Chapter 19

Nick heard a ringing noise his head was throbbing. Without even thinking, he rolled over and grabbed his cell phone that was sitting on the night stand, groggily, he answered, “Hello.”

“Nick, its Jordan...”

Half asleep, “Well, isn’t that a suprise, you are the last person I expected to hear from.” He looked over and saw Britt’s sleeping form beside him, “what the hell do you want?”

“Something has Britt,” as Jordan spoke the words, the girl rolled over and Nick realized that the woman laying next to him was not his girlfriend.

Suddenly awaken, and shocked at the same time, he bolted up in bed, “What? I mean...what happened? Is she ok?”

“No...Nick, she’s not OK...”

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” Nick said, his voice full of concern and guilt.

“She was raped last night...” Jordan said quietly, tears in her voice.

Nick just sat there, stunned, noticing the girl beginning to stir, he turned to her and put his finger of his mouth as if to silence her.

“Nick, are you there?”

“I’m here...where is she?” Nick asked as he reached over and grabbed his boxers off the floor and began putting them on. At that moment, the girl in his bed reached to touch his back and he shrugged her off as he stood up.

“We are in a hospital downtown.”

“How did this happen? This is all your fault Jordan, she was supposed to be with me but you swooped in and made her could you do this?”

“Look Nick, don’t you worry about need to get here and be with her...Don’t you think I feel like this is my fault?” Jordan began crying.

“I will call you when I land, take care of her, you owe her that.” Nick said as he disconnected the call.

The girl sat up, “Where are you going?”

“Not that it is any of your business, but something has happened to the girl I love, and I have to go to her.” Nick said, sadness apparent in his voice.

“You have a girlfriend...”

“Yep, and you were just filling her place last night, is that what you want me to say? That I was hammered, and I don’t even remember being with you, I thought it was her...she blew me off this weekend. I wish I didn‘t remember.”

Looking down, the girl said, “So you used me?”

“Yeah,” Nick said turning to her. He sat down on the bed next to her and held his head in his hands. “There is something wrong with someone if they do the things I do to her...”

“Do you love her?”

“More than anything...I don’t know why I do this...I am not trying to make you feel bad, but god, I don’t know what this is that I am doing. It is almost like I need her so much that I just want to closeness I have with her, I miss it and her.”

“So you go find someone else to fill her place?” Rachel looked at him and touched his arm, “do you tell her?”

“No...she knows about one time when we first got together...that almost ruined us. When she is around it is all about her, but I go crazy without her. It is almost like I try to punish her for not being there. If she ever found out, she would have nothing to do with me.”








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