Chapter 16

Collin and Gwen sat on the swings at the park.  He was restless and she was staring at the ground.

Collin spoke up, "What is going on with you Gwen?"

"I can't marry you," she said softly.

"What?" he asked, shocked at her words.

She handed him her engagement ring, "I have beat myself up over this for the last few months trying to find the right way to tell you"
ever since I realized I was in love with Nick she thought to herself "I don't think there is a right way.  Collin, I care about you, you have been a big part of my life for a long time - I love you, but just not the way I should if we were to actually get married."

He just sat there, tears building up in his eyes, "Gwen, I am not stupid, I have known that, but how can you throw away all these years.  I thought you wanted to try and make it work."

"I thought it was enough, I really did...then the more I thought about it, I realized that we could never be truely happy together.  You would be miserable, knowing that I don't feel for you what you do for me and I would always feel guilty because I can never give you the love that you deserve."

"So that's it."

"No, that isn't are very important to me and I want us to do this on good terms, I would like for us to be friends.  I realize that it may not be possible now but eventually I hope we can be.  I want to take care of everything while I am here this weekend.  We need to tell our parents and officially cancel the wedding."

"OK, lets get this overwith," Collin said as he stood and reached for Gwen and pulled her up.

They hugged, both in tears for different reasons and left to face their families together.


"Auntie Gwen, do you have to go?" Cree asked as they stood at the terminal.

"Yes sweetie, I need to get back home." Gwen replied as she looked at the pint sized version of herself.

"MiMi, tell Gwen not to go and that she needs to marry Collin," Cree said as she ran to her Grandmother.

"Now Cree, you know that can't happen, go over there with Pops and I will be there in a minute."  Caroline Latham said as she turned to her daughter, "Gwenny, you made the right decision."

"I hope so Mommy, I am just so exhausted.  This weekend has been so draining."

"I know honey, go tell Daddy goodbye."

Harrison Latham approached his daughter with open arms, smothering her in his fatherly embrace, "Oh Daddy, I hope you aren't too mad at me."

"Princess, why would I be mad.  I could care less whether you get married or not, I kind of like the idea of keeping you as my little girl anyway."

"Thanks Daddy," Gwen said as they called her flight, "I better go.  I will call you guys when I get in."

After passing another round of hugs to her parents and her niece, she turned and boarded the plane, feeling a sense of relief that she had taken the first step in resolving her problems.

Chapter 17
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