wrapped his arms around her, she responded in a very relaxed manner, as if she could feel his presence. She snuggled into his bare chest and said, “There’s my boy.”

“Here I am,” Nick whispered as he ran his fingers over her stomach. “Whatcha cookin?”

“Fried green tomatoes, I had a craving. I also want some french onion dip and doritos.”

“That is kinda gross...” Nick thought out loud, “baby, you know if you would have wanted something I would have made it or went and got it for you.”

“I know, but you were sleeping and I couldn‘t sleep, I know it can’t be fun to sleep with a 500lb woman who rolls around all night.”

“There’s no where else I would rather sleep, or nobody else I would rather be with,” he replied honestly.

Gwen felt his fingertips rubbing gently over her tummy. “That feels nice,” she replied as she put a raw tomato in her mouth.

Nick smiled, “Still hungry?”

“Mmm Hmm,” she sighed as she pulled out of his embrace, “go sit down so I can cook.”

“I’ll make it for you - you sit down and let me -”

“NO!!! Go sit down at that table so I can do this,” he began nibbling on her neck. “Quit distracting me...GO!!!” she said as she pushed him away.

“FINE!” he stated, feigning hurt. He sat there for a while, pretending to pout but after a while he realized it wasn’t getting him anywhere. Then, he just started watching her. She was standing in front of the stove that was in the middle of the kitchen on the island. He was watching her from behind, noting her curves beneath the white button up shirt she wore. Nick didn’t understand why he found the smallest things she did to be so sexy. It was like the world was in slow motion as he watched her raise a dorito doused in french onion dip into her mouth. He watched her lips close around it, her tongue slip out of her mouth to lick the little bit of dip that was on her lip. Then, his eyes moved to hand, holding a spatula while the other went to lift a plate. She began scooping the fried green tomatoes out of the pan and onto the plate. Making little noise, she began dabbing them off with a paper towel. “Baby?”

Nick snapped out of his trance, “Yeah honey.”

“Could you grab me the ranch and some of that Cheese Whiz stuff out of the fridge?”

Sort of disgusted because he knew she was gonna put that that Cheese Whiz on the tomatoes, he laughed inwardly and went and retrieved the items she had requested. “Don’t get me wrong, I love you being pregnant with my baby and all, but I can’t wait until you stop eating all of this weird stuff. It kinda grosses me out.”

“Its normal, but I know that it will be weird for me when I don’t want stuff like this anymore,“ she said as she popped a cheesy tomato into her mouth, “Now that I am eating this, it doesn’t even taste good.“

“Are you ok?“

“Just tired...“

“Only two weeks to go, I can’t wait...“ he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around her once again and nibbled on her neck.

“Me either, I am sick of this being pregnant business. We can’t do anything like normal people anymore,” Gwen said thoughtfully. “We can’t even make love like normal people.”

“Sure we can, and we haven’t stopped yet have we?”

“Baby, I know it isn’t fun for you having to think of new positions and things to do because my belly is in the way.”

“Hey, that makes it fun...and you have been helping me think, its been a learning experience for us.”

“And I also know that it has always been your fantasy to have sex with the Fat Albert,” she sighed, “I don’t know how you do it...”

“Because your beautiful and I love you...and you have my baby inside of you. It is such a turn on to me, I wish you would see that.”

She smiled and looked at him, “I knew there was a reason I loved you...”

“Just one?”

“Maybe a million, but that is a big one...” she said as she checked the burner, then turned to kiss him. She ran her fingers down his arms and moved his hands to the front of her shirt. Getting the hint, he began to slowly unbutton it. After taking care of the buttons, he opened her shirt, exposing not only her swollen stomach, but her breasts as well. He gently ran his fingers over them as a clear liquid starting to barely come out in response to the light squeeze.

Whispering, he asked, “what’s this stuff called again?”

“Colostrums,” she replied as she felt his lips begin to kiss circles around her nipples. “Its the vitamins and stuff that the baby has to get before the milk comes in.”

He took one of them into his mouth and pulled back with a weird look on his face, “That stuff doesn’t taste very good.”

She laughed as he continued his assault, disregarding the taste and moving still lower. His tongue was making circles on her belly button while she felt his hand began to work between her legs. Gwen watches as his head moved lower, until she could no longer see it, that was the only thing that she didn’t like was that she could no longer see what he did in her extremely pregnant state, she couldn’t see his eyes or his head for that matter. And, for some reason, oral sex had been the main thing she was into these days, partially because sex required such an effort and partially because of her overly sensitive privates. She gripped the countertop as his tongue licked her clit and the edges of her slit while his fingers worked her. At this point, Nick knew she was fighting for control, he felt it coming. “Come on,” he said as he stood up and took her hand.

Gwen felt the lost and began to whine because he stopped, “Shhh...lets go upstairs, I want you to be able to relax and lay down. You said you were tired, let me do all the work.”

He led her up the stairs and into their bedroom, carefully helping lower her body onto the bed. Nick bent over and picked up the body pillow that had become a life saver for not only sex, but sleeping as well. Gwen could tell by looking at him that he was trying to decide how exactly to go about this as he removed his boxers. It had been this way everytime they had made love in the past 2 months. “Do you want me to be on top?”

“I told you I would do all of the work...only if that is the most comfortable for you Gwenny, and you know you don’t have to do this...I am fine, I can wait if you don’t feel like it or if you are tired.”

“No, baby, I want to, and you can still help me, I can‘t move a whole lot,” he replied as she extended her arms to him, “you are just gonna have to help me up, I will be on top and we can see where it goes from there.”

Nick helped his wife get into a kneeling position, then laid himself down underneath her, sliding his body between her thighs. Her hands traveled over his chest as she held herself steady while positioning herself over him. She reached down and felt that he was ready, “I can’t believe I can still make you hard when I am this big.”

“Believe it,” he said as his eyes rolled back in his head when he felt her velvety walls surround him. She began moving, ever so slightly, Nick reached over and put a pillow underneath her stomach to soften the contact that her stomach would inevitably have with his. He felt her movements pick up as he watch her. It was unexplainable what it felt like to watch someone so pregnant with your child be on top of you making love to you, it excited him to no end. He began matching her thrusts, as started going faster his hips were rising off of the bed while his hands held her from the behind in place as he thrust up into her. Both of them were mumbling sweet nothings and I love yous. Suddenly, Gwen let out a pained near scream and Nick was suddenly covered with a mass of liquid that basically had pushed his penis out of her body. He jumped, not knowing what is going on. The fear was visible in his eyes.

Her own fear matching his, Gwen answered the question that she knew he was asking himself, “Nicky, my water just broke.”

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