Chapter 8

Surprise apparent on her face, Britt spoke after moments of silence, “Nicky..”

Reaching out to her, grabbing and holding on to her Nick said thru tears, “I’m so sorry. I tried to stay away but I couldn’t. I just...ugh...I don’t know if you - I don’t know if I can be who you need me to be, but I just missed you so much, I couldn’t not come here.”

He was sobbing loudly, Britt was crying as well, but now had switched into comforting mode, “Shhh, Nicky, its ok. I am glad you are here.”

“I’m so sorry, I just can’t lose you.”

Britt continued lightly stroking Nick’s back, she looked up to see Jordan standing in the doorway of her bedroom with a confused look on her face. Britt mouthed the words ’Nick’ to her and Jordan nodded knowingly, going back into her bedroom and shutting the door. Britt pulled away from Nick, looking into his eyes as she took his hand and led him to her bedroom. She sat him down on the edge of her bed and began removing her clothes. “ don’t-”

Cutting him off and continued, now moving on to his clothes as she stood naked in front of him, “Shhh, don’t talk, I just need to be with you right now.”

Even when the world around them was crazy, they could always find each other, and right now, the only thing Britt knew was that she wanted to make love to this man. As always, it wasn’t because of the physicality of it, it was because of love, and she did love him.

After she had finished removing her clothes she crawled up to the top of the bed, laying herself down in the center, he body positioned in a manner showing that she was waiting for him. Nick sat there for a minute, knowing that he needed this as much as she did. He turned and crawled up her body, placing light kisses along the way. Knowing that foreplay was not what they needed, when he reached her center he slid into her, before his lips even made it to hers. When their lips did touch, the kiss was electrically charged, passion flooding their bodies as the tears poured from their eyes. Gently, he thrusted into her body, his crying eyes locked with hers that mirrored his own feelings the entire time.

Neither of them knew where it began or if it ever ended, hours later. Nick drifted off, his body entwined with Britt’s sleeping form.

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