Chapter 61

Nick and Gwen sat on the couch looking into eachother’s eyes dreamily as they heard their parents come in. It took Jane Carter’s easily acknowledged voice to snap them out of reality. “Hey lovebirds.”

They both looked up at their parents and Nick then looked over at Gwen to see tears of happiness forming in their eyes. For one, it was a small miracle that these people were able to get along with eachother. Harrison Latham was a very complicated man, where Bob Carter was pretty simple. Caroline Latham was a social servant (for lack of a better word) that volunteered and led coalitions, where Jane Carter was a stage mom. However, both sets of parents loved their children deeply and remained very involved in their lives. And, both sets of parents had instilled the importance of family into the children that were now before them. The same tears began to enter his blue eyes.

“OH GOD, what’s wrong?” Caroline Latham asked.

“There’s noth---...” Gwen tried to interject.

“This is too much? You hate this because you were already married and this was too much flash. Harrison, I knew I shouldn’t have let you talk me into this, now that are upset, they hate me, hate all of us for making them do this.”

“Are you finished?” Nick asked.

They all looked at them with an expression like “HUH” on their faces. Gwen took up where he left off, “Mom, no no, we loved today, it was beautiful. We are just so happy that you were all here to see this. Today is very special to us, we promise.”

“You do?” Caroline asked.

“Of course they do,” Jane began, “you did a amazing job today.”

“Thanks Jane,” Caroline stated sincerely. The men just kinda gave eachother a what the hell look until Bob looked over at the children and realized that they had been asked in here for a reason.

“So, kids, what did you need to tell us?” He asked quizzically.

Nick looked at Gwen and she turned and nodded him on, “You tell them...”

“Oh my god,” Harrison Latham said as his hand flew to his mouth to cover it, he ran to Gwen and hugged her, then Nick. He knew. “This is wonderful.”

Caroline Latham was shocked by her husbands reaction. She or the others did not know what was going on, “what is wonderful?”

“Gwenny, she’s, they are gonna...” he stammered.

“Daddy, we want to tell, Nick, go ahead,” Gwen said interupting her father’s rant.

“Well, Mom, Dad, Caroline, you see...Gwenny and I....Gwen’s,” Nick started but for some reason telling somebody else made it real, not that it wasn’t but they had kept it to themselves for so long, it wasn‘t just going to be their secret anymore. Gwen looked at Nick like he was riding on the short bus and didn’t understand what had gotten into him. She decided to pick up the ball and run with it.

Simply, softly and intentionally, she said, “I’m pregnant.”

The mothers cried, the fathers were on the verge of tears. Nick and Gwen were in heaven. Happiness poured through the room as hugs and well wishes were exchanged between the grandparents. There was no fear, they were no longer afraid. They knew that this was right and they also knew that this would finally happen for them. Jane looked at Gwen thru her own tears knowingly, the mouthed the words, ‘I told you’.

Gwen smiled and got up to hug her mother-in-law. “Thank you Jane, for everything.”


The DJ’s voice came over the loud speaker, “OK OK, I know you guys have been waiting for this, so have after many delays...I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Nick Carter.”

The crowd errupted as Nick and Gwen appeared in the middle of the dance floor. The train of her gown was now pinned up to her lower back and she removed the vale, now simply wearing the small tiara. The couple held hands as they made their way to the middle of the dance floor. The DJ’s voice filled the room once again, “Its about time, I don’t even wanna know what ya’ll were doing back there.” The crowd laughed as the bars of a song special to both of them came over the speakers.

I saw you dancing out the ocean
Running fast along the sand
A spirit born of earth and water
Fire flying from your hands

In the instant that you love someone
In the second that the hammer hits
Reality runs up your spine
And the pieces finally fit

And all I ever needed was the one
Like freedom fields where wild horses run
When stars collide like you and I
No shadows block the sun
You're all I've ever needed
Baby you're the one

There are caravans we follow
Drunken nights in dark hotels
When chances breathe between the silence
Where sex and love no longer gel

For each man in his time is Cain
Until he walks along the beach
And sees his future in the water
A long lost heart within his reach

And all I ever needed was the one
Like freedom fields where wild horses run
When stars collide like you and I
No shadows block the sun
You're all I've ever needed
Baby you're the one

**ELTON JOHN “The One”**

Lyrics by Bernie Taupin

Music by Elton John

Taken from:


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