Chapter 37

**One Month Later**

"Alright Miss Latham, let's take a look at your baby."

"Nick, are you there?" Gwen asked as she spoke aloud.

"Yeah doll, I am hear...Dr. McGrath what are you doing right now," Nick said as his voice filled the air via speakerphone.  He had been able to make it to her first doctor's appointment but was now on the road and having to conference in to others.  Caroline Latham was taking pictures with a quick cam so she could email them to Nick.  This is how they decided they would be able to keep him involved.

"Well, Mr. Carter, I am taking the first picture of your baby inside of Gwendolyn...we are doing a sonogram and I can see the heartbeat...listen," Dr. McGrath ordered as he turned on the speakers.

The sound of the child's heartbeat filled the room and Gwen started to cry.  Nick spoke up with tears in his voice, "Gwenny, listen, it's our baby - can you believe it."

The doctor's visit went well, everything checked out fine and they had a healthy baby. 

**Two Weeks Later**

"MOMMY!" Gwen yelled at two o'clock in the morning, her mother ran to her and found her sitting on the toilet in her bathroom with tears in her eyes. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" Caroline Latham said as she rushed to her daughter's side, noticing blood on her hands.  Ever since Gwen had been home her mother had been in the guest suite of her living quarters with her to ease her mind about being away from Nick.

"Mommy....I don't...I'm not...I shouldn't be bleeding...the baby..." Gwen said thru sobs.

"Baby, get up for a minute and let me see." Caroline said as she gently lifted her daughter to reveal quarter sized clots of blood in the toilet below her.

"It hurts Mommy, my stomach just started cramping and I -" Gwen said hysterically.

"Precious, we have to go to the Emergency Room, can you do that for Momm?"  Caroline Latham asked.  She had learned through the years that when he daughter is hysterical the only way to get her to listen is to baby talk her.

On the way to the hospital, Mrs. Latham tried to call Nick, receiving no answer.  She left a voice mail on his cell phone and a message with the management.  He was performing in Europe, Germany to be exact. 


"Great show guys!" Nick said with excitement as he walked into the dressing room to retrieve his things so he could head back to the hotel to call Gwen to check on her.  As he was walking down the corridor, we was stopped by Donna.

"Nick, Gwen is in the hospital."

"WHAT?  Is she ok?  Is the baby OK?" Nick asked, worry apparent in his voice.

"I don't know, all Mrs. Latham said is that they were on the way to Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas and that Gwen had started bleeding and clotting.  She said you could reach her on her cell phone."

"Oh god," Nick said as tears sprung to his eyes.  He ran out the back exit while frantically dialing her on his cell phone.  Her voice mail picked up and he left a frantic message, "Caroline, this is Nick...I need to know what is going on, I have to know that Gwen is OK.  I will get there as soon as I can."

As he hung up and entered the limo that was to take him to his hotel his voice mail indicator went off.  He hit the mailbox button and entered his security code.  The message from Caroline Latham said, "Nick, its Caroline Latham.  I think Gwenny has had a miscarriage.  We are on our way to Presby in Dallas.  She needs you Nick...please get in touch with us as soon as you can." 

As Caroline spoke, Nick could hear Gwen's muffled cries in the background.  He got to his hotel and called his parents immediately and they were on their way to Dallas.  He tried to book a flight to Dallas from Munich but they had all been cancelled due to increment weather.  He felt helpless because he couldn't get to Gwen and be there for her.  He stayed up all night trying to find a way to the States with no sucess.

Chapter 38

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