Chapter 41

Nick sat on the corner of Gwen's bed, watching her sleep.  They had just returned from the D&C and it was very emotional for both of them.  As Nick stood up to walk out into the sitting area his cell phone rang, "Hello."

"Hey buddy."

"Shit Bri, sorry I forgot to check in with you guys but I have had a lot going on."

"How is Gwen?  Is she going to be OK?"

"She's sleeping, we just got back from the doctor about an hour ago.  She had to go in for a follow up, so they could clean everything out of her body."

"Oh man, is she going to be OK?  Are you doing alright?"

"It's hard man, I don't know if either of us are going to be the same after this.  She cried thru the whole thing, saying that she didn't want them to take what was left of our baby away from her.  It was so hard to watch.  All I could do was sit there and hold her hand and tell her it would be alright, and tell her I loved her.  I tried to be strong but I broke down."

"There will be other babies for you guys, you can always try again."

"I don't know if she wants that, she had the doctor give her that birth control shot...I didn't want that, I am ready for us to try again, but I can't fight her on it right now.  She is way too upset.  I want to make her pregnant again."

"Nick, she is probably just scared, think about what she just went thru, you only caught part of it, it is her body."

"I know, but I just feel like the only way I can make it right is to give her another baby...I feel like I need to do that for me to Bri..."

"When the time is right you guys will make one, but for now, just be there for her.  By the way, when are you coming back?"

"I am taking Gwen away for a while, we leave tomorrow morning...I probably not coming back."

"How Nick?   You know they have us tied down with that contract."

"That will be changing in the next few days...let's just say that Jive is about to have a new owner."

"Who?" Brian asked, the curiousity about to kill him.

"Harrison Latham."

"You mean Gwen's dad..."

"Yeah, when I first got here he sat me down and asked me if I really wanted to marry Gwen and if I really loved her, then he told me that he had been working on getting control of the board at Jive, he is about to gain control."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, and he is giving it to me as a wedding gift, that is if Gwen still wants to marry me."

"What do you mean if she still wants to marry you?  You  know she loves you..."

"I know she loves me but she is different Bri, she is scared to death that it isn't for real.  We talked to her dad about everything the other night, he told her and she is a little more confident that she was when I first told her about it but she still won't set a date for our wedding.  She agreed to go away with me and she said we would talk about it while we were gone.  So basically, our getaway has some pretty big stakes.  I have to show her that we belong together and make her see that she wants to marry me."

"I know you can do it Nick, just be honest with her, show her how you feel every minute.  Don't give her a chance to think about life without you.  Where are you taking her?"

"St. Thomas...we have never been to the islands together and I rented a house on a private island there.  Basically, my plan is to play house...we are going to talk thru everything and I am  going to make love to her mind and body every minute," Nick started to choke up a bit, "She has to say yes Brian, I can't imagine going on without her...I want to marry her, I don't know what I will do if I can't convince her."

"You have to be strong, remember that she loves  you...she has just been thru something traumatic and she needs you, show her that you will be there for her, she will marry you."

"I hope so..."

"I know so, you better get back to her...I will keep things hushed with the fellas untill Mr. Latham makes his annoucement."

"Thanks bro, thanks for always being there for me."

"Don't mention it...go grab your girl and never let go."

Chapter 42
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