Chapter 13

The rest of the weekend was great.  Nick and Gwen spent every moment together.  She took him to all of her favorite places around the city and cooked her famous Southern dishes for him.  On Sunday morning they woke up at 9am, he made her breakfast in bed and then they showered, together, both wanting to be with eachother as much as they could in these final moments.  Nick got his things together as Gwen got ready to take him to the airport.  She wore a pair of overalls, a small white t-shirt w/ a black hoodie jacket, and a pair of running shoes.  Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail and the wasn't wearing any make-up.  Nick thought that she looked so cute this way, she was naturally beautiful and she didn't need all of the make-up.  He was wearing a pair of cargo jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt with anamae on the front and some running shoes.  He had a baseball cap on backwards.

They decided to do their last kissing at her apartment because of media and fans.  They approached the terminal side by side, looking like an all-American couple.  As they prepared to board the plane, each of the guys hugged her and told her it was good to see her again.  When it was finally Nick's turn, he pulled her close, hugging her tightly.  He whispered into her ear, "I want to kiss you so badly."

"I know, but we agreed...remember?"

"Yeah...I just want you to know that I had the best time in my life with you this weekend.  I don't want to stress you out but please think about it and whether or not I am what you want."

She stood there holding him and said, "I know you are what I want."

"Thats good to know.  You will hear from me soon."

"Ok...I love you," she gave him a soft peck on the cheek and he turned and walked to the gate.  He was gone.

*****ON THE PLANE*****

Nick assumed his seat in first class next to Brian.  As they began talking, Denise stood up and interupted, "Guys, we have been asked a favor my a close friend of the band.  I wanted to OK it with you guys before I agreed because it will cut into your break this summer."

"What is it?" Howie asked.

"Well," Denise continued, "You have been asked to sing at Collin Fox's wedding on July 10th."

All of the guys turned to look at Nick, who was floored by the request.  He just sat there, realizing now what he had done this weekend.  Kevin spoke up and saved the day,"Actually, I will be in Europe with my brother at that time."

Nick let out a sigh of relief, just glad that he didn't have to admit the real reason they couldn't do it to Denise.  He was appreciative of the fact that Kevin had covered for him. 

"Well, he will be disappointed but I will explain that you guys already have plans." Denise said suspiciously.  She knew well enough that something was up.

Chapter 14

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