Chapter 51

“Pookie? What the hell?” Nick asked himself outloud.

“Pookie huh?” came a voice from the doorway, there stood Nick’s distinguished father-in-law. “You must have been talking to Gwenny.”

“Uh huh, have a seat sir,” Nick said as he pointed to one of the chairs in front of his desk, “my lovely wife has decided to take on my closet, and I think she is winning.”

“Let me guess, she is throwing away all of your favorite things?” Harrison Latham stated with laughter in his voice.

“Yeah...wait a sec, how did you know? Is there something about Gwen I should know?”

“No son, it is just that she is a woman...this is just the beginning.”

“What do you mean?” Nick asked suspiciously.

“Well, Carrie did the same to me when we got married, she still gets a wild hair up her ass every now and then and does it. It is just what women do.”

“I really wish she didn’t...why, of all the things in the world she could be doing right now does she chose to go off on my closet.”

“Son, I don’t understand why, I just know they do it. Gwen has always gotten on tears like this thru her whole life. Doesn’t your mamma do this stuff?”

“No...that is why I don’t get it. Maybe it is just the Latham women.”

“No, because my friends and Max has even been thru it. I think that this is what to expect from Southern women. God help you son, the wrath of the Southern woman.”

Laughing, Nick replied, “Thanks for warning me.”

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, “So what do you say Nick, want to go grab some dinner.”

Taken about by his request because it was no secret that Gwen’s father was not overly nice to him, Nick replied, “I’d like that Mr. Latham.”

“You can call me Harry.”

Chapter 52

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