Chapter 59

The women in the wedding party were up by 8 and the hair stylists and make up artists arrived at Latham Landing at 9. After having people poking and prodding at her for over two hours, Gwen, the bridal party and her family along with Nick‘s mother and sisters, with the exception of Max, were ready to go to the cathedral. The limos picked them up and they were off, Gwen riding with her mother and father and various members of the wedding party in the limos that followed.

Gwen was unusually calm, while Caroline Latham was on the verge of a nervous breakdown from all of the planning and preparation. Harrison Latham sat stoically as ever, looking down at his hands. The silence was unbearable. When Gwen could no longer take it, she spoke up, “So, are you guys ready to get this over with?”

“God yes,” Caroline sighed, “this has been so stressful.”

Harrison Latham still said nothing. “Daddy, are you ok?”

He looked up at his daughter, who was wearing a white satin robe, and began to tear up. When the crying finally took full control over his body, he looked down and leaned forward, holding his head in his hands. Gwen moved across the limo and sat next to her father, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m sorry Gwendolyn, I just feel like I am losing my little girl.”

This confession from her father broke Gwen’s heart. He never called her Gwendolyn, it was always Gwenny. She knew he was feeling very emotional, which for a hard business man like Harrison Latham was a thing that didn’t happen often. “Daddy, you will never lose me. I am already married to Nick, you know that...”

“I know,” he said as he sat up and wiped the tears from his cheeks with the back of his hands, “but I didn’t have to ‘give you away’ like I do today. I don’t know if I am ready for this.”

“Harry, don’t stress our baby out...this is a good thing, and if I recall, you are the one that pushed for this. You wanted a big church wedding for “your Gwenny” and that is what I have been going crazy over trying to make happen. The time is here and you can’t turn back. You know that Gwen and Nick are in love. You know that even though everything has happened, you have grown to love Nick. You know that they will be happy, just like we have been for the past 35 years,” Caroline Latham stated as she took her husband’s hand and patted their their daughter’s arm that was wrapped tightly around her upset father.

“I know,” her father sighed, “and I do want happiness for you. And, I also know that Nick makes you happy. It is just hard for me because I have been the man in your life for so long, even when Collin was around. I know that I no longer fill that role, I am not the only man in your life anymore. “

“No, Daddy, you aren’t the ‘only man’ in my life, but you are the only Daddy I have ever had. You have watched me grow up, you have always guided me and looked out for what is best for me. Why do you think that I love Nick so much? Because he is so like you, so understanding and loving. I love him because of you, and Mom, you guys taught me how to love others. We wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for that. You two have done so much for me, have always been there for me when I needed you. I can only hope that I will be able to do the same for you one day.”

“You already have Gwenny, you already have....I love you and you will always be my baby girl,” Harrison Latham said as he wrapped his large arms around his daughter and kissed her forehead lightly. Tears of sadness then changed to happiness.


After arriving at the church, Nick was nervous. Ok, so nervous wasn’t the word, he was petrified. Who would think that someone who had performed in front of thousands of people would be this nervous getting married in front of 500. He had arrived at the church about an hour before. Just moments ago, his mother had popped her head in to inform him that Gwen was here. He was scared. He kept trying to ease his own mind by saying to himself that they were already married, that this was a formality as he had told Gwen so many times. Now, when the moment of truth arrived, he was a basket case. He needed her to tell him it would be ok. He needed her to wrap her arms around him. He needed her to calm his fears. He just needed her period.

This dire need is what prompted him to find her. He busted through the millions of people, all beckoning him to stop to get to her, he needed to see her. As he approached the doors of her dressing room. He ran into something, or someone. He looked up to find his father in law. Sitting by the door. Laughing to himself, he said outloud, “I knew you would pull this Carter.”

Nick looked at him, obviously defeated and spoke softly, “How did you know that?”

“Well son,” Harrison Latham said as he put his arm around his son-in-law’s neck and began walking them back towards the groom’s quarters, “I know I couldn’t do it, I know this because I did this same thing the day Caroline and I got married. I was a mess, I just felt this sudden urge to go to her, like I couldn’t breathe unless I saw her and she told me it was going to be alright.”

“Really?” Nick said as they walked into the empty room and both sat down on the sofas that were facing eachother.

“Uh huh, and what you have to know about the Latham women is that they are calm, its us that are the mess. Max about had a breakdown, god knows I did. And, I had another one in the limo on the way over today. But, the girls calmed me down. The weird thing is that in everyday life, we, as in me and you, are strong and calm. But when it comes to matters of the heart, I know I am a basket case.”

“I know, me too,” Nick looked down. “I never thought I could feel so much love or pain because of a woman. Because of your daughter, I have experienced the greatest joy and hurt. She does things to me, I don’t know what or how, but she has changed me. And honestly, I like who I am because of that.”

“You really love her don’t you Nick?” Harrison Latham asked, feeling something wash over him that he never had for the younger man as Nick nodded in response, respect and total appreciation.

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