Chapter Two

As we pulled up to the VIP Entrance it was utter chaos.  Teenage girls everywhere, screaming and crying.  Collin was waiting at the door, he spotted us and sent a security guard out to retrieve us at the car to make sure that we got in safely. 

"Cakes, you made it!" He ran up to me and hugged me so hard that I was barely about to breathe.  I noticed Cree run straight past us into the arms of a tall, dark haired man with mysterious eyes.  I looked up and pushed Collin away, making my way towards my neice.

"Cree, don't run off from me like that."

"But Auntie Gwen, this is a Backstreet Boy!"

"A Backstreet Boy huh, which Backstreet Boy," I asked teasingly.

"Kevin, Kevin Richardson, it is nice to meet you.  You must be Gwen, Collin has been talking about you two all day."

"Really, well, I know that this little sweetie is very excited to meet you."

"Yes, I was.  Now, where are the other boys?" Cree asked.

Collin walked up, "Man, they start young."

"Tell me about it, scary huh?" Kevin said as he turned to Cree, "So, Cree, how would you like to meet the rest of the guys?"

"LETS GO!" Cree began to drag Kevin down the corridor.  He was just laughing.  I followed behind with Collin until he was called away, he promised to catch up with us later.

As I walked into the dressing room behind Kevin and Cree, I felt a stare.  I looked around and noticed four boys, or should I say young men, sitting around talking.  The talking stopped as we entered the room.  Kevin sensed that the moment was ackward so he spoke up, "Hey guys, this is Cree, Collin's fiance's neice that he told us about earlier, and this is his fiance, Gwen."

Cree was in action, she immediately started running around the room, charming as ever, introducing herself to all of the guys.  Although the mood lightened, I couldn't shake the intense stare coming from the blonde guy sitting in the corner of the room.  Collin came in behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck lightly.  The blonde looked away and Collin said, "Nick, you sure are quiet, especially for you."

As Cree assumed the position in Nick's lap he replied, "It has been along week."

I smiled when Nick said that and he blushed and looked away. We all began talking about the tour and my job.  I told them I was originally from Dallas but I had just moved out to San Francisco to take a job with the GAP.  They seemed pretty impressed.  Cree talked about school, her friends, MiMi and Pops (my parents) and her new Puppy, Pax.  It was obvious that they were all taken in by her and the Latham wit. 

An older woman walked into the room and told the guys that they had five minutes.  We said our good-byes as Cree and I headed out to our seats in the front row.  Collin walked onto the stage to hype up the crowd, "ARE YOU GUYS READY TO SEE SOME BOYS???"

The crowd went wild, I laughed outloud.  I felt a strange stare.  I looked up and noticed Nick staring intently at me from the side of the stage.  Collin was still onstage talking and Cree was jumping up and down on her chair.  I zoned them both out.  I was in a trance with Nick's stare.  All of a sudden, the the crowd began to scream and Nick was yanked away.  They errupted on stage, they had so much energy.  Cree was singing along.  Kevin even pulled her up onto the stage at one point to introduce her.  The Backstreet Boys sang to her and smothered her seven-year-old cheeks with kisses.  She was in heaven, but very cool about it.  They lowered her back down to me as Collin joined us.  The first bars of a slow song began to play as I looked up and saw Nick walk out from the dark.  He was staring straight at me, or so it seemed.  I turned my attention to Collin, who had bent down to kiss me. 

The concert ended and Collin and I carried Cree to the car.  We decided to meet back at the hotel.


"Wow guys, that was great!" Collin said as he walked in.  "Thanks for being so good to Cree."

"No problem man, she is adorable," Brian said, all of the guys agreed.

Howie asked, "Was Gwen that cute when she was young?"

"They are idenical, Cree has good genes - you see what she is going to look like at 24" Collin said as he walked out. 

"Lucky girl," Nick stated under his breath.

Brian heard his comment and went to him.  "Nick, do you have a crush on Gwen, Collin's fiance and an older woman?"

"Did you see her Bri, she is gorgeous.  I though I was about to fall over when she walked in, that face, those eyes, that body, not to mention her smile that could make any guys heart melt," Nick elaborated.

"She is definately hot, Collin is a lucky man," Brian replied.

"Lucky doesn't even begin to describe it."

Chapter 3
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