Chapter 50

Planning the wedding had come a major ordeal. Not only was the press involved in this one, but also many celebrities. Security was becoming a major issue and Gwen was starting to wonder why she had made this promise to her parents. Nick had been helping as much as he could, but with all of the transition going on at Jive, he had been out of town a lot lately. Between trips to Dallas and New York, neither of them had seen much of each other in the past 3 weeks. The couple was under pressure from all directions and it was starting to take its toll on both of them.

After returning from Dallas for a gown fitting, Gwen returned to an empty house. She just wanted to fall into Nick’s arms and forget about everything that was going on for a few days, but he had been called to New York at the last minute for a board meeting at Jive.

Finding herself alone in their house, Gwen decided to do a little spring cleaning. She had been going thru the closets and the attic, getting rid of miscellaneous clothes. She also took the opportunity to toss some of Nick’s clothes that she hated. In the midst of her psychotic cleaning spree, she was working on Nick’s closet, the phone rang. “Hello?”

“Hey doll,” Nick stated, exhaustion apparent in his voice.

“Hey,” Gwen replied, “how are you?”

“Tired as hell, the guys are really getting into this and they want to change EVERYTHING.”

“Oh really,” she replied, sounding overly cheerful, “well, you are the one that wanted to hire them, guess you asked for this.”

“I know, but it is like they are single-handedly trying to take down the recording industry as we know it. There is so much going on and there are so many things that are so much more important...”

“I hear ya, like organization?”

“What are you talking about and why are you so cheerful, shouldn’t you be sad, miserable from missing your adoring husband?” Nick asked teasingly.

“Actually, I am just taking the opportunity of you being gone to clean up a bit around here,” she said as she pulled a stack of his t-shirts with sleeves cut out of the shelf on the closet, “I am in your closet as we speak.”

“Your what? Gwen, why are you doing that?”

“Well, there are some things that I think it is time to get rid of...”

“Like what?” he asked, fear apparent in his voice.

“Like those ugly t-shirts that you have cut the sleeves off of,” Gwen replied sweetly as she threw them into a box marked ’trash’, “you are going to be so suprised when you get home baby.”

“What? I love those t-shirts...why are you doing this?”

“I hate them, I also tossed that ugly brown jacket and some of those stupid taboggen hats that you wear.”

“STOP!!! Don’t do anymore...let me at least be there when you decide to throw away my stuff.”

Looking at a beat up baseball cap thoughtfully before putting it in the trash she replied, “Trust me, I don’t think you will miss anything. Anyways, isn’t this what wives are supposed to do?”

“How do you know? And what brought on this sudden need for organization?”

“I don’t know, its just with the wedding and everything...we are getting married in 4 weeks.”

“Baby, we are already married...and I don’t think that throwing away my stuff is a good way to prepare for it.”

Changing the subject, Gwen said, “When will you be home?”

“Tomorrow afternoon...wait a second, you are changing the subject,” frustration obvious in his voice.

“I know,” she said nonchalantly, “I miss you.”

Being the sucker that he is, Nick took the bait, “I miss you too Gwenny...I love you.”

“I love you too...I will see you tomorrow...I have to finish up in here.”

“No, don’t, you really don’t have to finish...please honey,” Nick begged.

Interrupting, Gwen said, “OK...gotta go, lots to do...I love you pookie, BYE!”

Chapter 51

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